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Series Four Suggestions & Ideas » Could S4 be the last one? » January 15, 2017 7:59 pm

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I doubt they only did it for the fans as the money is also greatly appreciated. It was probably just Moffat talk...

Series Four News » sherlock series 4 (spoilers inside) » January 15, 2017 7:58 pm

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I've loved every Sherlock Holmes series. From my first introduction via Jeremy Brett(the definitive Edwardian Holmes, to Young Sherlock Holmes and my crush on Nicholas Rowe. I'm sure there will be more Holmes pastiches in the future but I've enjoyed this one-warts and all.

Series Four News » Warning! Major spoiler leaks online! (No spoilers in this post). » January 15, 2017 3:28 pm

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I really think that rather than being the last one, the show will go on like Poirot. Not every year but whenever the stars have time. I can't see the BBC letting this go.

Series Four News » sherlock series 4 (spoilers inside) » January 14, 2017 10:34 pm

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Ivy wrote:

nakahara wrote:

Ivy wrote:

The Russians are very involved in a lot of things these days aren't they!

Demonising the whole country for the action of one person who leaked the stuff.
How very democratic.

Please calm down. I knew I should have used that -> instead! That's the problem with the internet, not enough emojis. Oh well.... 

I get the joke but then I'm American..

Not long now!

Sherlockian Merchandise » Official Sherlock App - The Network » January 27, 2014 10:22 am

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I'm loving it. Just wasted an hour on it and I'm usually not a fan of online games.  The videos and voicemails are flawless.  One I got used to how to play the Unground puzzle, it became much easier. Only thing is my Mind Palace is not so big as Sherlocks.

It is 5 dollars but well worth it. Only wish there were more cases. Really fantastic!

And my board classification is so appropriate.;)

TV Programmes » The Musketeers » January 20, 2014 5:44 pm

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Anyone else watch this? I thought it was okay-escapism nonsense.Dont quite see all the uproar about it, certainly better than Atlantis.ill give it another go since pilots are usually tthe same as therest of the series. Plus I love the theme tune.

Sherlockian Merchandise » Official Sherlock App - The Network » January 18, 2014 1:18 pm

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Hopefully it will be available world wide. Happy I got a iTunes gift card for Xmas.Though can't imagine many of Sherlocks Homeless Network having iPhones and iPads.

Other Adaptations » Elementary defenders need to drop the holier than thou » November 30, 2013 2:12 pm

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I think the "This is the better show" fans on both sides are wrong. I like Sherlock and I also like Elementary. They are two different shows and have both positives and negatives. Both actors have some characteristics of the fictional detective and both shows play with the characters and situations of canon. 

It's all good. I actually like Elementary because Liu's character is portrayed as a multi-dimensioned person rather than the awful "sexy" River Song/Irene Adler of Sherlock or the mousy Molly. YVMV but there's room enough for two different shows about Holmes.  

As for the real Sherlock as stated above-Granada is almost flawles IMHO.

Series Three News » RAT. WEDDING. BOW. » April 10, 2013 10:30 pm

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Swanpride wrote:

They just revealed that the title of 3.2 will be "Sign of Three" - I guess that clears up the wedding clue.

Hmm. Knowing how the writers like to mix up the canon, I'm not fully convinced it's John who may/may not get married. JMO

Series Three News » The game is on again (OFFICIAL NEWS ONLY PLEASE) » April 10, 2013 10:27 pm

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Sherlock Holmes wrote:

Did you go to the filming yesterday then? Or is it today? I didn't see any spoilers posted on fact, I know absolutely nothing about it, which is how I prefer it!

I'm not going to open up a spoilers thread, seeing as Sue Vertue has requested us not to!

Thank you for not opening up spoilers...People know where to go to find them.

Series Three News » The game is on again (OFFICIAL NEWS ONLY PLEASE) » April 10, 2013 10:26 pm

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Wow-absolute madness indeed. My deepest respect to the actors and especially the cast and crew that have to work through that. Thanks for not putting any spoilers out there as it's gotten quite out of hand-both Doctor Who and Sherlock.

TV Programmes » Ripper Street » April 1, 2013 1:51 am

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Anyone else a fan? It started out a bit shakey but after the first episode, I began to really enjoy it-especially for the characters. Matthew MacFadyen also gives a great period performance but the actors playing Sgt. Drake and Jackson were well cast. Sad to see it only had 8 episodes and we have to wait til 2014(again?) to get a new season.

Victoriana + CSI + London = a favorite

TV Programmes » Doctor Who » April 1, 2013 1:48 am

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A pretty trite but enjoyable romp of a season opener. I already like Clara better than I did Amy so it's all good.

Series Three News » Amanda Abbington confirmed by BBC » March 31, 2013 10:32 pm

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Sherlock Holmes wrote:

tardislass wrote:

That he'd die for Sherlock and they have a strong bond.

Interesting. That to me, is soul mates. I've never really considered it to be a romantic thing. Soulmates can be friends too without any soppiness involved.

Anyway, if we are to have a Mary Morstan, I'd love her to be a little bit bad ass, for Sherlock to like her and get along with her - and going off the few pictures and storyline hints that have been released (official ones), they appear to be working alongside each other in the first episode. I'd like her to be clever and intelligent and not take any shit and for Sherlock to be genuinely happy for John and for John to be totally in love and besotted by her.

I'd like her to be a really likeable character that all of the Sherlock fandom grow to love and respect over the course of Series 3, thereby making it even more heart wrenching when she is killed off during the finale of the third episode. Mwahahahaha. *evil Moffat grin*

I think no matter what kind of love interest is added for John, many fans won't like them simply because they feel the person will come between John and Sherlock.

