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His Last Vow » Did you miss me? » January 12, 2014 10:21 pm |
I love the way Mofftiss put all the theories into one episode like that. Too much happened. I haven't even loaded them all in my head.
Can't wait to download and rewatch it.
His Last Vow » First Reactions... » January 12, 2014 10:16 pm |
Full of effing surprise! But actually I did guess all of those seconds before it happened. Really excited right now. Can't wait for the season 4!!
His Last Vow » Did you miss me? » January 12, 2014 10:14 pm |
I do miss you. Quite a big surprise.
Now we have 2 more years to discuss how did he survive!
The Empty Hearse » Missing Five Minutes / John's Theory » January 5, 2014 10:17 am |
Sherli Bakerst wrote:
KeepersPrice made a really good point when we were watching this afternoon: Maybe the producers shortened it by five minutes so the PBS version in the US wouldn't have to be edited and we could see the entire episode without any cuts. I really like that theory and hope it's true.
Sorry, but why would PBS edit it? Has this happened before?
The Empty Hearse » The theory he told Anderson - The actual answer?? » January 5, 2014 10:14 am |
SherlockianDE wrote:
Commonwealth wrote:
I've read interviews with Benedict where he said Sherlock would never tell John that he jumped to save his life. And we see that played out in the cafe when John said "I don't care how you faked it. I want to know why." Sherlock lies about it being to stop Moriarty instead of telling him that it was to save his friends. He has to continue that lie that John was not in danger so he concocts the bit about Mycroft having a sniper on John's sniper. Theory 3 is as detailed as it is because Sherlock is trying to work out all the holes in his lie beforehand.
But in his latest blog post, John specifically states "Turns out he'd faked his death because Moriarty had threatened those close to him. Including me."
So supposedly, Sherlock did indeed tell him about that at some point?
Some mistakes were found on that blog and we can assume that the blog writter was not clearly know about the screenplay. Hope they will be fixed soon.
The Empty Hearse » Flaws In Theory #3 » January 5, 2014 10:00 am |
besleybean wrote:
We seem to have a few similar threads and I can see me having to say this all again, I also haven't read the whole of this page.
But I was musing over the Resolution, while lying in bed this morning and this is where I am with it at the moment!
We are shown Mycroft on his phone saying: so has it been done?
I took this to mean, Mycroft's sniper had shot John's sniper.
But preumably this could only be done after John's sniper signalled to the other snipers that Sherlock had jumped...so maybe he could only see what John saw? But then, why shoot him?
If he was just shot anyway, how would the other snipers know not to hit their marks?
I can understand that for the world, the news just had to get out that Sherlock had committed suicide. He needed to disppear and go off to clear the world of the Moriarty web.
But that doesn't account for the immediate problem of the individual snipers.
On a side note: do i take it that Sherlock travelled the globe and single handedly disposed of all of Moriarty's henchmen?
I suppose all the snipers were tracked by Mycroft's people and killed right before he took the phone call. But this just leads to another question: why didn't Mycroft just kill them all at first? Oh, maybe he wasn't sure how many people were at risks and who they are? Maybe he had to wait to hear that from Moriarty through Sherlock's phone?
About the main question, I've just replied in another topic.
The Empty Hearse » How he did it - Theory/ theories after seing The Empty Hearse » January 5, 2014 9:39 am |
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
My point is though, if there's already someone who out there who looks like Sherlock, then why would Sherlock ever need to swap places with the dead body in the first place? They could just leave the lookalike there covered with blood then they'd have no need to use the rubber ball.
Also, if John was only seeing the body from far away (which he was), why did it need to specifically be this Sherlock lookalike? Why couldn't it just be any old bloke with dark curly hair in one of Sherlock's coats. It could, you see. That's one of the flaws in the theory. They went to all that trouble to track down the dead lookalike and it wasn't required in the slightest.
If this was real, I could explain by saying they had to make sure that the body John saw before being knocked by the bicyclist IS Sherlock's. In case of the bicylists (there was a back-up) did miss John, he got on closer and checked, then they had to get a Sherlock-look-alike body. And after he was knocked down, Sherlock replaced the body just to make sure John could recognise him. The fake body would be a little bit risky.
However, I wonder the sound of falling ..things. Sherlock fell down on a hugh pillow, even when after he and the huge pillow were moved away and the fake body was thrown down, it should've made really loud sound. In addition, the fake body hit the ground and made sound right before John saw it, why couldn't he hear and regconise a wrong-timing sound like that?
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
I find it quite strange that Moriarty has somehow managed to track down someone who looks like Sherlock and got him to do this job for him scaring the little girl. It's all a bit far fetched. I think it's far more likely they used one of those extremely realistic masks that we saw being put to use in the first false theory. That way, any member of Moriarty's already established team could have done the job of scaring the little girl, and they wouldn't have had to b
General Sherlock Discussion » Fake scene isn't it? My mind's going crazy. » January 4, 2014 7:39 pm |
SusiGo wrote:
Mark has explained that it was a joke. They went through the archway, heard the fans and he told Andrew to put on the Belstaff. Sorry.
