Hiya, I am Nadine and From Bristol, UK.
My daughter and I love Sherlock, British Sci Fi, and movies in general. Any other Bristolian Sherlock fans on the board?
Hi, Nadine, I'm Susi and I'm not from Bristol but from Germany, but welcome to the forum . Nice to have someone from Bristol who can always tell us what the weather's like . And my regards to your daughter who shows an excellent taste at her young age.
Welcome to the forum! Not sure if there is anyone from Bristol, but hopefully you will feel comfortable around us as well.
Hi Nadine,
We're northwest rather than southwest England I'm afraid, but you're very welcome.
Hey Nadine! Good to see someone else from the UK. I'm from the North (Manchester area)
Hi Nadine! I'm from Bristol! Been following Benedict for a while and adore Sherlock! let me know if you'd like a meet up!
Wicked, seriously did I just say wicked? Yes, anyway, thanks for the lovely welcomes.
Nice to know I'm not the only one. I get funny looks when I bang on about it. x
Hi and welcome to our little SHERLOCK fanboard. we're a nice bunch, from all over the world; even I can't believe how fortunate we are to 'meet' like this, and talk about our interests. you will find we all LOVE this re-make of Sherlock ,-as well as all the other adaptations and for the canon stories too. so welcome again!! I'm from the USA.
Welcome to the forum. I hope you have loads of fun here. I'm from the South-East so wrong part of the country.
Hi Nadine
Welcome to the madness.
If you drill through the centre of the earth, you will come out at my place. I'm awake when you are asleep and asleep when you are awake
Welcome to the forum! = )
Welcome, Nadine! We're glad to have you.
Do you by any chance listen to Cabin Pressure? If so, you'll know that Benedict Cumberbatch (actually Sherlock in disguise as Benedict Cumberbatch in disguise as Captain Martin Crieff) very nearly landed in your town.