Posted by Michele ![]() April 25, 2013 10:57 pm | #341 |
Sparrow wrote:
Spoiler-ish but not really. (50th anniversary)
Seriously can't wait for the 50th! Did anyone see the 'shoes' photo on twitter? I can't download it for some silly reason!
That GIF is definately my reaction to thinking about the 50th!!
Posted by Sparrow ![]() April 26, 2013 12:00 pm | #342 |
The link I posted is to that picture.
Posted by Ma5dz ![]() April 26, 2013 12:03 pm | #343 |
The 50th aniversary is gonna be so cool. Plus David Tennant is back for the episode. My life is complete.
Posted by Sparrow ![]() April 29, 2013 1:37 pm | #344 |
Did you guys see last week's episode? I am absolutely freaking out because it was so awesome and it also raised more questions than it answered. o_O
Posted by besleybean ![]() April 29, 2013 3:37 pm | #345 |
Can't wait for Mark's next week.
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 5:52 am | #346 |
Sparrow wrote:
Did you guys see last week's episode? I am absolutely freaking out because it was so awesome and it also raised more questions than it answered. o_O
Sheesh... finally caught up on the last two. Yay. And also... wow. o_o Just wanted to say yes.... definitely yes! (should I mention a Spoiler Alert here for those that are behind?)
You're referring, I assume, to the last one, 'Journey..'? No kidding! The haunted house one was fun and different, but really odd (and felt like the story was crammed together in places). 'Journey' was awesome. The cool, mere idea of all the 'little' elements they're tackling leading up to the anniversary, that were only ever hinted at in the show's long run! All the corridors and rooms! The stargazing room, the library (awesome), the pool (finally)! I half expected to see a kitchen! And quite so... the idea of not just rooms, but the sheer 'depth' of all the things from 900 years the TARDIS houses, carries, protects, and holds secret that can't imagine, including everything he saved from home. Which.....
Brings to the first 'wait, what?' point I'm sure is one of the questions you mentioned. The book. That crazy, treasured, history book the Doctor saved (or wrote?), that Clara looked at. And considering the subject matter, I wouldn't be surprised if it was written in Gallifreyan. Which means... how the heck did she read it?!? And knows/knew his name?! (although kinda love how he reacted). They're really milking the 'impossible girl'/name thing until the finale!
Also... I'm pretty sure Clara dying never happened? Yes, we were told past/future was leaking, so the future where that could have happened only leaked to present. So when he used the time crack to get their past selves to prevent the future they had just been through, that all was erased. So despite it being typical for the Doctor's world to be filled with past/future possibilities, technically it never happened and she didn't rack up yet another death. Like Rory... ;P ;) And who hopefully isn't a 'trick'. (And btw, no, Michele, we're pretty sure she didn't know him back then, either. She only 'sees' him through her 'camera' and seems intrigued rather than recognizing, as they introduce themselves)
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 5:55 am | #347 |
Oh…. Oh, and did you see one of the latest quotes?
Steven Moffat on the Doctor Who finale:
“We wanted a brand new monster to create chills in the finale. And the thought of stylish whispering almost faceless creatures was an idea that firstly scared me and that I thought would work well in an episode that looks forward and back.”
“It’s full of surprises and questions that have never been answered in the history of Who, including the Doctors greatest secret. We’re not pretending, we’re not kidding, it’s actually going to happen. The episode is called The Name of the Doctor and involves our hero in a conflict that is very, very personal to him. Usually he’s saving other people, but this time he might be the one who needs to be saved.
“We’ll also find out what makes his new companion so impossible and there’s a surprise that no one has got right so far, and one that will change the course of Who forever!”
Doctor Who ~ The Name of The Doctor
Saturday 18th May ~ The Series Finale
Official Synopsis from Doctor Who Magazine:
Every journey taken by a time-traveller tears a wound in the fabric of reality, and the Doctor has time-travelled more than anyone. But the trail runs cold in Trenzalore, the one place in all of time and space that he should never go. The most dangerous place in the universe..."
