I liked the new Anderson, too. All that vitriol aimed at him was initially funny, but it became tiring with time.
I also don′t think Anderson′s turn to Sherlock′s supporter was that unbelievable. It seems to me Anderson was mostly annoyed with Sherlock for professional reasons – Anderson as a forensic expert couldn′t stand Sherlock′s total disregard for regulations governing the crime scenes they were investigating. The way Sherlock danced through those crime scenes without proper protective suit, not wearing shoe-pads and sometimes even touching the crime material with bare hands, was certainly hugely annoying for a person forced to follow those rules rigorously. Still, it was not a kind of hatred able to outlast the shock caused by Sherlock′s apparent suicide.
(Anderson, a forensic expert, could also be the first person who realized Sherlock was actually innocent of the crimes he was accused of commiting. Forensics Anderson participated in did not lie – as he was retroactively investigating his old cases, he had to realize Sherlock couldn′t have messed with so much evidence.)
Donovan, on the other hand, was a different matter.
Donovan was painfully aware of Sherlock′s real abilities. The way he first deduced the existence of that pink suitcase in ASiP and then produced the said pink suitcase in no time was proof enough that he really can do what he claimed to do. He left no doubt for Donovan that he was a genius.
Why did she hate him so much, then? Calling him a “freak” and a “psychopath”?
In my opinion, Donovan′s hatred was the hatred of a mediocre person forced to acknowledge her own mediocrity. Donovan was a professional and a hard worker so it was painful for her to admit she would never be able to rise to Sherlock′s level. She ought to think it was unfair that Sherlock was born with the gift she could not top with all her effort. Moreover, Sherlock was childish, arrogant and irresponsible, as geniuses often are. Donovan had to be furious when she observed how that awful man (who was certainly “unworthy” of his gift, in her eyes) belittled her and the rest of her team.
In other words, Donovan was “Salieri” to Sherlock′s “Mozart”.
Her hatred was much stronger than Anderson′s and it certainly influenced Anderson when they were intimate.
I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?