I'm wondering if they are just using Canada as "cheap London". (if Cardiff was unavailable for some reason). However, could be that they are going there for a specific reason. We don't know.
Some clever guess at what this Canadian setting may mean and why could it be chosen:
Are they really going to Canada?
Doe the BBC budget cover that?!
Well, to film Doctor Who they went to Rome and Dubai, so I'd say yes, they'd have the budget.
Not really a Sherlock thing, is it?
Maybe their budget increases, with growing viewing figures!
I also think they have a bigger budget, I mean they have worldwide success, so they should put some money in it.
But I don't know what to think of it?! Sherlock has a case there?
It would be nice to see a bit of Canada, certainly...a country I would really like to visit.
Definitely, if I ever set a foot on American soil (north or south) it'll Canada. And they have a attractive Prime Minister (one of his favourite TV shows is Sherlock by the way )
Do we have people from Canada here? We must have.
We do and yes, nice PM.
Oh I didn't know he was a Sherlock man!
Yitzock is Canadian. Not sure if she does spoilers, though.
And everything I have seen and read about Justin Trudeau seems great. His politics, his humour, his humanity - and he is quite nice to look at, too.
Last edited by SusiGo (May 12, 2016 6:02 pm)
SusiGo wrote:
Yitzock is Canadian. Not sure if she does spoilers, though.
And everything I have seen and read about Justin Trudeau seems great. His politics, his humour, his humanity - and he is quite nice to look at, too.
He doesn't look like Hugh Grant but he does kinda make me think of Hugh's character in Love Actually.
I've not seen Love Actually, but I do think there's a bit of Hugh about Justin.
Of course Yitzock, I knew there was at least one.
I recently read up on Justin (weird that there is a head of government named Justin) I heard about his election of course, but the state visit to the US and his new bromance with Barack Obama was all over tumblr, so I thought I should know about him. I don't know if it'll work out with him, he sometimes seems a bit naive, but he's kind of a newcomer and I like him because he's different from other politicans. He's very open and good with people and he has a very interesting vita. He'll take part in Toronto pride in July, that's pretty cool for a statesman.
He did an Q&A for Huffington Post Canada I think and they asked him about his favourite TV shows and one was Sherlock. Maybe he'll be in the next series if they really film there, wouldn't surprise me at all after everything I read about him.
tonnaree wrote:
He doesn't look like Hugh Grant but he does kinda make me think of Hugh's character in Love Actually.
He totally would dancing too!
I am not sure what exactly Amanda tweeted. Honestly, I absolutely LOVE her as Mary. She perfectly complements John. Also, the fact that she looks like an average woman is so refreshing. Finally, a femme fatale that looks like the woman next door. The fandom can be very obsessive and overly sensitive. With that said, she made a mistake by using foul language and has been humbled by it. Albeit, perhaps, only momentarily. Sherlock without Mary simply seems wrong now. I don't care if her dying is "cannon." Heck, Molly sure as heck isn't and I adore her.
Canada - something to do with going back to the last place Mary had an assignment as an assassin/spy before London? I would LOVE it if somehow Ms. Irene Adler happened to be there.... yassssss
Personally, I never want to see Irene again.
But I wondered if Mary hailed from Canada.
Oh, good point. We don't know yet where Mary came from, but assume she isn't British, so maybe Canadian? I think Irene Adler is done and dusted (although could pop up in mind palaces. As could Canada, I suppose).
besleybean wrote:
Personally, I never want to see Irene again.
But I wondered if Mary hailed from Canada.
oh yeah that makes sense. Sherlock said in HLV he don't think she's English. The question would be is she from the USA and they just film in Canada like they did with some US TV shows or is she Canadian. So could be for flashbacks.
As long as Irene doesn't 'pop up' any where near Sherlock...I'm happy!
To be honest, I hope Mary's departure wouldn't signal Irene's return...
Last edited by besleybean (May 12, 2016 7:20 pm)
She could be Canadian... interesting theory!