Sigh. It really doesn't do to be seen as 'clever' in the UK (unless things have changed a lot),to generalise to save time as I have to run to the bus in three mins, but of course he has a point about the complex soap operas. Human brains are good with complex issues if they are about social things but poor if it is expressed in mathematical terms, even if they represent the same reasoning. I think Prof Dunbar (now at Oxford) showed this (bizarrely I was involved in suggesting him as a speaker at a surgery conference once when the organiser was trying to encourage the attendees to think outside the box and get involved in research.
What about all those people even if a minority who like complex things, I would ask the non-complexity fans?Sigh. It is so tedious being dominated by some other common denominator.
Important thing I have learnt from 'Sherlock':
British army research bases keep their bins at the bottom of a quite deep lift shaft.