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His Last Vow » Who was Sherlock's first??? » January 17, 2014 6:29 pm |
My son and I wear taling about this because in earlier epasodes Sherlock was called a virgin. So if he was haveing sex with Janine ( oh how I wish the list has spell check) who was Sherlocks first. My son says it was Irene Adler, I say if could have been Molly.
Other » Free Rants » January 11, 2014 7:01 pm |
we lucked out and are back home, it's warming up but we are still out of power. at least i can get to work now.
Other » Free Rants » January 10, 2014 3:37 am |
Ok been out of power since Sunday night, ran out of fire wood at the house Tuesday, hiked one half mile threw knee high snow to the cabin, then ran out of fire wood there today and still not power. But we lucked out we are staying at the fire department for the time. Any one wanting to know what it is like to sleep in a freezer just ask me. So how was your week.
Fan Videos » videos question » November 30, 2013 6:55 pm |
Hi,I don't know if this is aloowed, if not sorry, but I can't do videos my self, my computer lacks the softwear and I can't get it right now to do it mt self. But I had a grate idea for a video, Alice Copper's song Posion , but from Irene Adler's pov. I think if do right this could be a good one. Thank you.
General Benedict Appreciation » wondering » October 21, 2013 4:31 pm |
I was wondering if You could chouse a character from a book, older TV show or older movie that would be perfect for Benedict to play which one would it be. I would pick Oberon from Midsummer's Night's Dream.
Other » Free Rants » October 19, 2013 5:21 pm |
KeepersPrice wrote:
Glad you're feeling better, tonnaree. That back pain/sciatica thing can be dreadful. I had a herniated disc a few years ago (better now) but at one point i couldn't even move it was so bad. I'm glad the shots worked for you.
I was feeling the pain of the government shut-down in my own very, very tiny way - not like you - but still enough to upset me. In Boston I work in the area where the the USS Constitution is docked and everyday I love to walk from the train station along the waterfront past the Constitution to my office - about a 25 minute walk. It's a beautiful, vibrant area - a major stop on the Freedom Trail. When the government shut down, big ugly chain link fences went up shutting off the whole area. It became a ghost town and my beautiful walk now involved a detour along a trafficy, busy street. I felt so sad and angry about the whole damn stupidity of the thing. My pretty walk is back now - but for how long? Facing this whole mess again in January apparently
Oh baby I am so sorry for you. I love to walk in to woods my self, and if I couldn't it would just kill me.
I hope things get better for you soon.
General Sherlock Discussion » What positive things have you learnt from Sherlock? » October 13, 2013 6:47 pm |
The best insults I have ever heard. My son uses them all the time.
Other » Free Rants » October 13, 2013 6:40 pm |
Sadly the new job turned out to be a bust. They thought I was someone else when they told me I was hired, so now I am out of work . But not for long, I am going to find a job and soon, I will not give up and I will not be draged down. To every one out there I send you all my love and good thoughts. Hnag in there, things only get bad if you let them. And remember no matter how bad you have it there is all ways soem one who has it worse. Hugs and kisses.
Other » Free Rants » October 8, 2013 4:11 am |
I have some good news. The other day after work , on a whim I when to one of the places I have apps in and I ended up taliing to the hireing manger and I start my new job the 23. I will be makeing 2 $ more an hour and getting more hours. I will not have to deal with the public, and I can pretty much wear what I want. Fienly I can wear shoes that don't kill my feet.
Other » Free Rants » October 6, 2013 6:52 am |
I have had a very bad few weeks. I work now for a fast food place, for minamum, get no brakes most of the time on my feet all night, got bad knees from a car crash a few years ago, am 55 years old, most of my coworkers are too young to drink, so they spend most of the time they are suposed to be working playing. Costemers act like this is a four star place, I mean come one people this is one of the cheapes fast food places there is, you get what you pay for. We had one gut try to start a fight witrh some one he did not know over a girl, I had to throw him out. Not an easy job I can tell you. My husband and son can not find work yet, so that leaves me to pay the bills.
On the bright side I have a good shot at geting a better paying , easyer job soon.
As for the goverment I think Sherlock could best call them what they are. Thank you all for leting me get that out. Every one of you rock. OOXX
General Sherlock Discussion » Sherlock outtakes » October 6, 2013 6:38 am |
I wish I knew where to find Sherlock outtakes. I love outtakes and enjoy watching them as much as I do the shows they are from. Does any one else like outtakes?
Fan Fic » fic requests » September 20, 2013 6:10 pm |
Hi, I was wondering if we could ask for fic requests. I know that when a person has a crapy day or as I have had week a bit of fic can go along way to make things better. Thank you.
Fan Fic » Plot Bunnies: Opening the Hatch! » September 10, 2013 5:16 pm |
Sherlock goes missing every week, on the same day at the same time. When John askes him about it Sherlock refuses to say any thing. Where does Sherlock go and what does he do.
A Sherlock ghost story for Halloween.
Character Analysis » Sherlock OCD? » September 10, 2013 5:06 pm |
Wile Shelock may have some OCD, I think the main this is that he just could care less what the house looks like as long as his stuff is the way he wants it and meals hit the table when he wants them to. Shelock reminds me of a kid that way. "My stuff is where I want it and Mommy feeds me, every thing is all right with my world."
Wile Shelock is no Monk I am glade he is no Sheldon Cooper.
Character Analysis » "We're not a couple" and homophobic accusations » September 10, 2013 4:52 pm |
Weather or not John and Sherlock are Gay is no big deal to me. What I do see is that they do love each other, but love is not sex. You can still love anther person with all your hart and not want to sleep with them. Just as you can sleep with some one and not love them.
Yse John and Shelock love each other and may even be soalmates, but that does not mean that thay will end up in bed. Or and I do think this is very possable that the both of them are bisexal. This is what I am getting from what I have seen.
Fan Fic » Plot Bunnies: Opening the Hatch! » September 10, 2013 4:41 pm |
This came to me in a dream. Vampire Shelock.
Fan Fic » Plot Bunnies: Opening the Hatch! » September 9, 2013 6:41 pm |
This can be slash or compleatly inacent. John has to strip down at the ploice station and is found to be wearing Shelock's underwear.
I love cross overs so , Spencer Reed from Criminal Minds is in London and is asked by the police to help with a case. Sherlock is not too pleased and does his observeing on Reed who in turn profiles Sherlock.
Fan Art » Sherlock, Sim3 » September 9, 2013 6:29 pm |
I don't know if this counts as art but mu son Nic did up a Sherlock / John on Sims 3 for me one day. I have shared them with the Sims 3 community. If any of you are Sims 3 players feel free to get them.
Introductions Please... » hello from Indiana » September 9, 2013 6:06 pm |
Hi , I have been a Sherlock Holmes fan for over 40 years. I grew up watching the old black and whites on tv as a kid. I went straght from reading the Boxcar Children to Mr. Holmes. My son is all so a Holmes fan. I hope to be able to talk about Mr. Holmes and the drar Dcotor with those on this list. Thank you.
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