The more I think about it the less sure I am that she is in fact THE Mary Watson. But I do feel she will be a catalyst in John forgiving Sherlock. However, I do wonder what everyone will feel about Molly since she and Mycroft(but he's tight-lipped anyway) were the only two that knew the truth. I hope that will be dealt with. 


TV Programmes » Doctor Who » March 31, 2013 1:14 am

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Wholocked wrote:

I am a Who fan also! Though I do have a confession to make - I don't like Moffat's Who and not particularly keen on Matt Smith's Doctor. In fact, the reason I only watched Sherlock recently is because I was so unimpressed with Who since Moffat took over that I didn't want to watch another show under his direction. Though in fairness, they switched cast, exec producers AND exec writer so not sure where it's actually fallen down - or if it's a combination. I'm hoping the next season, without Karen Gillan (who I thought was really rather ordinary) and Arthur Darvill and which Moffat has said will have "less arc" and more "stand alone episodes" will be better. I didn't much like his arcs, I thought Russell T Davies was much subtler and broader all at the same time.

I think my main issue is that the last season or two was all about Amy Pond and not about the Doctor or having adventures. I don't want to watch the Amy Pond show!!!

I dunno - I'm still trying to figure out what it is I didn't like. Which isn't to say I didn't love it - always love Doctor Who - I just didn't love it as much as the Davies/Eccleston and Davies/Tennant seasons.

Apologies for the rambly essay!

I have to agree about not liking the Moffat years as well-for me it has to do with Moffat characters being a bit cardboard cut-out. Female companions are always young, sexy females who flirt with the Doctor and trade quips. I quite liked getting the character backgrounds and meeting the families of Rose, Martha, etc. I've also kind of tired of the soapy storylines-River is really Melody Pond who is the lost baby of Rory and Amy, who was duplicated by a clone for half a season....that's probably more soapy than most RTD stories.  However, I'm warming to Matt Smith and I grew to love Rory. My very unpopular choice for Doctor is Nine-perhaps it's because I became a fan due to his episodes.

TV Programmes » Doctor Who » March 30, 2013 12:09 am

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One day and counting! I've liked every New Doctor since 2005 though my heart will always belong to the Nineth as he was my intro to the show. Favorite companions..well I always liked the threesome teams. Amy/Rory/Doctor and Jack/Rose/Doctor. Still can't abide River Song but I liked her more as the mysterious archeologist and less of Melody Pond. 

As for old Who, I've only watched the first Doctor and loved him with Barbara and Ian. But Susan's many hysterical shreiks of 'Grandfather' make her my least favorite companions. I just love a show that can be goofy and random adventures every week and doesn't always take itself too seriously. 


Reichenbach Theories » we don't see the pavement where Sherlock lands.... » March 30, 2013 12:01 am

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I still think he jumped into the lorry which in TV land means that all the trash will cushion the fall.  It is odd how the truck/lorry pulls away so quickly. Wouldn't they mostly likely want to go and have a look? 
Add to that the magical bicyclist that could get behind John without him noticing and it all points to distracting John long enough so Sherlock can get off the truck and move in position with the fake blood and the amazingly quick posse of medical staff. And how quickly he is put in the gurney (with no other medical equipment and just wheeled off. 


Reichenbach Theories » Go on then...what are your theories? » March 29, 2013 11:50 pm

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IMO, the show has made it clear that Sherlock and Moriarty are the same. Jim planned his take down of Sherlock, thereby I can't believe when Sherlock made the date with a rooftop he didn't imagine that Jim would try to kill him or himself. I also find it interesting that Sherlock does the whole confession on the rooftop when he's on the phone with John-as if he's worried someone's listening in. Sherlock has to know that John won't believe him. Hmm. Try as I might I really think Mycroft had to have helped fake the death. I always thought it was strange that Sherlock and Mycroft never spoke to one another in this episode. Yes they allegedly had a tiff but even in Hounds, Sherlock swallows his pride and calls his brother. Yet both brothers decline to see one another. 

The brothers' behavoir just seemed a little off and I wouldn't be surprised if it was so Mycroft could help behind the scenes.

Introductions Please... » Hi from America and a fan of the canon » March 29, 2013 11:20 pm

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veecee wrote:

Welcome, fellow American! Do you want to say from where in the US? (I'm in Michigan.)
I think Hound was a lot of people's introduction, although I think I saw an old movie of it first, rather than reading it.

 I'm in the Metro DC area..where there are a whole bunch of Holmes fans.

Introductions Please... » Hi from America and a fan of the canon » March 29, 2013 4:38 pm

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Hi, there I'm Tardislass and as you can see I'm a Doctor Who fan who loves most British TV shows. I've always had a fondness for Holmes ever since I read The Hound of the Baskervilles as an 11 year old-what a plot and characters that made me want to go to Dorset right then and there. Am also a fan of the Jeremy Brett series and he is my favorite old-school Holmes. In fact, I love any kind of Holmesian work.

In my RL I work in the corporate world. I noticed Martin when he was on The Office-so adorable and got hooked on Sherlock the first series. While other girls squeal about Cumberbatch, my favorite person is Mycroft/Gatiss who seems to love Sherlock Holmes as much as I do and does the most fabulous acting in a character that could be OTT.  And I love Molly but that's mostly down to Lou Breasley being such a cool person.

Looking forward to Series 3 whenever it comes.

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