Mary Me wrote:
Smoggy_London_Air wrote:
Because, in my opinion, Sherlock's not interested in sex (so how are we defining "relationship" in this regard?), I would say John. As Irene said: "Yes you are [a couple]." As best friends with a somewhat emotional attachment, I believe that this is as close as it gets, and also as close as Sherlock wants it.
That's what I mean!
I agree. But that's still "Johnlock", it's just not "sexual Johnlock". So, technically, you still ship Johnlock.... But this is why "sexual Johnlock" will never become BBC canon. This is as far as it gets.
The RDJ films are SOOOOO much gayer, and actually, the idea of Holmes and Watson being more than just friends is not a new thing, it's been around for quite a while, Moftiss just played it up in a massive way.
I only shipped JohnLock in series 1 but after that I fell in love with the idea of him and Molly in series 2.
I see his observations of Molly fuelled by jealousy, but I doubt Sherlock understands this himself.
The christmas party remarks were based on her having a boyfriend, or hoping for one, and in the Jim scene in the lab he calls him 'gay' after Molly states it's an 'office romance'. He has never called her stupid or an idiot like he does with others. Basically, he never makes derogatory comments on her mind, I think it's obvious he respects her in that way which is why they would work well together in a relationship. I think she could have a calming effect on him, she could be the 'drug' he craves.
Oh yeah, for the upcoming series I definitely ship Sherlock and Molly.
For some reason, I can't see Sherlock with Molly: she's too nice to him, too kind. Except at Christmas, she never dares to make him any reproach. Sherlock needs someone who tempers him, who doesn't hesitate to set him straight when necessary. Not someone who lets him walk all over them. She has no self-confidence and I think living with Sherlock definitely requires some, if you don't want to think too low of yourself because of his sharp comments. I feel bad for her though when Sherlock doesn't even mention her name when he tells Moriarty the names of whose he considers as friends. But maybe he can't say her name because she's played a part in his fake death.
I don't think Irene would be a great match either. They admire each other and for someone who usually doesn't care about people, he's quickly grown attached to her. But I don't think it could work. Not only would there be a constant competition between them which would create tensions, I'm not even sure they could trust each other, they would always be on their guard I think, but more over, Irene is...err... "too much" for him. She's got a lot of experience with men, she can be quite intimidating, and even if she intrigues him, nearly obsesses him, he clearly doesn't feel comfortable with her. At best, she could be the one who introduces him to sex, but to be honest, I don't want to see that happening.
Sherlock isn't interested in sex, and when he shows interest for someone, their gender doesn't seem to matter.
So we've got John. John is loyal, Sherlock trusts him, he doesn't let himself be intimated by Sherlock and would always tell Sherlock what he thinks, even if that ends up with Sherlock being upset, he wouldn't hesitate to risk his life for Sherlock, he always follows him even when it's dangerous, sure he's not as clever as Sherlock nor Irene, but he's still very clever and he's got the intelligence of the heart, he's got enough self-confidence not to be too upset when Sherlock keeps on calling him an idiot for example, he is calm and poised which counterbalances Sherlock's exuberance, despite their little "fights", they get on well , they live together and are comfortable with each other, John makes Sherlock laugh and vice versa, he admires Sherlock and believes in him: Sherlock may say he couldn't care less about people's opinion, he truly needs that. Someone who likes him for who is, I'd even say: despite who he is. I think even Mycroft thinks high of John. And I think Sherlock is dependent on John even more than John is on him...
To me, John is the missing piece of puzzle in Sherlock's life.
Last edited by Punch me in the face (May 25, 2013 9:21 am)
Punch me in the face wrote:
So we've got John. John is loyal, Sherlock trusts him, he doesn't let himself be intimated by Sherlock and would always tell Sherlock what he thinks, even if that ends up with Sherlock being upset, he wouldn't hesitate to risk his life for Sherlock, he always follows him even when it's dangerous, sure he's not as clever as Sherlock nor Irene, but he's still very clever and he's got the intelligence of the heart, he's got enough self-confidence not to be too upset when Sherlock keeps on calling him an idiot for example, he is calm and poised which counterbalances Sherlock's exuberance, despite their little "fights", they get on well together, they live together and are comfortable with other, John makes Sherlock laugh and vice versa, he admires Sherlock and believes in him: Sherlock may say he couldn't care less about people's opinion, he truly needs that. Someone who likes him for who is, I'd even say: despite who he is. I think even Mycroft thinks high of John. And I think Sherlock is dependent on John even more than John is on him...
