This is an old comedy series ( just 2 seasons, 6 episodes in each) I stumbled across from a Tweet Mark Gatiss did.
Yes, he is in it & plays a very eccentric bachelor with VERY odd quirks & a hideous make-over for the part.
His part is a smaller one, but does feature more in the second season.
It's definitely NOT one of the classier comedies I have seen, but it is hilarious the things they would have us believe.
I only have the last 4 episodes to watch now (30 minutes each)
Will let you know my final thoughts soon.
Oh...Ruth Jones was in it too. She's holding the clapperboard.
Mark with that awful hairdo? I gotta see this.
Interesting hairstyle. Reminds me of German football players in the Eighties .
...and British ones too! Kevin Keegan leaps to mind! Lol
Oh, I still remember him. Didn't he play in Hamburg? Or was it Cologne?
Hamburger SV. Long permed hair and short shorts were de rigeur in the 80s.
And a moustache if you wanted to go all the way
No, Mark! What are you doing?
Hahaha, this looks like it would be hilarious.
And wow, can he really grow his hair like that? If so, I didn't know he was that curly.
That reminds me of one of the latest pictures I found from Alan Rickman filming CBGB:
Thank god it's not his real hair.
Last edited by Mattlocked (August 14, 2012 11:48 pm)
Heavens, that's really awful. Sorry, Mattlocked
Well, Susi, it IS! How brave the have to be, our actors.....