Here are some thoughts about Redbeard in the light of casting a young Sherlock:
This idea does make sense and I also like it a lot. Let's hope this is what we'll get to see next season!
YES! A thousand times this!
So here's what I think the two scenes will be:
Flashback 1: Traumatic event which scarred young Sherlock
Flashback 2: Parents gifting him Redbeard in an attempt to give him emotional support
Last edited by GimmeCat (June 27, 2016 12:39 pm)
Here is postscript since I had not looked at Redbeard in TAB:
Interesting thoughts. I really like your view of Redbeard in TAB. I'm not sure that "I made me" means that he felt responsible for whatever event happened ... he seems to me to be saying that an event (or whatever) didn't "create" him, but that he did it deliberately .. quite possibly to deal with the event (but yes, it could be interpreted as meaning that he thought he caused the event). And we don't even know for sure that there is an event .. but I agree that the six-year-old casting has to suggest something. Even if it's Mycroft viewpoint of the event.