Offline register.
Hello to the board, the members and the Sherlockians. :o)
I'm looking forward to participate in some discussions, opinions and views of our favorite piece.
The Arthur C. Doyle stories were a favorite of mine for many years and I have been thrilled on the spot with the series.
As you can see in my signature, there is another Arthur C. I quite like. :o)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate. :o)
Warm welcome here, take your seat and enjoy!
Welcome! Haven't even been here a month myself but having loads of fun. Jump on in the water's lovely.
Willkommen! Nice to have you on board. Another German member! Freut mich!
A very happy and warm welcome to the forum! *waves from Canada* Hope you have fun here!
Hi from Maryland! That picture in your avatar - Sherlock on the rock in VERY FAVORITE shot of Benedict in the whole series! Particularly when they cut to his face, don't know why but he looks ESPECIALLY perfect there. I just want to lick him like an ice cream cone. Yum.
But anyway, welcome!
Hallo reality check,
good idea to register - looking forward to your participation.
Welcome and enjoy!
Willkommen, reality check. Look around and have fun.
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome. This has pleased me very much. :o)
@Merry: Glad you like my avatar. :o) This is such a heroic pose and I couldn't resist using it. In fact, there are so many great shots in every single episode, making it really hard to pick one especially.
@all: Please, if there is any ridiculous mistake or misunderstanding in my posts regarding my english, feel free to correct or ask me about it. :o)
Have a nice weekend!
Hello and Willkommen reality check! So nice that you finally registered.
There are so many Germans around here - we won't recognise your mistakes. (Fine, some might.....
Feel free to write down whatever you think. I do the same and always hope it doesn't sound too ridiculous.
Have fun!!
Herzlich willkommen, check!
Nice to have you around. What part of germany are you from?
Arthur C. Clarke is great, I have just recently re-read some of his short stories.
@Mattlocked: Okay, then. ;o)
@Schmiezi: I was born and raised in lovely Rhinehessen, but for now I'm stranded here in North Hesse.
That's so nice you like Clarke, too. :o) He was not the best character developer, but his scientific background and marvellous imagination allowed him to write in great depth about the technical and astronomical details, which makes his fiction so real and achievable.
Uh oh, sorry. :o) I could ramble about this all day long. ;o) What's your favourite Clarke story? Mine is the Rama series.
There is a novel I love, but he only co-authored it. It is about a planet that has so many suns that the inhabitants barely ever experience a real dark night, and when it happens, nearly everybody is driven into madness. I can't find out the title right now, because I left the book at school.
In general I love his short stories, especially the old ones.
Hello and welcome to the forum, reality check!
Thank god, another german member. I was afraid we would become an endangered species.
No, we're actually in clear majority here. Which is really great because we're able to organise a german meet up at times.
However, have a nice time here and enjoy yourself.
Greetings from Bonn,
A warm welcome from a fellow Sherlockian all the way from the UK!
Hope you enjoy your time here and i only joined here 3 days ago so i am kinda new here as well but with the days that i've been here everyone is so friendly so i know you will love it here.
See you on the forums!
Thank you all. :o)
I'm sure, it's going to be a good time on the sherlockian ship... board I should say. ;o)
Hi reality check, welcome to the forum ^^
I was just wondering; are you male or female and how old are you? ( just curious what kinda people i'm chatting with here i form no judgement, i'm just curious)
Greetings from the Netherlands, Foy
Howdy from the USA, RC!
Have fun here---plenty of fellow Germans (how is it that you all speak English so wonderfully well?)
Hallo aus Nordrhein-Westfalen!
Have fun and share your theories and thoughts with us.
I always feel a bit silly when I talk/write to a fellow German in english.
You're all really great. :o) Thank you.
Well, to satisfy some curiosity ;o) - I'm female and in the 35-40 age group.
Surely you can't have meant me with the wonderful english? :o)) I'm still learning.
Yes, sometimes I think just the same, to write in english to other germans, feels... a bit funny. :o) Nevertheless, it's good practice, at least in writing. I would wish that I might talk english more often, than I do now.