To me, John is the missing piece of puzzle in Sherlock's life.
Well said! I'm with you completely.
Hm, I don't agree with you in the first point, Punch Me.
The extraordinary thing about Sherlock & Molly is that Molly is completely ordinary at the first sight, a normal pretty girl, no supermodel, feels lonely... in contrast Sherlock is utterly extraodinary, attractive, not interested in relationships, all that matters to him is the work. Molly devotes herself to her job and Sherlock sees a truth in her because she resembles him in a way.
And I love how she gathers herself together during the scene at Bart's when she asks him if he's okay. It's obviously not easy for her yet she keeps going anyway, although Sherlock brushes her off. That takes courage and that's why she's lovely. Too many people do underestimate Molly.
I appreciate the fact that she's always surprising though you'd think that her acts are foreseeable. Yet she does surprise Sherlock as well as the TV audience.
Sherlock doesn't mention her name on the roof to protect her, since she's obviously involved in his plans.
As for Sherlock and John... yeah, I do read all the fan fiction storys and I do look at all the fan art and they are the persons everyone ships in a relationship.
The things you pointed out, Punche Me, are the reason for them having such a beautiful friendship. And that's it for me. Friendship.
I think Sherlock and John already do love each other more than they ever could in a romantic relationship. They are a couple, if you would have it so, but that doesn't mean that there isn't space for women in their life.
I personally can't see Sherlock in a romantic obvious relationship at all, but Molly is the person where I think it could be possible.
Yeah, Molly's a nice girl, intelligent, kind, pretty without looking like a whore, devoted and all. But I just don't think Sherlock would be the right guy for her. Molly seems to be a girl who'd be ready to give more to her man than she would get but she also looks like your lovey-dovey kind of girl, so I think at some point, she would desperately wait more from Sherlock (romantism, a lot of attention...) and she would obviously never get it. She wouldn't leave Sherlock because she loves him too much, but she wouldn't be happy in the relationship anyway... I can picture her looking at some lovers in the street, like a man giving flowers to his fiancee, and they'd hug and kiss, and her heart would tighten, she'd get back home full of hopes and Sherlock would tell her something quite rude without even thinking it is, and she would just break down...
That's the way I see it, at least...
(I've always wondered btw if, at the christmas scene, Sherlock kissing her on the cheek was entirely his idea of he does it because of John reproachful and encouraging look)
Then, if I can conceal Sherlock feels something for Irene, I don't think he does for Molly. He doesn't even look that happy to see her coming at Christmas. He only says kind things to her when he needs something. And surely, if she had seemed so important to him, Moriarty (with all the spying he did and his intelligence) would have had her targeted by a sniper as well I think.
Anyway, if you told me "Sherlock can't be with John, he has to be with a girl", then my choice would definitely be Molly, not Irene.
"that doesn't mean that there isn't space for women in their life. "
>> I'm not so sure about that. Sherlock hasn't given me the feeling so far that he'd be ready to "share" John. Sarah? Well, he ruined John's date. Ok, he invited himself more for the case than anything, but still (ah ah, and the "that's what I was suggesting" always cracks me up! lol). Janette? I suspect him to have mistaken her name on purpose. It seems like he is jealous and possessive, like he would like to keep John for himself and that there isn't space for anyone else in their relationship. Quite a bit strange IMO for someone who he'd consider only as a friend.
Ok, I may be biased by my addiction to Johnlock.
If I tried to be really honest, I'd tell you that I don't think John is gay and that he "only" considers Sherlock as his best friend, but that this friendship takes so much space in his life that there is hardly room for anyone else, no matter how hard he tries. His priority will always be Sherlock (cf the scene with Janette at Christmas). He'd like to have someone else in his life, but he just doesn't manage to.
As for sherlock, I think John means the world to him. He seems dependent on him. I think his feelings towards him are far more than friendship feelings. He needs John. In every possible meaning. Have you seen him laugh with anyone else? Have you seen him smile at someone else, and I mean genuine smiles? Have you seen him look at others the way he looks at John? He says it himself, John is his only friend. Not Lestrade. Not Molly. Just John. He hardly shows his feelings, but he cries at the top of St Barts. Of course, John isn't the only reason. He cries because even if he had planned to jump at some point, there may be a chance to die for real, so he must be scared. He cries because even if he survives, he knows his professional life will be ruined as everyone thinks he's a fake and his work means so much to him. But I think he cries even more because he has to tell John he is a fake (It must be horrible to think "My best friend will think I'm dead and he will think I've betrayed him, that I've lied to him..." ) and above all because he already knows that this is farewell (for quite a long time at least), that he won't see John again (maybe he really thinks he'll never see him again at this point), that he knows John is gonna be hurt, and maybe he thinks of life without John and thinks he's not going to cope.
