Hi -
I started watching the BBC series about two years ago and immediatly fell in love with this it. Now after watching the latest episode today I couldn´t help but look for a place to share my feelings - I´m still stunned and working was quite difficult (I watched HLV during lunch break) ;)
So I´ll start reading and writing and I hope you´ll excuse my typical German grammar faults I´m happy this forum exists to help me waiting for the next season.
Brave girl - welcome and enjoy!
Moin Insa,
of course, your work had to be difficult for you today. Many of us are still blown away by HLV. Welcome to our self help group!
Welcome, Insa, glad you found us. Have fun.
Moin moin,
good to read from another fangirl from North Germany
Welcome, Insa.
Don't worry about your language skills too much. You will find that everybody around is very patient with us non-native speakers. Nice to have you here!
Moin. Moin. Insa! Willkommen and welcome and hello to the forum. (There all languages & dialects covered!)
Thanks for your warm welcome - I already feel quite at home
(and working was better today although I rewatched "His last vow" during lunch break - the initial shock has faded... a bit)
Is someone toying with the thought of visiting London this autumn to see Hamlet by the way? Maybe we could travel as a group? ;)
Hello Galadriel,
willkommen Nordlicht! It's nice to have other people from the North around. Have fun!
me and my husband or my mother (if my husband has to work) think about going to London in autumn