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Other » Missed season 4, is there way to download it permanently from Netflix? » January 27, 2017 1:46 pm |
oh thanks didn't know that about iTunes, I will take a look at it later (I hope I can overcome my hatred :D)Also this screen recording thing doesn't sounds bad, I will also have a look at it later before I finally decide what I will do! Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this I'm so excited and looking forward to finally watch season 4!!!
You guys are the best!
Other » Missed season 4, is there way to download it permanently from Netflix? » January 27, 2017 12:24 pm |
thank you all for your responses! Problem is I'm already paying ever month for netflix and yes, there is an offline function but like I already said not for laptop or computers (they definitley have to fix this!). Hmmm I also thought of maybe switching to Amazon instead of netflix... have to think about it. And I never purchased something via iTunes... don't you need apple products for that? (I'm kind of boycotting everything from apple, I hate the company and how they just make money with overpriced products and have bad working conditions).
Other » Missed season 4, is there way to download it permanently from Netflix? » January 24, 2017 1:12 pm |
Hello dear who ever takes the time to answer this
So please don't be mean but I really had not the time to watch season 4 of sherlock... I know what a shame this is as a real Sherlock addict, but sometimes life is more important
But NOW I have finally the time to catch this up! You can not imagine what horror this was, trying not to listen to or accidentally stumble across someone spoiler the new epsiodes!!!!
So since I'm going on vacations a have a 12 h flight, I will definitley catch this up (for the first time I'm happy that a series has only 3 episodes per season :D) But coming back to my actual problem: my precious tablet fell on the floor yesterday and now it's broken Today I was at a store to see if they can repare it, but they told me this will taxe approx. about 2-3 weeks!!! So of course it need to be fixed but my flight is on this saturday!!!!! (I'm feeling like I'm going through hell, srsly!) I imagend my flight so perfect cause Netflix has this offline function but now I wanted to download Sherlock for my laptop and offline is only possbile for tablet or tv!!!! (ARE YOU KIDDING ME????) Yes, so now I'm kinda lost and just want to cry :D So I thought about you guys, maybe someone can help me figuring a way out to get season 4 on my laptop so I can finally watch it this weekend?? I really don't have the time to really enjoy it bc my work is so overwhelming
Thanks for any advice! Ah forgot to mention, I don't want some illegal advice!
Music » Spotify to mp3? » December 7, 2016 3:15 pm |
Hey folks,
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask my question, but maybe someone could help ;-)
Well I was wondering if there exists a tool which could record a entire playlist (like sherlock soundtracks) from spotify, but convert each single song as separated mp3-file? I tried some freeware tools but unfortunately without any success. Does anyone have any good advice for me? Thanks!!
General Sherlock Discussion » Offline Service Netflix » August 5, 2016 11:25 am |
Hello Sherlock-Fans
Did you heard that Netflix is thinking about an offline service :o ? I just saw it this morning!
I'm so happy now i can watch Sherlock whenever i want to!! But does an offline service mean i'm able to capture Sherlock on my hard disk??
Suggestions, Questions & Technical Help » Saving episodes » May 10, 2016 6:21 am |
Well there is a possibility I have been using myself - it´s called Audials Moviebox. That´s a software that records from your screen. This is -unlike the common opinion - NOT illegal as long as your source is legal. So Netflix and Amazon Prime are absolutely suitable. It´s super easy and since Netflix and Amazon have the Autoplay function you can record them overnight and them safe it on any device you want, so you can watch it during your travels.
I´ll leave you a link to their website so you can find out more
oooh and you shouldn´t give the recordings to anyone else or sell them. It´s for private use only ;)
Costume » Does Sherlock ever button his coat? » May 10, 2016 6:20 am |
I don´t remember it being buttoned either...
funny how such small things keep us bugging :D but for conclusion I think that normally the coat is not buttoned
Introductions Please... » Hello there » May 10, 2016 6:00 am |
Finally a place where people can understand my obsessity with Sherlock :D
I´m veery happy
Can´t wait to talk to you, create theories and wait until the new episodes are coming
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