Hello everyone! I'm a longtime lurker of this website, and I figured that I ought to join it finally. I was hesitant for a while as my intellect does not match that of the majority of these posters. (There are a whole lot of Sherlocks on this forum, :-) )
Anywho, greetings to all!
There isn't too much more to say, there will be plenty of time to ramble later on. This is a Sherlock forum after all.
Welcome, Azelma, it's good you came out of the shadows. Don't hesitate to post. Our "geniuses" are far more friendly and tolerant than Sherlock.
Hi, warm welcome from me. Glad to have you around
Welcome Azelma, I hope you will enjoy your time with us.
SusiGo is right, we're a friendly bunch... And we have stopped sacrificing people now we have been through therapy
Welcome to the forum Azelma. I hope you have lots of fun here!
Mnemosyne wrote:
SusiGo is right, we're a friendly bunch... And we have stopped sacrificing people now we have been through therapy
Oh... you mean that's where the skulls come from? *blinks*
Welcome Azelma. Trust me, everyone around here's really nice.
Am I right in guessing your username comes from Les Miserables? That's one of my favorite books.
Thanks everyone! And yes, it comes from Les Miserables. Wonderful book there. :-)
Welcome Azelma, and thanks for being so complimentary about our members. Some people might take being compared to Sherlock as an insult, but we obviously love it!