Now, first off, could someone please tell me without too much detail... is "River" a character in Dr Who?
I don't like the show so please spare me details, because you'd be wasting your time. I'd have no idea what you were talking bout, honest!
Ok, so it seems Moff has himself in a pickle.
You can check his tweets out on his page :!/steven_moffat
Once again, he seems perplexed at something he has been accused of retweeting etc.
However on closer examination of the parties involved (one account of course is now deleted, lol @ trolls) but it all seemed to have grown from this question:
Steven Moffat †@steven_moffat
@hallor ?????
18 May Earl Foolish †@hallor
@steven_moffat + if people need to be told she's bisexual, she's clearly not contributing to bisexual visibility. how is this hard to grasp?
18 May Steven Moffat †@steven_moffat
@hallor When did I say I thought I was contributing to bisexual visibility?? Please stop being rude to me, you have no reason to be.
18 May Earl Foolish †@hallor
@steven_moffat I'm just questioning your portrayal of a character you claim to be bisexual. How is this rude? I thought it was a discussion.
18 May Steven Moffat †@steven_moffat
@hallor How is your rudeness "hard to grasp"?
19 May Earl Foolish †@hallor
@steven_moffat I've been nothing but polite. Disagreeing with your opinion on something does not automatically mean I'm being rude.
Really you have to read the pages for yourself as the discussions are many & varied.
It seems that this River has been described as bi-sexual by Moffat & this guy is bugging him on how people would know this, Moff says because of her clothing & the fact she was bonking everyone somehwre or other or some such, lol.
My point to all this is, as a writer, Moff sets the characters & implies things about them & sometimes the audience 'just doesn't get it'. I'm not sure who's side I am on here, at times Moff seems to do the " because I said so" thing.
In the end, I'm sure it's no biggie to Moff... just a diversion really.
Also, please note that sentences can also end in full stops. The exclamation mark can be overused.
Sherlock Holmes 28 March 13:08
Mycroft’s popularity doesn’t surprise me at all. He is, after all, incredibly beautiful, clever and well-dressed. And beautiful. Did I mention that?
--Mark Gatiss
"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
Robert McCloskey