This game originates from Cabin Pressure, the radio play that Benedict stars in. Discussion about this play can be found HERE.
Here are the rules as played in the play:
DOUGLAS: Not come across the Travelling Lemon, Martin, in all your professional experience? Well, player one strolls through a full passenger cabin, chatting to the adoring public of this or that topic of interest, and as he goes, he casually secretes somewhere where it can still be clearly seen, a lemon or other citrus fruit, as mutually agreed by the players and referees before match play commences, but I’m a traditionalist and favour a lemon.
So to adapt it here, I have 'hidden' lemons in posts already posted here. I secretly edited the posts & added the word 'lemon' somewhere. It's a treasure hunt type game & there are 10 all together to be found.
Mattlocked, you're streaking ahead here & have found 2 of them.
8 lemons left to find!
Also, please note that sentences can also end in full stops. The exclamation mark can be overused.
Sherlock Holmes 28 March 13:08
Mycroft’s popularity doesn’t surprise me at all. He is, after all, incredibly beautiful, clever and well-dressed. And beautiful. Did I mention that?
--Mark Gatiss
"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
Robert McCloskey