Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 9:26 pm |
"Dean, he's sick. He needs me."
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 7:44 pm |
Cas nodded. "It's Balthazar. I need to go."
Sherlock Games » Sherlock alphabet game » March 17, 2015 7:32 pm |
Adoration - too embarrassing to admit, so it's savely hidden within snarky remarks (on both sides)
Beach Boys Record - Mycroft's, pinched by Sherlock for "'sperment"
Cake- Sherlock thinks Mycroft eats too much of it.
Dickheads, both of them
Everything changed after Redbeard.[/b]
Faddiness on food -Sherlock being a picky eater couldn't get on well with Mycroft-the-Food-Monster
Grapes. No clue why.
Histrionics. On both parts. They do love to be dramatic.
Indian cuisine allergy (Sherlock could not stop laughing about Mycroft's itchy rash)Jokes. Sherlock never gets them.
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 6:53 pm |
Cas stayed silent. His phone chimed with a text from Balthazar.
Sherlock Games » Sherlock alphabet game » March 17, 2015 6:47 pm |
Glad you lot like the idea
[b]Why is there a child feud between Sherlock and Mycroft ?
Adoration - too embarrassing to admit, so it's savely hidden within snarky remarks (on both sides)
Beach Boys Record - Mycroft's, pinched by Sherlock for "'sperment"
Cake- Sherlock thinks Mycroft eats too much of it.
Dickheads, both of them
Everything changed after Redbeard.[/b]
Faddiness on food -Sherlock being a picky eater couldn't get on well with Mycroft-the-Food-Monster
Grapes. No clue why.
Sherlock Games » Sherlock alphabet game » March 17, 2015 6:06 pm |
Why is there a child feud between Sherlock and Mycroft ?
Adoration - too embarrassing to admit, so it's savely hidden within snarky remarks (on both sides)
Beach Boys Record - Mycroft's, pinched by Sherlock for "'sperment"
Cake- Sherlock thinks Mycroft eats too much of it.
Dickheads, both of them
Everything changed after Redbeard.
Meet The Members » The post count thread (Anything for a one up) » March 17, 2015 4:49 pm |
Schmiezi wrote:
AngelsInTheTARDIS221B wrote:
The game is on!!!
And now you are Lestrade's Aide already! (And I am shamelessly using it as a good reason to place another post here.)
Why, yes I am! I really do move throught these titles quickly, don't I?
Sherlock Games » Sherlock's Wrong Answers Club » March 17, 2015 4:44 pm |
Because he was a fairy (i dont even... something is wrong with me today lol)
What does John wear at Christmas?
Sherlock Games » Sherlock alphabet game » March 17, 2015 4:40 pm |
Why is there a child feud between Sherlock and Mycroft ?
Adoration - too embarrassing to admit, so it's savely hidden within snarky remarks (on both sides)
Beach Boys Record - Mycroft's, pinched by Sherlock for "'sperment"
Cake- Sherlock thinks Mycroft eats too much of it.
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 4:36 pm |
Cas rolled his eyes at Dean
Introductions Please... » Um, hi... I guess? » March 17, 2015 1:57 am |
So how are you? xxxxxxxxxxx
Introductions Please... » Um, hi... I guess? » March 17, 2015 1:47 am |
Ignore her she just upset.
Sherlock Games » Sherlock alphabet game » March 17, 2015 1:37 am |
Lilythiell wrote:
AngelsInTheTARDIS221B wrote:
nakahara wrote:
[b]How to reunite Sherlock and John at 221b again[/b]
Awakening from a bad dream.
Boring lives without each other become too hard to bear with.
Could not resist the arguments of Mrs Turner's married ones.
Drag John up the stairs kicking and screaming "I'm not gay"!
Enlightenment that it's meant to be since 1895
Force them to declare their love for each other, then watch how they move back together
Gather up John's favorite jumpers and refuse to give them back until he moves back in.
Hoist John over Sherlock´s shoulder and letting Sherlock to carry him into his old bedroom.
Intervention with Molly, Hudders and Lestrade.
John being taken to task by Harry and her new partner
Keeling over from overwork, John has to recover at Baker Street, because Mary has no idea how to care for him
Let nature take its course...
Mycroft, of course...
Not nearly fast enough.
Open declaration of love from Sherlock, followed by the grudging admittance of the same from John
Prosper and long living together with some blessing from above.
Quite quickly please.
Really very soon.
Struggle from John's part to understand Sherlock's last words on the tarmac. And subsequent epiphany, obviously.
Time-bomb again. John switches it off with an off-switch, seizes Sherlock by the collar, growls into his face "You are mine!" and snogs him senseless.
Unnaturally long staring.
Vow from Sherlock to never ever leave again.
Watching crap telly together
Introductions Please... » Um, hi... I guess? » March 17, 2015 1:32 am |
Yes. -Cait
Introductions Please... » Um, hi... I guess? » March 17, 2015 1:23 am |
oh, go read Twist and Shout. -Cait
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 1:22 am |
Castiel laughed. "Not nessacarily."
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 1:18 am |
Cas looked where Dean was pointing.
Introductions Please... » Um, hi... I guess? » March 17, 2015 1:11 am |
datherineforeverandever wrote:
Hey baby!
KITTY KAT!!!!!!!!!!! My baby
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 1:04 am |
Cas narrowed his eyes at Dean. "What are you doing?"
Roleplay & Cosplay » So, um... roleplay, anyone? » March 17, 2015 12:52 am |
"I'm not..." Cas whispered.