Hi, I was wondering if we could ask for fic requests. I know that when a person has a crapy day or as I have had week a bit of fic can go along way to make things better. Thank you.
If you go not the fanfic section there are some great recommendations. I don't know if that will help? Aww! That bad a week? Eh? Hopefully next week will be better!
There is also the plot bunny thread for submitting fic ideas
Madwitch. I'm going to move this to the Fanfic thread.
You can also check out the BBCSherlockFicRecs Tumblr blog (
They have a pretty comprehensive tagging system though
ETA: If you have a plot-bunny you'd like filled by a writer, you can post your prompt on the BBC Sherlock Kink Meme. Please don't ask me anything about the meme because I am still utterly confused on how to navigate it, but you might have a better go of it than I
Last edited by Wholocked (October 9, 2013 12:31 am)