Random additions to the conversation:
"Why implly homosexuality in S1" Let us not forget that people have been suggesting certain things about Sherlock and John's relationship since ACD first started writing his stories. This is not something that Mark and Steven invented.
"I felt made fun of....." I do think they were making fun, or taking the piss, what ever you want to call it. However, I felt it was done with an air of affection. I have been a Geek/Fangirl all my life but even I have to step back occasionally and go, My but isn't this silly. In other words I think they were laughing with us not at us.
tonnaree wrote:
Random additions to the conversation:
"Why implly homosexuality in S1" Let us not forget that people have been suggesting certain things about Sherlock and John's relationship since ACD first started writing his stories. This is not something that Mark and Steven invented.
"I felt made fun of....." I do think they were making fun, or taking the piss, what ever you want to call it. However, I felt it was done with an air of affection. I have been a Geek/Fangirl all my life but even I have to step back occasionally and go, My but isn't this silly.In other words I think they were laughing with us not at us.
I agree with you in both points.
I have some objections about TEH but not with regard to the "fan service". I like how they include the theories and fanfics and they - most of all Steven - have always emphasised being fanboys and that the next generation of writers will come from the fandom.
Someone linked to a post from a Dr Who board from 1995 in which Steven explained his ideas for the show. 20 years on he realised some of those in the show. This is how I imagine he views many things done by fans and I never felt disrespected in this regard.
mrshouse wrote:
I was just referring to Vhanja's interpretation that the topic of flatsharing as such raised wondering at all and needed to be addressed.
I know Ben mentions it in one of the Sherlock documentaries/interviews. Something about when two single men of a certain age share a flat, it's bound to raise questions.
So, for the sake of illustration - where are the jokes?
Well, Moftiss refers to it themselves as jokes, and they are the ones who wrote it.
And according to their own repeated admission they are lying constantly.
That can be used to argue anything. I personally see it as jokes in the show, it's how it comes across to me.
As has been pointed out, I think it is vital to remember that the bulk of the assumtions come from people who know Sherlock. Especially Mycroft, his own brother! I don't think any of the comments from him, Hudson or Angelo are meant as jokes. They speak from experiance, their personal experiances with Sherlock.
I myself have stated before that even if there was no sense of johnlock, the character of Sherlock has always read as gay to me. In my eyes it's subtle but obvious this is a gay man.
tonnaree wrote:
I myself have stated before that even if there was no sense of johnlock, the character of Sherlock has always read as gay to me. In my eyes it's subtle but obvious this is a gay man.
How so? Not saying I disagree with you, just wondering what signs you see that he is gay.
Vhanja wrote:
tonnaree wrote:
I myself have stated before that even if there was no sense of johnlock, the character of Sherlock has always read as gay to me. In my eyes it's subtle but obvious this is a gay man.
How so? Not saying I disagree with you, just wondering what signs you see that he is gay.
It's hard to discribe without it sounding like stereotyping but he reminds me of many gay men I have known. The way he holds himself. The way he reacts when the subject of sex with women comes up. The "not my area" conversation at Angelo's and his tone of voice. It's more an overal feeling. If I must I'l use the term Gaydar, and he certainly sets mine off.
How he loves this kind of dancing. How perfectly he organises a wedding up to the colour scheme and the flowers while John does not seem to be interested in these things at all. His hand movements in many scenes, especially in TSoT. All his reactions to Janine.
Interesting. I've always figured that Sherlock was at least bi, because he does seem uncomfortable with Irene's direct sexual approach. And considering how easy Sherlock can brush of anyone and anything, if he was gay, I don't see why he wouldn't easily be able to brush of Irene's advances as well.
Well, I am not a gay man but I could imagine that if I was not sexually interested in women at all and would be confronted by a naked woman behaving in a sexually aggressive way I might be slightly uncomfortable/baffled/feeling awkward.
Sherlock constantly brushes off Irene's advances.
I'm not thinking about the naked scene. I, as a heterosexual woman, would be shocked and feeling awkward in that scene as well. I'm thinking more about her advances ("have you beg for mercy twice"/"If I were the last person on earth..."). He seems stunned and uncomfortable, not able to come up with the quick and arrogant retort he usually does to anyone who annoys him. When he asks "Where's John?" he sounds and looks almost like a lost child for a small second.
Anyway, this is getting slightly OT, but I've always read those scenes as Sherlock losing his cool and not being sure how to handle Irene the way he usually handles everybody else.
True. He brushes them off AND feels uncomfortable with them. (Or takes her pulse in order to deduce her).
Vhanja wrote:
Interesting. I've always figured that Sherlock was at least bi, because he does seem uncomfortable with Irene's direct sexual approach. And considering how easy Sherlock can brush of anyone and anything, if he was gay, I don't see why he wouldn't easily be able to brush of Irene's advances as well.
In my eyes, it was very clear from the beginning, in fact extremely clear, that Sherlock is, if not outright gay, at least not interested in Irene whatsoever for the following reasons:
-when she appears naked, he only looks at her straight in the eye and NEVER strays to other places in her body, even for one second (by contrast, we see John visibly embarassed when she faces him and trying hard to keep his eyes on her face)
- he bloody takes her measurements?! What straight/bi man manages to be as cold and calculating as that, able to take her measurements, when faced with a completely naked woman - instead of just looking at her/being curious of or enjoying her nakedness??
- even in their most intimate moment, in front of the fire, he is still calculating and cold enough to touch her only to take her pulse (he drops her wrist as soon as he's done that).
I mean... it was so clear to me that he wasn't interested, I never ever thought the opposite.
I agree. If I got a message from the show, it is that Sherlock is not sexually and/or romantically interested in women. Not Irene, not Janine, not anyone else.
Also, I had another thought today about what Mark said in regards to Sherlock refusing relationships in order to avoid them being used against him.
On Barts' roof, Jim says that if he doesn't kill himself 'every one of your friends will die' (which already proves Mark is wrong, but anyway); then Sherlock mentions all his friends to him?? To Moriarty??? If what Mark says is true, surely he would have gone 'I don't have friends' - granted, it didn't mean Moriarty would believe him, but he would at least have tried, right? Instead he LISTS THEM - the first time I saw that I thought what the hell?? Why would you do that? I was expecting Moriarty to pull out a notebook and make notes to remember who to threaten in the future!! That was so ridiculous.... why tell your enemy exactly who to threaten??? lol.
Anyway, that for me discredits what Mark said even more.
I see what you mean. If what we get in TEH about the plan concocted by Mycroft and Sherlock is true, this could mean that Mycroft was able to hear what they were saying on the roof and that Sherlock expressly stated the names so his friends could be protected. Just an idea.