Posted by sj4iy ![]() July 9, 2013 1:04 pm | #401 |
I meant that because we have been watching the show backwards, we knew River Song and understood what she was saying to him...and seeing him not know her (after watching them together) was so very sad. I was really impressed by Moffat's writing in that one. But I love the clever episodes..."The Big Bang" had an absolutely hilarious time travel jump back and forth, for the Doctor to tell Rory to get him out and save Amy. We were laughing almost hysterically when we saw how he did it. I love those things.
Posted by Michele ![]() July 9, 2013 11:36 pm | #402 |
Favourite Episode? So hard to pick but I love Vincent and the Doctor. I cry everytime they take him to the gallery. Incredible!!!
Posted by sj4iy ![]() July 9, 2013 11:39 pm | #403 |
Michele wrote:
Favourite Episode? So hard to pick but I love Vincent and the Doctor. I cry everytime they take him to the gallery. Incredible!!!
I was sobbing so hard that we had to stop watching for a while at that. Just reminded me of my dad so much, and exactly how we felt when we couldn't "fix" him. He also died very young, and that episode was probably the most beautiful story concerning mental illness that I've ever seen.
Posted by Deilenn ![]() July 11, 2013 2:37 pm | #404 |
That was one of the most touching scenes in the show overall. I loved how Vincent was looking arround his own gallery, learning that people admire his works... This was beautiful. The Doctor couldn't have averted Vincent's death but at least managed to lift his spirit for a time
Posted by Michele ![]() July 11, 2013 11:38 pm | #405 |
Deilenn wrote:
That was one of the most touching scenes in the show overall. I loved how Vincent was looking arround his own gallery, learning that people admire his works... This was beautiful. The Doctor couldn't have averted Vincent's death but at least managed to lift his spirit for a time
Just thinking about that scene puts a lump in my throat! That episode and specifically that scene are my favourite. Well filmed and brilliantly acted.
Posted by Russell ![]() July 12, 2013 4:53 am | #406 |
Just wanted to add some love for the heartfelt-ness of the Vincent one as well… although about on par, 'The Girl in the Fireplace', and 'The Doctor's Wife' always tugs at my heart and adorable funny-bone every single time as well.
As far as other 'wow' episodes for either being super creatively sweet/scary, and/or impressed by it as a whole, I loved…
Empty Child/Doctor Dances (sure, Nine doesn't always get a whole lot of love, but that one ep was quite well done… another ordinary thing they managed to make scary! playful side-kicks! it had heart!)
'Blink' and 'Midnight' for equally scary creativity and awesome story
Asylum of the Daleks
Bells of Saint John
both of the 'Library' episodes, for again making something ordinary creatively scary, interesting story and one-liners, and… obviously… River. ;_;
Also totally agreeing with the perfect sequence of hilarious back-and-forth Doctor in The Big Bang. Plus, not to forget the emotional intensity and action between Ten and the Master's 'final' showdown episode, hmm?
Posted by Michele ![]() July 12, 2013 6:37 am | #407 |
Posted by besleybean ![]() July 12, 2013 7:28 am | #408 |
To be fair, people will often have their favourite, which sometimes is the one people grew up with.
I have liked them all, but Matt is definitely my favourite so far.
This is mainly because I have seen him in other things too and he is such a fine actor,.
Posted by Chiblits ![]() July 13, 2013 4:26 am | #409 |
I finally started Dr Who 2 days ago....finished Season 1 (Eccleston) last night or errrrm....this morning. I thought he was awesome! Now I'm onto David Tennant. I can't pick favorites yet because well, I don't have any Doctors to compare just the 9th D:
Some episodes felt kind of slow (like the Slitheen), but I absolutely loved anything with Daleks in it and the WWII with the gas masks :D
Posted by AliceI ![]() July 13, 2013 5:19 am | #410 |
Russell wrote:
Just wanted to add some love for the heartfelt-ness of the Vincent one as well… although about on par, 'The Girl in the Fireplace', and 'The Doctor's Wife' always tugs at my heart and adorable funny-bone every single time as well.
As far as other 'wow' episodes for either being super creatively sweet/scary, and/or impressed by it as a whole, I loved…
Empty Child/Doctor Dances (sure, Nine doesn't always get a whole lot of love, but that one ep was quite well done… another ordinary thing they managed to make scary! playful side-kicks! it had heart!)
'Blink' and 'Midnight' for equally scary creativity and awesome story
Asylum of the Daleks
Bells of Saint John
both of the 'Library' episodes, for again making something ordinary creatively scary, interesting story and one-liners, and… obviously… River. ;_;
Also totally agreeing with the perfect sequence of hilarious back-and-forth Doctor in The Big Bang. Plus, not to forget the emotional intensity and action between Ten and the Master's 'final' showdown episode, hmm?
You have touched on almost all of my favorites, Russell. There a couple of two part episodes that were stellar. The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit / Human Nature and The Family of Blood (I loved this set), also The Waters of Mars was excellent as well as The Voyage of the Damned. Actually I think I have liked just about all of the Christmas specials.
Posted by sj4iy ![]() July 13, 2013 1:33 pm | #411 |
If I had to pick my favorites from the Tennant era, they would be:
1. Blink
B. The Water on Mars
3. 42
4. Silence in the Library
E or 5. Forest of the Dead
I really only have two in Eccleston's era:
1. The Empty Child
2. The Doctor Dances
And there are SOOO many in the Smith era, but here's my very top five:
1. Asylum of the Daleks
2. Angels Take Manhattan
3. The Eleventh Hour
4. The Big Bang
5. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Posted by sj4iy ![]() August 1, 2013 3:21 pm | #412 |
MSN UK Entertainment have just tweeted the following:
@msnents: #DoctorWho fans. There will be an announcement at midnight. That's all I'm saying...
