Hi everyone!
I am really excited about joining this forum
I love the series, and love discussing it even more. Unfortunately, Sherlock is not that well known around here, so I have nobody to share my thoughts, but I hope this will change now!
Good night ...erm ... evening, Vienna!
Glad you could join us - maybe you're even the first of your country here...?
Loads of fun. Make yourself feel at home.
Hi hypergreenfrog,
welcome to the forum. I am from Germany where there is no real Sherlock mania either. So let us be happy we found this truly international forum .
Welcome aboard from another green one. Let's paint the walls of this board with newbies, shall we. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here, frog. I've noticed them people here are pretty cool. In the words of Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being green". But we'll manage my friend.
Hey!!! welcome!! It's great to have someone here from your country. Does your country have the Vienna Riding School, where they train the beautiful Lippizaner stallions?
Hi there hypergreenfrog,
I hope you like our pad enough to stick around.
Welcome, welcome
Gruess Gott hypergreenfrog. It's not easy being green but it is cool and friendly like. I hope you have the best time here.
Hey there and welcome to our lovely Sherlock community!
Welcome, hypergreenfrog. There's no Sherlock community in Real Life where I live either, but this forum more than makes up for that. You'll have fun here, I'm sure!
Welcome! Yes, lots of sharing. Glad to have you with us.
Last edited by veecee (June 15, 2012 7:30 pm)
sherlockskitty wrote:
Does your country have the Vienna Riding School, where they train the beautiful Lippizaner stallions?
Actually, it's where they make the sausages. (Sorry; probably no one outside America knows what I'm talking about...)
Welcome to the forum! I picked you a lovely bouquet of edelweiss... (don't tell the authorities)
Tantalus wrote:
Actually, it's where they make the sausages. (Sorry; probably no one outside America knows what I'm talking about...)
I know, I know. I love those little things too.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! I will definitely feel at home here.
And yes, we have the Hofreitschule here, where they train the Lippizaner, and yes, we still dance to Waltz music quite a lot.
But Vienna is also the city of Freud, Schrödinger and Hayek, who, I am convinced, would have all loved Sherlock
hypergreenfrog wrote:
But Vienna is also the city of Freud, Schrödinger and Hayek, who, I am convinced, would have all loved Sherlock
Of course they would. Freud even treated Sherlock for his cocaine addiction (if only in the novel and the film "The seven-percent solution" ).
SusiGo wrote:
Of course they would. Freud even treated Sherlock for his cocaine addiction (if only in the novel and the film "The seven-percent solution"
Wow, I didn't know that, so it is not just all in my head, then?
Offline will love the community here and we are delighted to have you