The Empty Hearse » Anthea returns » January 8, 2014 4:46 am |
Anthea is huge in the fan fiction world. It's great to see her back.
The Empty Hearse » Has Mary killed Johnlock? » January 8, 2014 2:30 am |
Mary Me wrote:
Do we judge a character now by their hair.
No, of course not. But I believe we are allowed to have opinions about hair and clothing. Look at the johnstache controversy. No reflection on the character, simply a style choice.
The Empty Hearse » Reusing dialogue » January 7, 2014 10:08 pm |
Can quote episode or anything, but I recall Gatiss using a line from Dr. Who in Sherlock.
(No, it wasn't dinosaurs on a space ship lol).
The Empty Hearse » Second, Third, Fourth, Etc. Reactions » January 7, 2014 9:40 pm |
Ok, it certainly looks like footsie to me, as I can't see the other person. Is that from SOT? (I've not seen that, and am bloody lucky to have seen TEH.)
The Empty Hearse » Second, Third, Fourth, Etc. Reactions » January 7, 2014 9:31 pm |
SilverMoonDragonB wrote:
kittykat wrote:
I must be one of the few who honestly has no issues with it!
I don't have any issues with it either . And as I've said, the world would be a boring place if we all had the same way of looking at things, tastes and opinions.
I've only seen it once, hope to find it again today.
My question is who is Sherlock playing footsie with in that clip?
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » January 7, 2014 9:25 pm |
The Empty Hearse » So what do you think about our Consulting Detective? » January 7, 2014 7:29 pm |
RavenMorganLeigh wrote:
I don't know-- it may be that I'm having trouble accepting John's reaction as reasonable-- because everyone else was happy to see Sherlock. :-) I think the moment that clinched it for me was Lestrade fiercly hugging Sherlock. Beautiful moment.
What name did Sherlock call Greg?
The Empty Hearse » So what do you think about our Consulting Detective? » January 7, 2014 7:01 pm |
Mouse wrote:
anjaH_alias wrote:
And, btw., that Sherlock is laughing about John´s fear and pain is to me not more cruel than his Baskerville lab experiment. The only new thing is the laughter itself.
The Baskerville scene left a bad taste in my mouth, too. I mean, come on, John has PTSD. But I felt the train scene was much worse because:
1. Sherlock was testing a theory in Baskerville (this is in-canon - Stamford tells Watson in "A Study in Scarlet" that he wouldn't put it past Holmes to drug a friend for an experiment, though he adds he'd be just as likley to try it on himself). Sherlock was painfully relaxed while watching John's fear, but he didn't seem to enjoy it...he was more coldly clinical and detached. In the train, he was genuinely amused, laughed harder than we'd ever seen him.
2. Sherlock knew damn well how broken up John was over his "death." He admitted to overhearing him at the gravesite (I sort of wish he hadn't; it makes it more heinous to me that he lied to him for so long and expected an easygoing response when he got back after hearing that heartbreaking soliloquy). Plus, the way John read him the riot act during the reuion, and then Mary added her two cents. Sherlock knew John took it hard and was upset about the deception. To mock him for his feelings and negate everything he'd shared just seems supremely cruel.
3. He let John think he was about to die AGAIN, right after the thing with the bonfire. I know John's an adrenaline junkie, but that's overkill.
Man...the more I think about it, the more disappointed I am. I know Sherlock is not a warm and fuzzy guy (and in truth I don't really want him to be), but this is the first time I out-and-out disliked him. John is my favorite character and this episode made me not like him so much, either...I mean, c'mon, guy, why do you put up with this crap? You're an army officer and a doctor! His other friends must be horrible if he calls Sherlock his "best" friend. As the saying goes, "with frie
The Empty Hearse » Has Mary killed Johnlock? » January 7, 2014 6:41 pm |
I like Mary, but my personal and I do mean personal quibble is her hair.
Sorry, but I'm an'80s American, and I just want to fluff her hair a bit. It doesn't need to be big hair, just not 1920's flapper slicked down.
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » November 28, 2013 4:39 pm |
Have we given up then?
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 18, 2013 3:59 pm |
N ?
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 18, 2013 12:17 am |
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 17, 2013 1:59 am |
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 13, 2013 5:34 pm |
D please
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 13, 2013 2:40 am |
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 13, 2013 1:14 am |
Fan Fic » Fan Fiction Addicts General Round Table Discusion - ADULT CONTENT » October 12, 2013 9:57 pm |
I'll pass, thanks.
Fan Fic » Plot Bunnies: Opening the Hatch! » October 12, 2013 9:09 pm |
I had what was a logical, and interesting plot bunny appear as I woke the other day, but as dreams fade, alas this did as well.
It had John on vacation as a kid, and some local kid made him very uneasy. Sherlock, also vacationing (ok, he ran away) is befriended by John (he's older of course, and always protective of those he considers vulnerable).
John mentions the local kid, Sherlock investigates, discovers kid is well on his way to being a psychopath, doing bad things to area animals.
Sherlock Games » Sherlock Quotes Hangman » October 4, 2013 8:17 pm |