I really enjoyed Archie's interaction with Sherlock it was really sweet. Especially when Sherlock replies "maggots", and Archie is like "Coooool!", I love Sherlock's face at this moment!
Interesting thing, that episode... I mean.... :
* Sherlock tells Archie "I don't know, i'll ask one", implying he doesn't consider himself as an adult.
* At the end, Sherlock tells Mary and John that they already are the best parents, "Look at all the practice you've had. Well, you're hardly going to need me around now you've got a real baby on the way", aknowledging he probably often acts like a child/baby around Mary and John.
* On the other hand, he tells Mycroft "I'm not a child anymore!" when Mycroft asks him "Remember Red Beard?" (which could be an allusion to something from Sherlock's childhood) and yet, the way he protests, and the way he insists to know the reason behind Mycroft's moment of silence, remind me very much of a little child.
I find all this very interesting.
Because out of these 4 (Archie, John, Mary, Mycroft), and even I see John as a kind of reference for Sherlock (through the seasons, he has more or less taught him what's good or bad etc), Mycroft is the only one who is very close to a "parent figure" for Sherlock (which isn't surprising at all for a big brother actually): he cares a lot about him, always keeps an eye on him, and often adresses him like he would address a child (i.e the sheet scene in Buckingham: a scene in which Sherlock had been very stubborn and childish, actually; when he tells him not to deal with Irene anymore "Yes Sherlock, you will".... etc etc) and he's the one to whom Sherlock says "I'm not a child" (and yet keeps acting like one most of the time, and I do think, even if he would never admit it, that he enjoys having a big brother who looks after him and treats him like a child)
Anyway, all this: Archie, which could be the very picture of how we imagine Sherlock as a child, and all those allusions to him being (or not being anymore) a child (well, acting like one at least), Mycroft possible allusion to Sherlock's childhood... well, I really don't think it's all a coincidence...
What if it plays a part in next episode?
Last edited by Punch me in the face (January 8, 2014 3:01 pm)