At least I think it will be. I'm an American woman who spent a few years in England in the late 1970's, and before that I wrote Str Trek and other fanfiction and my goodness things are better now that there's the internet. Not that I can get anything done in the real world, but it is wonderful to have fandom wherever one lives.
I just started wrting Sherlock fanfic and now I need data, so thank you all for being here.
Welcome to the forum, nice to have you here. Some of us like reading fanfic very much, just have a look at the threads. Hope to read one of yours sometime.
Welcome, Rhyolight, from the soggy Midwest! I'm a bit of a trekkie, too, as well as a Sherlockian. Looking forward to BC in the new film?
Welcome to the forum! Creative minds are always well received around here
Hi Rhyo - are you anywhere near the southern NH border - over toward the east like in the Salem area? There are a couple of us in the area if you are. Welcome to this really great Forum. I was/am a trekkie too and am really glad to hear you are writing fanfic - especially Sherlock. Point us toward some of your stuff sometime - I'd love to read it.
Hi, warm welcome also from me, and good luck for your project regarding John!
Hello and welcome to the forum. You should find plenty of data, but not Data, around here.
Oh, another writer. Welcome!
Welcome I also like Star Trek, more into the original series myself. I am also interested to know what you think of our Ben being in the new film.
My heart, or at least the stainless steel valves that pass for it (metaphor) (I think) is warmed by your welcome.
My Trekkie nature was pinned to the original series; I gave it all I had, in longhand, and then I think I had children (checks Wikipedia); yes, I did (2 by the time Next Gen came out). So although I am literate in modern Trek, I'm not fluent. (But I know that was silly about D/data, Davina, and it made me laugh.) And I haven't seen the new movie, although I am not opposed to it and I will probably be enticed into seeing it before I see the new one when it comes out which I will need to see because of BC.
Meanwhile I am looking forward to The Hobbit. Part of me thinks MF is too old and Bilbo should be roughly the same age as Frodo was, and part of me just likes MF so much I will try anything. And even if Peter Jackson was at times uncanonical in LotR, I can forgive a lot for the beauty of the movies. And poor Gollum. Only I am really not sure about the dwarves. Balin in my head is not funny-looking.
I am nerdishly excited at the idea of any motion-captured dragon and the identity of the actor of Smaug just makes me more so.
So you already know I can be pedantic and stubborn, but I try to behave in public.
I am Rhyolight in Archive of Our Own and Rhyolight04 in I hadn't written any fic in years but ABC's Castle revived my inner fangirl. I thought i was going to get away free of Sherlockian plot bunnies but I am so delighted some of them have come to nibble my feet. I can't tell you what a wonderful world of canon and resources the internet is (obviously, you know) but it's still AMAZING t be able to find out what sort of pubs are easy walking distance from New Scotland Yard (though this information would not be of much use to me if I were still writing Star Trek), to be able to draw on the work of other people who have done the transcripts and so on. Although the generosity of fandom is not surprising at all it's still delightful. The Sherlock fandom seems to me to be particularly charming and intelligent (no, really). So thank you, and I am looking forward to spending time here, because you have all been so nice.
I live outside of Concord, in Henniker, and I would love to get together with some Sherlock fans some time. I have friends who watch it but the fan thing seems rarer here than in Greater Boston, where I used to live.
Now I am going to go eat, and feel warmed, again, by your kindness.
Welcome to the forum! (I'm new as well). Looking forward to your Sherlock fics.
I don't live there anymore, but I used to live in New Hampshire near Concord when I was younger.
Last edited by trenchcoats (October 2, 2012 10:53 pm)
Welcome from all the time ( ) sunny Brazil! You believe I've never watched Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings! But now I have a few reasons... Providing...
Welcome Rhyolight. It's funny but I have noticed that Sherlockians also tend to be fans of (any or all of) Star Trek, Bones, Castle, Doctor Who, LOTR, Criminal Minds and such. I wonder what the attraction is?
Last edited by Wholocked (October 3, 2012 3:03 am)
Rhyolight wrote:
At least I think it will be. I'm an American woman who spent a few years in England in the late 1970's, and before that I wrote Str Trek and other fanfiction and my goodness things are better now that there's the internet. Not that I can get anything done in the real world, but it is wonderful to have fandom wherever one lives.
I just started wrting Sherlock fanfic and now I need data, so thank you all for being here.
I live in New Hampshire, too. Welcome! And good luck with your writing.
Welcome, Rhyo!
Now you've put the pressure on. Everybody, be charming and intelligent!
Hello and welcome, Rhyolight!
I'm a trekker since the early days of the original series. I also like Next Generation, but didn't care much for Deep Space 9 or Voyager. I'm looking forward to seeing BC in the newest ST movie when it comes out next May. Also looking forward to seeing MF in Hobbitt.
Just a side note...I have cousins living in Epping and Henniker.
Welcome to the forum! Thanks for joining us. :-)
Hallo! With a forum like this, it is definitely harder to get things done and to stay focused.