Oh thank you for clearing my mind. I didn't make a full research before posting this.
The Empty Hearse » How he did it - Theory/ theories after seing The Empty Hearse » January 4, 2014 7:36 pm |
When Sherlock met John in the restaurant, he told John there 13 ideas and was telling one by one, which was like he'd never prepared before and just find some ways to survive by observing the roof tops. And his face then, fear, confusion, satisfaction,.. all of them have not been explained clearly in 3rd theory.
I was so confused about this meeting on the rooftop after re-watching it many times. Sherlock must have had a big plan, but his reaction was like totally passive and being lost the game.
General Sherlock Discussion » Fake scene isn't it? My mind's going crazy. » January 4, 2014 7:19 pm |
I'm just so excited when thinking of this being real. Feels like Mofftiss against the whole world.
The Empty Hearse » The new baddie at the end and why he did it *SPOILERS?* » January 3, 2014 6:16 pm |
I don't want her to be a mole. I like her.
Swanpride wrote:
Let's recap what we know:
- We are dealing with someone who is similar omnipotent as Mycroft. After all, he was not only able to record the rescue, the messages also suggested that he was watching Sherlock and/or Mary the whole time.
- So whoever send the messages was most likely the same person who was watching
- That doesn't mean though, that he was also the one responsible for John's kidnapping. It is possible that he initiated it himself, but is is also possible that he was just watching it and decided to inform Sherlock.
- The first messages were send to Mary, the later ones to Sherlock, though.
I have the feeling that the same way Moriaty was designed to be a negative foil of Sherlock, Magnussen will be designed to be a negative foil of Mycroft.
And you make my question mark even bigger. If he had known that Sherlock was still alive before, why did his PUPILLARY shrink like surprised when he captured Sherlock's face on screen?
The Empty Hearse » [Spoiler] Is there another guy watching Sherlock falling down? » January 3, 2014 6:09 pm |
anjaH_alias wrote:
According to The Final Problem it was Moriarty luring Watson away. And Holmes knew immediately that it was a hoax. So I wasl assuming that it´s the same in TRF.
I thought it was Sherlock that arranged the phone call. Everything would be much clearer if Moriarty arranged and lured John.
The Empty Hearse » [Spoiler] Is there another guy watching Sherlock falling down? » January 2, 2014 9:16 am |
Wholocked wrote:
I'm not even sure Sherlock was telling the story. I think Anderson was delusional.
I've moved this thread to TEH forum
And I'm not even sure what that all white thing appeared and disappeared was all about. Seems like it was John's memory?
At first I attended to post this on TEH forum but I thought it wasn't related to this episode so much. Thank you.
The Empty Hearse » What did Sherlock deduce about Molly's fiance? » January 2, 2014 9:10 am |
Wholocked wrote:
I thought they were just sharing the realisation that she'd moved on from Sherlock to someone who looks very similar to him. Especially when she then said "I've moved on". Everyone could see it including John & Lestrade, and then Sherlock kind of grimaced when he put his scarf on
About that scarf..
I thought from the first sight that he looked like Sherlock so much, even the collar and the way he tied scarf. And that moment when Sherlock tied his scarf, I think he just noticed about that guy's scarf and had a little confusion.
The Empty Hearse » The new baddie at the end and why he did it *SPOILERS?* » January 2, 2014 8:14 am |
He wouldn't repeat it if he didn't plan the attack. He was watching. And remember his pupillary when he saw Sherlock's face.
And here comes another confusion. Why did he act like a cave man like that, I mean people tweeted about Sherlock, news full on papers... But I can strainedly think he was unsure about humors until saw it himself. Not quite good explanation though.
The Empty Hearse » There's something about Mary » January 2, 2014 7:24 am |
I like her. I don't know exactly why but I've liked her since I saw her confidence when she talked, she came along with them. And the scene Sherlock deduced her, I think he had a little bit discomfortable as usual.
I have a weird feeling that this Mary is a fangirl as well.
The Empty Hearse » [Spoiler] Is there another guy watching Sherlock falling down? » January 2, 2014 7:22 am |
After watching TEH I still wonder this. Moriarty was so powerful then why did he sent ONLY 3 killers for this final act? And who was the observer that informed about if Sherlock had jumped or not? Then how can Holmes brothers ignored that person and kept acting to fool John?
We can see in the third explanation that Mycroft arranged to kill the killer right after but since TRF, I've noticed that the killer stopped aiming and put down the gun, which means somebody must have seen Sherlock falling and informed his accomplices about it.
Whether the third explanation is the truth or a joke, this still confuses me. Any idea?
(His voice said "8 so far" in my head, haha.)
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