Sure. LOL
SusiGo wrote:
Or he was overcome with regret for his wrongdoings and became religious and started a self-help group for depressed Sherlockians.
Well, there just might be some truth in this theory, Anderson might feel somehow responsible for Sherlock committing suicide. Maybe he left SY, trying to solve the puzzle about Moriarty/Sherlock privately... Anyway, he does look a bit on the crazy side...
I really like this idea that I read in a fanfiction:
Anderson knows German (more or less), which is why he knew what "Rache" meant in ASIP. And at some point after the Fall, he realizes that Rich Brook translates to Reichenbach and then he starts believing that Sherlock's innocent
But whatever, his look is even worse now than in series 1 and 2 (which I didn't think possible)... serves him right though, tehee
Ahhh I don't like days without internet access. There's always something happening on those...
Awww but I like the trailer!! Excitement and impatience growing... come on, come on, airdate now, come on...
When I saw the "fanclub", I thought: well, that's us... and now I'm waiting for my mobile to beep and tell me either: sherlocklives OR the airdate (that would be so cool, couldn't they do that? some place to enter our numbers and then they send out a message to everybody at once?)
I'd love a proper trailer with Mary in it.
Haha, yes, that would be something!!
But at least I found on Twitter there will be more on John Watsons blog.....
Seriously... I can't take the excitement any longer. How do I become so overwhelmed with feels just because of 30 seconds? I declare it SORCERY.
Sorcery? I have to look that up.
Black magic!
Whatever it's working! Sherlock has us under his spell ^^
Andersen looks like a guy who lost his job. Think about it. Would any working professional have decorated his house with what looks to be a crime board and Sherlock fans? Who would have the time? The crime board looks to be conjectures on Sherlock's disapperance or unexplained crime solving taking place all over Europe regarding a secretive crime family (moriarty's web perhaps?)
And then you've got goth and geek types wearing deerstalkers and coats with scarfs apparently looking at something on the TV happening (right before the texts).
Yup. this guy lost his job for accusing an innoscent man. I wouldn't be surprised to find donovan street panhandling
FYI-Lestrade still looks like a detective type (not jobless) when he realizes he has been pick pocketed in the first trailer. For those who are conjecturing on what happens to Lestrade and his job.
I think Anderson is racked with guilt after what happened with Sherlock and goes a bit mental, QUITS his job (rather than getting the sack) and dedicates all his time to attempting to prove Sherlock's innocence with a bunch of crazy fangirls and boys.
Now this is really an unexpected turn ...
But would be quite fabulous.
And as John is already occupied when Sherlock returns, Anderson will be his new blogger.
I second that: NO!!
As long as he doesn't move in with Sherlock to replace John...
Oh god, I think I'll have nightmares now
Oh stop it!
Tho it could be worse.
It could be bloody Sally!
besleybean wrote:
Did he lose his job?
........and had a nervous breakdown right after.