So I'd say that to John, it's a very strong friendship which takes so much space in his life that there is harldy space for something else (women, work..) but I think that to Sherlock, it's more, much more than that. And if it's not pure love, then it's something even stronger. But it's not friendship. Let's say Sherlock is the same age as Benedict, 36, doesn't that say a lot that in all those years, John is the only person he has ever considered as a friend? I don't think he shows any sexual interest in John, I'm not even sure he'd like physical contact like kisses or hugs, but his feelings are not those of a friend, best friend or whatever. They're those of a "second half", of a "soul mate"...
That's the way I see it. (and in my fantasies, his feelings are returned by John)
Last edited by Punch me in the face (May 25, 2013 10:36 am)
I don't think he apologises to Molly because of John's reproachful look. John even suggests he takes a night-off from the deduction stuff just prior to him launching into his deduction. He apologises to Molly because during the deduction (which is designed to be in revenge for her comment that he had been moaning about John going off for Christmas) he realises upon looking at the label that he has, in fact, been mistaken. He did not think the present was going to be for him and was 'taking the piss' out of Molly and the realisation that he has overstepped the mark means he knows he has really humiliated her and therefore he apologises to her. Sherlock may say that he does not care what people think but he does know what humiliation feels like. To which I will also add that he is surprised that Molly values him enough to buy him a Christmas present; let's face it, she will not anticipate a present from Sherlock in return will she.
He does not mention Molly's name on the roof because that is his way of not divulging to Moriarty that she is, in fact, a reliable friend. By his omission of her name he is not bringing her into the equation at all. If Moriarty had corrected him in some way and mentioned her then some adaptation of 'the plan' would have been necessary. Like many, if not most, viewers Moriarty has underestimated Molly; Sherlock however has not.
That said, I cannot see Sherlock in a relationship with Molly, for no other reason than it would not be canon.
Last edited by Davina (May 25, 2013 11:14 am)
Sherlock in a relationship isn't canon at all, though it depends on how we define a relationship.
In the next series I would have Sherlock and Molly to be closer to each other in an emotional way. I just want their relation to develope and I don't think that's too far-fetched. But maybe he will show his respect towards her more clearer than he did in the last series. That's all I'm hoping for. They don't have to kiss.
I agree with that. It will be part of his socialisation/humanisation process. In canon he is generally very polite, courteous, protective and respectful of women.
I agree with the notion of 'pure love' between Sherlock and John. They are soul mates, they connect on the most basic level and therefore can accept any aspect of each others personalities because of this. If Sherlock wasn't who he is, if his personality was vastly different, John would still accept him no matter what because the connection is there.
I see 'pure love' as emotional but not necessarily sexual. It would be great if you were attracted to that person and the feelings reciprocated as there would be no greater bond but it is still a powerful bond without the sex. This is how I see their relationship.
I cannot ship him with Irene as she cannot be trusted. There cannot be a relationship without trust and she would always put 'playing the game' over her feelings for Sherlock.
In my headcanon I see his experiance with Irene making him appreciate Molly more as he eventually sees the devotion and complete trust she has for him. She is the exact opposite of Irene and I love her for it.
I see his apology to Molly as proof he does care deeply for her and I believe he was being truly sincere in that moment. John saw the sincerity too which is why he looked so shocked by it.
I wish the writers would make them a couple but I can only hope, I guess. If not, I'll always have fanfiction x
I think John was shocked because Sherlock actually apologised to someone.
Well, nobody.
It is sad, but according to canon an intimate relationship is just not something Holmes would do. Neither would Sherlock.
And if you ask me, even the friendship with John is something extraordinary in Sherlock's life. He is very lucky to have found John. Everybody can be lucky if they had a friend like John. With Sherlock's difficult personality (to say the least) he probably never expected to find somebody who would share a flat with him and who would like him. He is a difficult man to find a flatmate for. Everybody else does say piss off.
Looking at it from the perspective of someone with mild Asperger's it gets even more obvious. In reality it is quite problematic to maintain a relationship between a neurotypical person and somebody with Asperger's. The person without Asperger's often tends to invest emotions into the relationship which is perfectly "normal" but they expect or want the emotions to be shown in a way that is not possible or not visible.