At the moment it is not clear what this announcement may be. It was rumoured that the identity of the Twelfth Doctor could be revealed in August, although showrunner Steven Moffat was still maintaining only a couple of weeks ago at San Diego Comic Con that they had barely started looking. It could also be an announcement relating to the 50th Anniversary episode - fans were promised some exclusive content following the debacle of the SDCC trailer. Or it could even be something hitherto unforeseen
The information will be revealed at midnight UK time, so check back here later tonight
Posted by Deilenn ![]() August 1, 2013 6:05 pm | #413 |
Interesting... So yet Moffat is not going to keep it in secret till the anniversary episode. Ahh he's moffating too much to believe him! ;p
Btw, according to this: the Twelfth Doctor's identity will be revealed this Sunday!
Last edited by Deilenn (August 1, 2013 6:06 pm)
Posted by sj4iy ![]() August 1, 2013 6:16 pm | #414 |
Deilenn wrote:
Interesting... So yet Moffat is not going to keep it in secret till the anniversary episode. Ahh he's moffating too much to believe him! ;p
Btw, according to this: the Twelfth Doctor's identity will be revealed this Sunday!
I started a new thread with the news
Posted by Russell ![]() August 14, 2013 6:13 am | #415 |
So I'm sure most of you who love Doctor Who are familiar with BBC and fans alike having fun doing real-life sightings/participant type stuff, such as cosplay, the proms/concerts, the incredibly-awesome-sounding god-why-does-britain-have-to-be-so-far-away Doctor Who Experience ;) and motley other creations of people being awesome. Including, it seems, someone accidentally parking their TARDIS on a street of London, and leaving it there....
Go to google maps, and type in Police telephone box, Earl's Court Rd, London, Greater London SW5 9RB, United Kingdom. Even better, use this more approximate link:,-0.19092&spn=0.005291,0.013937&sll=51.492140,-0.193028&layer=c&cid=12502927659667388442&panoid=c9UMhWP_MWm9U0L48xEjYw&cbp=13,291.8,,0,18.86&gl=US&t=m&cbll=51.492132,-0.192862&z=17
You need to be in street view, and when you find the item in question (you can't miss it), move your cursor on the street until you see the double arrows (>>) next to the usual ones, and click on them. Then explore!!
(a couple times, I had trouble getting it to orient right, and walked up and down the street a couple times, or clicked on the location until the double arrows showed up... that's why the exact link/suggestions from this guy were helpful: Awesome, huh?
Posted by Michele ![]() August 14, 2013 6:42 am | #416 |
Russell wrote:
So I'm sure most of you who love Doctor Who are familiar with BBC and fans alike having fun doing real-life sightings/participant type stuff, such as cosplay, the proms/concerts, the incredibly-awesome-sounding god-why-does-britain-have-to-be-so-far-away Doctor Who Experience ;) and motley other creations of people being awesome. Including, it seems, someone accidentally parking their TARDIS on a street of London, and leaving it there....
Go to google maps, and type in Police telephone box, Earl's Court Rd, London, Greater London SW5 9RB, United Kingdom. Even better, use this more approximate link:,-0.19092&spn=0.005291,0.013937&sll=51.492140,-0.193028&layer=c&cid=12502927659667388442&panoid=c9UMhWP_MWm9U0L48xEjYw&cbp=13,291.8,,0,18.86&gl=US&t=m&cbll=51.492132,-0.192862&z=17
You need to be in street view, and when you find the item in question (you can't miss it), move your cursor on the street until you see the double arrows (>>) next to the usual ones, and click on them. Then explore!!![]()
(a couple times, I had trouble getting it to orient right, and walked up and down the street a couple times, or clicked on the location until the double arrows showed up... that's why the exact link/suggestions from this guy were helpful: Awesome, huh?
That is awesome!! If only you could find the pool!!
Posted by sj4iy ![]() August 14, 2013 1:13 pm | #417 |
I saw that yesterday and took the tour. It's much bigger than it seems on tv
Posted by DitzyDamnDaffy ![]() August 14, 2013 7:59 pm | #418 |
I watched all of An Unearthly Child last night.
Going to watch The Daleks tonight.
Posted by sj4iy ![]() August 14, 2013 8:59 pm | #419 |
The Doctor (although he's not really the Doctor back then) is very malicious in the beginning. He mellows out towards the end of Hartnell's incarnation and basically turns into the Doctor we know today through Troughton.
Posted by Russell ![]() August 16, 2013 8:08 pm | #420 |
sj4iy wrote:
I saw that yesterday and took the tour. It's much bigger than it seems on tv
Awesome and so prettily rendered, isn't it? And the reviews! ;D I have no idea when it first came to be there, considering the mentions of the 'easter egg' I found it by were all written this month, but was forehead-slapping when it only just came to me earlier that there was much more of a trivia tie-in to the show than I remembered! You recall 'The Bells of Saint John' last spring, when Doctor and Clara had to park it in town and were trying to avoid the all-seeing scary wi-fi? ;D (really bad quality, but the only clip I could find). 'Are you sure this time? Earl's Court was an embarrassment...'