Yes, yes, Steven, we know you like to bait us with red herrings and emotional finales in your shows, already!!
Posted by Michele ![]() May 3, 2013 7:02 am | #348 |
Russell wrote:
(And btw, no, Michele, we're pretty sure she didn't know him back then, either. She only 'sees' him through her 'camera' and seems intrigued rather than recognizing, as they introduce themselves)
I didn't think so. I couldn't remember if she gave the impression that she knew him or not.
Russell wrote:
“We’ll also find out what makes his new companion so impossible and there’s a surprise that no one has got right so far, and one that will change the course of Who forever!”
We'll find out how he survived the fall?
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 7:20 am | #349 |
Michele wrote:
Russell wrote:
“We’ll also find out what makes his new companion so impossible and there’s a surprise that no one has got right so far, and one that will change the course of Who forever!”
We'll find out how he survived the fall?
Lol! Those words do sound awfully familiar, don't they? ;P ;P 'No one has got right'. Seriously.... how many speculation boards or whatever does he actually keep up with? (not to mention, are there a lot? really?) And if it's a surprise, then how were we supposed to guess it right? Oh, right... not supposed to guess. Deduct! Yup... you got it. You-know-who totally 'fell' into the TARDIS. And it changes things forever.
Posted by AliceI ![]() May 3, 2013 1:32 pm | #350 |
Russell wrote:
Brings to the first 'wait, what?' point I'm sure is one of the questions you mentioned. The book. That crazy, treasured, history book the Doctor saved (or wrote?), that Clara looked at. And considering the subject matter, I wouldn't be surprised if it was written in Gallifreyan. Which means... how the heck did she read it?!? And knows/knew his name?! (although kinda love how he reacted). They're really milking the 'impossible girl'/name thing until the finale!
She is inside the TARDIS after all. The translation matrix translates any language written or spoken.
Posted by Sparrow ![]() May 3, 2013 2:34 pm | #351 |
^Except Gallyfreyan. The TARDIS Doesn't translate old or new Gallyfreyan.
Posted by AliceI ![]() May 3, 2013 5:14 pm | #352 |
Where is that made canon?
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 5:20 pm | #353 |
What Sparrow just said. It translates for the Doctor and friends wherever they go, but the old Gallifreyan language - no. Too old? A special, isolated part of their own/original home and culture? Too powerful for anyone else to understand? Etc, etc.
I don't really remember proof or where that was first mentioned, but there was definitely a moment with Eleven and Amy when they run into the written message River left them (in the museum, and on the cliff face) that she knew/could use because she was part Timelord, but Amy couldn't read it.
Posted by AliceI ![]() May 3, 2013 5:25 pm | #354 |
Hmmm. I'll have to go back and watch that episode. I thought the cliff face read Hello Sweetie clearly, but maybe not. I thought the only language that the TARDIS couldn't translate was that stuff from the Satan Pit because it was so old - as in before time itself as the creature said.
Last edited by AliceI (May 3, 2013 5:25 pm)
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 5:41 pm | #355 |
You were right, my bad..... just looked it up! Was quite some time ago, was remembering the little box from the museum, and the fact that she also put other stuff below the 'hello sweetie', both which stuck in my mind instead:
And yes, just that one other time, because the language was as old as time.
Posted by AliceI ![]() May 3, 2013 5:46 pm | #356 |
How do you guys do that? Get images from the shows for pics to put in your posts?
Posted by Russell ![]() May 3, 2013 7:10 pm | #357 |
AliceI wrote:
How do you guys do that? Get images from the shows for pics to put in your posts?
In the simplest way? Because there will be plenty telling you how they do their own screengrabs and such (not to mention the world after that, of playing with the images, gifs, tinkering with, programs, etc...). All I was doing was thinking 'huh, what do I remember seeing on that cliff face?'.... went to google.... 'hello sweetie cliff face' image search (more than enough people screengrab dang everything for you out there if you just get the right search), found a small one, right-click saved the pic, voila. No work on my part. Then, of course you're probably familiar with all those sites like photobucket, imageshack, etc, solely for saving your pics online in. As a side info-note, some people don't bother to save the pic they want, they just use the link/address to the original image they found, which sometimes backfires when that person takes it down or moves it. Anyway, just thought you'd like to know.