John has IMO developed some kind of understanding about Sherlock's way to express himself. He overlooks his rudeness and he can see through Sherlock's armour. In real life that is something that is very rare to find.
The fact that even a friend like John will eventually move out when he finds himself a wife is inevitable, I'm afraid. It's just how things are.
As this is set before the canon era I think there is every possibility for romance for Sherlock, even if it only brief. I would love to see it happen.
I also don't see Sherlock having Aspergers. I think he is maybe damaged emotionally in some way but he still does feel and I'm hoping he gets a love story.He just hides his emotions extremely well and can 'divorce' himself from them x
Last edited by nicbooful (May 25, 2013 4:39 pm)
I don't say he "has" Asperger's but he shows several signs of it. I don't want of put labels on people. He is just Sherlock. Let's stick to that.
And of course he has emotions, but he hides them well. I imagine because they make him vulnerable.
I think John would be best for Sherlock. John deals with him pretty well, but when Sherlock goes to far, he tells him off. I considered Molly, but in all of them but ASIB, she just says "Okay," in her mild sort of way whenever Sherlock makes a rude remark about her. Don't get me wrong, I love Molly, but if someone's going to have a relationship with Sherlock, they need to be strong enough to stand up to him. And that brings me back to John. He also balances Sherlock out with emotions, and Sherlock balances John out with not caring what the public thinks about you. I think that was an extremely smart comment for him to make in TRF, where John says something about the public thinking Sherlock's stupid or wrong I can't quite remeber what, and then Sherlock says "Then they're just stupid or wrong," So I think they would make a great couple.
Last edited by OneMoreMiracle (June 28, 2013 12:52 am)
John's probably the only one who can handle Sherlock. They do say opposites attract
I think that the relationship that Sherlock wants (or one that would suit him) is not by definition to what we refer to as a relationship.
It is never really said if Sherlock perfers men or women (or both?) he only implies that he consideres himself married to his work, meaning of course sex is about the last thing if at all on his mind.
The best relationship he could have is with himself, but he also need the relationship of those around him.
Mrs. Hudson is sort of a mother figure who takes care of him even though she states she is not his "housekeeper". She sort of keeps his life in check. John keeps his life in order because no matter what he will always be there for Sherlock and keep him on track (despite all the bit of falling outs they have had...or more so John has had with him). As for Irene, to me she resembles a challenge that he just can't overcome. He became infatuated with her more and more throughout the episode as she always seemed to have kept one step ahead of him and also because she outsmarted him. However, when she let her feelings get in the way of their game I think that depicted his moment of triumph and instead of being infatuated as before he just went back to "normal" with the thought that someone out there was close enough to "break" him.
As for Moriarty...sersiously...NO. He hates the man and more so because he tried to kill everyone that Sherlock loved, but of course he would never say that ;)
Oh! I forgot Molly! It would never happen because Sherlock seems to think little of her in a romantic way, but he obviously thinks highly of her in a professional way and in a friendly one. Even though he can seem to be very rude to her, she is the one that he literally trusted with his life and to leave your life in someone else's hands...well he may not "love" her, but I think if he wasn't so into his work he may have seen her potentially in a romantic way.
I do hope in the next series he becomes friendlier with Molly after all she has done for him and I think he must have felt a little bad about things he has said to her after the series 2 ordeal. They don't have to make out or anything but become closer as he has done with John. After all he has known her before John and he probably never respected her as much before because she was always trying to hit on him or make him jealous haha.
Okay I think I'm done for now.
Last edited by Chiblits (July 4, 2013 4:52 am)
I think John is the best match for Sherlock taking into account that Sherlock clearly isn't ready for what we " normal, dull " people call a relationship. The thing is I don't think John is gay, as he seemed attracted by the girl in the car taking him to Mycroft in A Study in Pink. I only see a strong friendship between them, and according to me it is possible to have very strong feelings for a truly special friend and weep for him or her without being in love.
But, if one day Sherlock gets ready for a relationship, I think Molly could be the one he ends up with. In fact, I've already wondered if the reason why he's so unkind to her is to keep her away from him, thus protecting himself from any romantic feelings that could come up.
Anyway, the whole point is that the different actors play so well that everything in the story is subject to interpretation, isn't it ?
D. None of the above.
He's just not a sexual creature, nor one to let himself be swayed by his feelings. John is special, of course, but not a love interest. He and Irene would be that couple that can't be together but can't be with anyone else. And Moriarty...well, he's Sherlock's other half. But definitely not a romantic partner.