Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 14, 2013 5:44 pm |
Mara, if you'd like to go to Austentatious on Dec. 3 or Dec. 9, please let me know and I'll email them to request that they hold two seats for me instead of just one. They tend to sell out quickly. If you'd rather just meet for lunch or tea or something on another day, then no worries. Just let me know.
Anna M.C.
Introductions Please... » Hello, I'm Anna. *tentative wave* » October 13, 2013 1:51 am |
Thank you! Jennifer Wilson has fallen by the wayside for various reasons, but I have improved upon the Molly costume. Here's hoping the convention actually happens!
Anna M.C.
Introductions Please... » Hello, I'm Anna. *tentative wave* » October 13, 2013 1:23 am |
I just realized I missed the last few replies to this somehow. Sorry! Anyway, thanks for the additional welcomes.
Soon I will be visiting London again! Yaaaaay! *Kermitflailing*
Anna M.C.
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 13, 2013 1:09 am |
Brilliant! I've sent you an email to sort out the details.
Anna M.C.
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 13, 2013 12:42 am |
Into the Woods is my favorite play! I've seen it at least half-a-dozen times in various productions. I wish I could have seen it in Regent's Park -- I can't imagine a more perfect venue.
Back when Benedict Cumberbatch was performing in Frankenstein, I was also lucky enough to get a ticket to see him recording the St. Petersburg episode of Cabin Pressure. Although I admit I was initially interested for the Cumberbatch Factor, that recording got me completely hooked on the show, which I immediately purchased from The writing is hilarious and the entire cast is marvelous; best comic timing ever. Roger Allam's voice can actually rival Benedict's, which is not something I would have thought possible. Attending that recording is one of my favorite memories. Some kind stranger showed me the best place to wait by the doors before they let us into the studio, so I ended up getting a seat in the second row, dead center. To quote Arthur, it was brilliant.
I've only been to Stratford-Upon-Avon once, for less than an hour, alas, and I didn't really get to see anything. I'll have to go back one day. So many things left on my list to do. I really want to see the lake country sometime.
A road trip would be fun -- we'll see if the convention ends up happening. Just to warn you, though, the convention doesn't offer day passes, and it's not cheap.
Speaking of road trips, I'm trying to find someone with a car who also enjoys Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy to attend this with me:
I was thinking of the Nov. 22 show in Bromley with John Lloyd. I'll happily pay for the other person's ticket and help out with the cost of petrol if they take care of the to-and-from-Bromley part. Anyone interested?
Anna M.C.
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 12, 2013 9:20 pm |
Homemade sachertorte? Oh, yeah! Mara, you are my new best Sherlockian friend. Sorry, Nick, you're in second place unless you can produce some pastry.
Anna M.C
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 12, 2013 9:15 pm |
Hello Nick/SherlockHound, lovely to meet you, too!
I just read your post on the Birmingham market - sounds fun. If the convention isn't canceled, I'd definitely like to see the market while I'm there. Perhaps we can make arrangements to meet up there, if you're planning to visit the market as well. If not, we can meet up in London, or both. I've been to Birmingham once before for the Discworld convention, but the museum was about the only thing I saw there besides the convention hotel. They had a nice selection of Pre-Raphaelite art there, though. The Shakespeare Memorial Room you mentioned at the library would be worth a visit. Speaking of the Bard, I have a ticket to see Hiddleston in Coriolanus in December! Go, me! I hope the rumors about HamletBatch next year turn out to be true; he was brilliant in both roles in Frankenstein. Wish I could have made it to London this summer to see Roger Allam in The Tempest at the Globe, as well as Pride & Prejudice at Regent's Park, but neither my vacation allotment nor my finances are infinite.
I do have a ticket to see Perfect Nonsense in November, though. Hurrah for Jeeves & Wooster!
Yes, the metalwork at the V&A is exquisite -- just about everything is. I'll admit that the costume and jewelry sections hold an extra-special place in my girly heart, and I can get lost for hours in the British galleries. Theatre galleries, too. So much good stuff! How I wish that I could live in London. I know I'm lucky that I can at least visit every year, though.
Anna M.C.
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 12, 2013 6:12 pm |
Yay! Lovely to meet you, Mara. I read your introduction and am pleased to note that I'm a Jane Austen fan, too. Have you ever seen the brilliant Austen improv comedy group. Austentatious?
I'll be seeing them twice in December, if you want to come along for the show on December 3 or December 9. We could have dinner beforehand if you like.
I plan on a lot of museum and theatre visits while I'm in London. The Cheapside Hoard exhibit at the Museum of London looks like it will be splendid. I've seen bits and pieces of the collection before, but they've never had it all together like this. For someone who likes both shiny and history, it's a winner. Real buried treasure! And Sherlock would approve that there's a mystery attached to how the jewels ended up buried and abandoned:
Can't wait for their Sherlock Holmes exhibit next year:
The V&A museum also has some great stuff, as usual. Love the V&A!
Anyone else interested in meeting up at any point?
Anna M.C.
Fan Meet Ups » London meetups Nov./Dec.? » October 12, 2013 1:46 am |
I'm going to be in and around London from mid-November to mid-December and would love to meet up with some other Sherlock fans. Are there any meetups planned? I'll theoretically also be attending the Starfury "Elementary" Sherlock BBC convention in Birmingham, but I'm getting the uncomfortable suspicion, based on how quiet the site is, that it might end up canceled due to lack of guests/lack of interest/etc. I'd really like to have some Sherlock fun regardless, even if it's just meeting up with a couple of fans for lunch or tea or something.
Anna M.C.
