Hi everyone, my name is Jen. I'm 22 years old and attending my last semester at university. When I graduate I will have completed a Bachelors degree in Anthropology. I recently watched all the episodes of Sherlock, and I actually really enjoyed them. I didn't start watching Sherlock because I really wanted to watch it, I started watching it for a class project, but I ended up really liking it. Which is good, because I haven't finished my project yet.
What is this project, you may ask. I'm doing an ethnographic research project, for my Ethnographic Field Methods class, on internet fan communities, how they differ from actual physical communities, how they're similar, etc. I decided on the BBC Sherlock community because it was something that I hadn't yet seen, and because I read the Sherlock Holmes stories when I was younger. Also it has a very large and active fandom.
Fandom is nothing new to me, I've been involved in various fandoms since I was about 13 and we still had AOL dial-up. For anyone out there too young to remember that, I once waited three hours for a four minute video to load on youtube. So, I'm here not only as a fan but as a young academic trying to navigate a fan community. if you have any questions or concerns comment below or pm me, or even if you just want to say hi. I'm hoping to be on daily. I'll probably be asking a lot of questions. Mostly I'm just here to have fun and meet awesome people.
Hi, welcome here, Jen! I hope you will get along fine!
Last edited by Harriet (October 3, 2014 8:32 am)
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Welcome. I hope you will get on with your project and have fun as well.
Welcome Jen.
Welcome and have a great time here!
Sounds like an interesting project. I'm glad that you enjoyed Sherlock though and that it's more than just work to you.
Probably you've seen this here already - if not, it might be of some interest for you:
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I've been out of town for a few weeks for various reasons. Happy to be back now. While I was gone though I did get the opportunity to read "A Study in Scarlet" on a five hour flight from New York to California.
Harriet, I actually have not seen that. Thank you for providing me with the link, I'll have to ask my prof whether he'll let me incorporate the results, I'll have to look more into the methodology of data collection and interpretation, but if nothing else it will help point me in the direction of what people are thinking, and what is most important to fans of the show (as far as the show itself is concerned). I'm planing on conducting some survey/interview type things to anyone that is interested, but I still have to decide if I'm going to do a flat out survey or if I'm going to have conversations through the messaging system. It really depends on if I'm looking for more qualitative or quantitative data.
Hope it helps to some extent. I don't envy you for these decisions to make - I'm glad to be in here just for the fun
Hi Jen, new to this so please bear with me, Jackie x