A Scandal In Belgravia » SCANDAL bedroom scenes » November 27, 2012 11:02 pm |
Irrelevant debate much??
Sorry, can't resist the urge to post after reading the last four pages--IMO, it's a closet due to the fact of how awkward it would be if there was a transparent door to the bathroom (which really would be a terrible design), and--although this is more of a canon thing--Sherlock would need a semi-large place to store his disguises.
Fan Art » Your Favourite Fan Mockups/Photoshops » September 30, 2012 8:26 pm |
Mattlocked wrote:
YES, I had this thought for a very short moment when watching this scene:
That's almost exactly what my friend said when I showed her ASiP
A Scandal In Belgravia » Mycroft's "I'll be mother".. » September 30, 2012 8:23 pm |
And the expressions on their faces...
TV Programmes » Doctor Who » September 30, 2012 8:18 pm |
Watched it this morning. It was amazing First time I've been scared in a Doctor Who episode since I don't know when. And...Rory and Amy...
Other » The weather » September 26, 2012 9:09 pm |
It's always amusing (and sometimes annoying) when the weather stations have such obviously wrong predictions. Hope it didn't affect your day too much!
Other » Free Rants » September 25, 2012 10:24 pm |
I'm currently lending out series 2 to my friends, and don't have it back yet, either . Oh well...I suppose I must content myself with watching ASiP again...
TV Programmes » Doctor Who » September 25, 2012 10:20 pm |
Davina wrote:
You know what the Boss said about not actually remembering the ending now, well...I also could not remember clearly how it ended either. That's clearly not a strong ending then!
I agree that Power of Three (does anyone else think the title could've been better?) should have been two episodes. I would have loved more scenes of the Doctor trying to live with Rory and Amy. It could've been so funny. But, of course, they didn't have enough time
Other » Pet Peeves - spelling and grammar » September 18, 2012 10:59 pm |
The one that annoys the most is effect vs. affect.
In the US, many people/theatres still spell theatre with the re. I remember when I was little I got theatre wrong on a spelling test because I spelled it with a re
Other » Free Rants » September 18, 2012 10:50 pm |
Speaking of phones...I left my phone in my marching band uniform pocket last Friday, and now I have to wait until Friday to get it back
Oh, and did I mention I hate marching band? I have to play alto sax for two months instead of oboe, and I seem to never have time to practice oboe these days. And I LOVE oboe
TV Programmes » Doctor Who » September 18, 2012 10:39 pm |
I loved A Town Called Mercy, even though I generally dislike westerns. I enjoyed the ethical aspects of it, and how there didn't seem to be a clean cut villain. And I may be the only person who thinks this...but I actually enjoyed how they didn't make the Doctor a complete pacifist. I thought it was a realistic way that the Doctor would hadle guns, and I always enjoy deep, complex characters.
sherlockskitty wrote:
Which reminds me-- I would LOVE to see them going back to Queen Elizabeth the first's time period-- then we could know what the dr did, to make her so angry at him.
That would be AMAZING
Other » Giggle time » September 17, 2012 11:41 pm |
The Doctor wrote:
I found myself blushing once or twice reading the original canon to the younger ones in the family.
There are a few innocent terms in the original stories that are understood quite differently today!
You should see my English class when we're reading old novels aloud sometimes...
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » September 15, 2012 9:12 pm |
R please
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » September 13, 2012 12:47 am |
R, please
Series Three Suggestions & Ideas » The Adventure of The Speckled Band » September 12, 2012 12:09 am |
I wonder how they'll modernize it....do you think they'll still use the snake going through the vents?
A Study In Pink » All the "gay" references to John » September 12, 2012 12:07 am |
saturnR wrote:
Best take on the Sherlock-John relationship I ever read about:
summary: Lestrade and Donovan make a bet regarding Sherlock and John. It doesn't take long for the majority of the Yard to get involved.
Haha loved it. Still smiling
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » September 11, 2012 11:08 pm |
Time for a vowel now. E, please
Character Analysis » D'you think Sherlock has ever had a girlfriend? » September 11, 2012 11:05 pm |
Does John have trust issues? IMO, he's always unquestioningly trusted Sherlock, even after Sherlock almost blew them up in TGG and experimented on him in HoB.
Sherlock definitely has control issues, though
A Scandal In Belgravia » "Sherlock fell for Irene" » September 9, 2012 2:16 am |
The Doctor wrote:
This is my contribution of 5 minutes of madness. Just because I can.
Russian Guy: You find madame attractive or no?
Sherlock Holmes: I find her most attractive, for a woman that is.
Russian Guy: No problem then.
Sherlock Holmes: Well there may be a slight one, you see I am not a free man.
Russian Guy: But you are bachelor?
Sherlock Holmes: A bachelor, living with anther bachelor for the last five years. Five very happy years.
Russian Guy: What is it you're trying to tell us?
Sherlock Holmes: Well... I was hoping to avoid the subject.
lol...love it
Sam wrote:
Oh, I didn't even think of that. Could be she meant it that way! Is Irene not lesbian then? Because she isn't in the canon, right?
Think we'll hear at least a mention of Irene in future episodes?
She isn't...but the canon Irene is very different from the Sherlock Irene. Also, the canon was written in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Almost no characters were homosexual then.
Maybe we'll hear of her in series 3, but I doubt it will be more than a mention. Moftiss won't want to do the same story twice, and I think Moffat just saved her to surprise us. The rest of the production team didn't even know he was going to save her, meaning they didn't have any plans for her as of series 2. I would enjoy a mention of her in series 3, though.
Series Three News » RAT. WEDDING. BOW. » September 9, 2012 1:55 am |
Davina wrote:
They have referenced it though. In The Speckled Blonde scene and mention in John's blog. Remember?
Oops, sorry, forgot which ones they did at the beginning of SiB and which ones they just mentioned in the commentary
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » September 8, 2012 5:10 pm |
And T, if there are any, please