Benedict's Non-Sherlock Work » Top Gear - The Batch in a reasonably-priced car on July 14! » July 15, 2013 6:55 am |
I was also blown away by how short The Batch looks next to Clarkson, and just tweeted as much. It was like watching Sherlock face off with the Golem. :D What I really want now is to see Martin Freeman standing next to Clarkson. It'd be Instant Hobbit, no special effects required.
Anna M.C.
Upcoming Events & Competitions » Starfury BBC Sherlock convention - "Elementary" » July 14, 2013 8:20 pm |
Starfury just announced that Louise Brealey (Molly) will be attending as the first guest.
Anna M.C.
Upcoming Events & Competitions » Sherlock Convention in Birmingham UK » July 14, 2013 8:18 pm |
Starfury just announced that Louise Brealey (Molly) will be attending as the first guest.
I bought a membership already. It's expensive, yes, but its a different animal than fan-run conventions. It's a professional for-profit enterprise, and they pay for actors to attend. I've actually never attended anything but fan-run conventions before (which I love), so this will be something of a learning experience. Generally I go to conventions with authors as guests, not actors. Regardless of how it turns out, I can't miss the chance to geek out over Sherlock while I'm in England on vacation, and break out my Christmas Glamour Fail Molly costume.
I'd actually posted about this before here:
Is there any way to merge my post with yours to avoid the duplication? If not, no worries.
Anna M.C.
Upcoming Events & Competitions » Sherlock exhibition at the Museum of London! » July 4, 2013 9:36 pm |
I probably won't in good conscience be able to afford to go to London again so soon after next summer's trip, but I can hope. Depends on how long the exhibit lasts. Maybe I can manage if it's still there in late winter or early spring.
Anna M.C.
Moftiss » Gatiss and Hiddleston in Coriolanus » July 4, 2013 9:17 pm |
I'm so sorry you didn't get a ticket, Davina. Remember, they'll be releasing Barclay's Front Row tickets on November 25, and several other days. So you'll have another chance!
Anna M.C.
Benedict's Non-Sherlock Work » Top Gear - The Batch in a reasonably-priced car on July 14! » July 4, 2013 9:15 pm |
Fresh from Twitter, news from Red Scharlach, she of the Otters Who Look Like Benedict Cumberbatch fame:
RedScharlach @redfacts 17m Ooh, Benedict Cumberbatch will be in the Reasonably Priced Car on @BBC_TopGear on Sunday 14th July:
Top Gear
Series 20, Episode 3
Sun 14 Jul
3/6. The three motoring enthusiasts head to Spain on a mission to help its struggling economy - but the convertible supercars they take are very expensive and anything but discreet. With Jeremy Clarkson in a McLaren MP4-12C, Richard Hammond driving a Ferrari 458 and James May behind the wheel of an Audi R8 V10, the trio encounter mountain passes, empty towns and an abandoned airport before creating their own street circuit in a deserted Madrid development. Plus, Sherlock and Star Trek Into Darkness star Benedict Cumberbatch sets a lap time in the Reasonably Priced Car.
Anna M.C.
Upcoming Events & Competitions » Sherlock exhibition at the Museum of London! » June 26, 2013 2:04 am |
Alas, it's not until autumn 2014:
The first link specifically mentions BBC Sherlock:
"It will use adaptations from the big and small screens — from Robert Downey Jr to Benedict Cumberbatch — to explore a detective whose image with deerstalker hat was established from the earliest book illustrations and by actor William Gillette both on stage and in a silent film."
I'm already booked to come to London again in August 2014 for Loncon 3 and the Discworld Convention, but I might have to try to swing coming back in the autumn/winter of 2014 as well to see this. :D
Anna M.C.
Moftiss » Gatiss and Hiddleston in Coriolanus » June 25, 2013 8:41 am |
Thank you -- this month-long trip to London is one huge early Christmas present to myself, but that play will definitely make the shiniest of shiny bows to wrap it up.
Davina, did you get a ticket? Hope so!
Only bad thing is that I swilled so much tea in the last hour to stay awake that I'm now buzzed and twitchy on the caffeine, with no prospect of falling asleep in the near future, and I have to go to work in a few hours. When I'm a sleep-deprived zombie tomorrow, I'll tell my colleagues to blame it on Mark Gatiss and Tom Hiddleston. And time zones. And tea.
Anna M.C.
Costume » Why Mycroft always carries an umbrella » June 25, 2013 8:29 am |
I think I've figured out the secret of Mycroft's umbrella -- and no, it's not a hidden sword:
You'd need it too, if you had to deal with Sherlock all the time.
Anna M.C.
Moftiss » Gatiss and Hiddleston in Coriolanus » June 25, 2013 8:19 am |
I can't believe it -- I scored a ticket to opening night, December 12! It was so worth staying up past 1am on a work night! I think trying for only one ticket, and asking just for the best available rather than trying to pick and choose, probably helped. Go, me!
Anna M.C.
TV Programmes » Q.I. » June 9, 2013 5:40 pm |
Ah, how could I forget Bill Bailey? I've even seen his live show, Qualmpeddler. .
The Batch has great comic timing, but I wonder if he's got the right skill set for this sort of show. I remember Mark Gatiss didn't seem all that comfortable the one time he was on, despite how talented he is (although, to be fair, I think it was one of the very early shows and they hadn't really nailed down the format yet). Granted, the Batch did well on Have I Got News for You, but that's more scripted. Hmm. Then again, he seems to do annoyingly well at everything he tries.
I'd quite enjoy seeing Mat Baynton (spelled it right this time!) or any of the rest of the Horrible Histories cast turned loose on QI, assuming they've got the off-the-cuff banter gene. It's always hard to tell if someone has it or not, regardless of how funny they are at scripted comedy, until you see them try it.
Anna M.C.