Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Looks like a good fight...wonder who leaked it though, d'you think they'll ever found out or d'you think they did it then ran away?
I think I read it was a closed set, so it would have been someone working there I guess. They could eliminate a few as suspects, but I would imagine 'word of mouth' would have outed the person by now. No doubt they were sacked from this job but I reckon it would all get played down now. No need for bad publicity.
Also, please note that sentences can also end in full stops. The exclamation mark can be overused.
Sherlock Holmes 28 March 13:08
Mycroft’s popularity doesn’t surprise me at all. He is, after all, incredibly beautiful, clever and well-dressed. And beautiful. Did I mention that?
--Mark Gatiss
"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
Robert McCloskey