Since I use Gmail, I personally use Picasa, since it's Google's own version of a pic-hosting site, already tied to my account. Easy. Plus I like the look/format of it. Have all my various albums I've created... open up the one I use for sharing online/saved pics, added the picture I just downloaded to it, done. Then go and click on the pic, and, this is where it probably varies based on which site you decide to use... you need to get the pic opened on it's own page to be able to copy the url/address that will link to just the pic, not the site (some sites put that linking/embedding address info on the page with the pic), so that I can use that address in my post, like so...
Blah blah blah, here's my pic: [ img ] http:// linkofmypic.jpg [ / img ] (with extra spaces put in, of course, so you can actually see the tags I just typed)
Sorry for the off-topic! This was covered in various ways (along with other stuff can do in posts) in the technical help thread too, btw, if want to go there and check up other stuff, but since you asked and was just a quick, commonly-brought-up thing, thought I'd just fire this off.
Aaaaand.... back to your regularly scheduled pic-posting 50th-Anniversary-teasing Doctor-angst-inducing excitement!!!
Last edited by Russell (May 3, 2013 7:15 pm)
Posted by AliceI ![]() May 4, 2013 3:09 am | #358 |
Thanks Russell!
I'm so not happy. Our Direct TV was set up to record all new Doctor Who episodes but it doesn't recognize the specials as episodes so I have missed all of the special episodes for the last 4 months. Wasn't this past one supposed to be with or about Tom Baker? He was my favorite Doctor until David Tennent came along.
Ok this is on topic but I am about to voice an opinion that will most likely not be well received.
I am not very impressed with the Doctor this season. I was worried when DT left the show because I was of the opinion that no one could successfully step into his shoes, but was pleasantly surprised by Matt Smith. I thought he did an admirable job filling the role.
Now that Amy and Rory (best companions EVER) are gone, his personality has changed and in my opinion not for the better. There is a subtle arrogance that I am picking up that I don't care for. The time it really stuck out was when that big planet thing wanted to eat all the past experiences of the people on the planet that little girl was from. He offered himself up as enough of a meal for the beastie because he is the Doctor and has traveled all of space and time and so on. I actually found myself rolling my eyes at him during that scene.
I did like the fact that it was Clara and her leaf (the most important leaf in all human history filled with all the potential experiences that never happened after her mother's death) that took the beast down. It's just that the Doctor this season seems off or wrong somehow to me. I am having some trouble putting my finger on exactly what it is about his character that is putting me off, but it has been present since this new season started. He is definitely different than MS has played him up to this point and I'm not too keen on it, to be honest.
I will still watch the show no matter what. I have been a Whovian for my entire life (basically as long as the show has been on the air) and couldn't give up on it now, I just hope they sort out this off behavior soon.
Posted by Sparrow ![]() May 4, 2013 8:47 am | #359 |
AliceI wrote:
Where is that made canon?
On the cliff it says "Hello Sweetie" and underneath there's Theta Sigma which is the Doctor's name or at least nickname, and some other greek letters. However, in both "Utopia" and "A good man goes to war", the TARDIS doesn't translate it. In the first one, the Doctor is seen reading some numbers in Gallifreyan to see where they were going and in the latter, the writing on the Doctor's crib remains unintelligible for the Podns and all the rest. Also, the new TARDIS we see in the Snowmen has a bunch of Gallifreyan writing on it and it remains just circles and not translated text.
As for the "off" behavior, I've noticed it too. Personally, I think it's supposed to be that way. I mean, we see the Doctor's arrogance come out in times of desperation. Always. Remember Ten, after hearing the prophecy about the four knocks? He was mega arrogant. The Doctor has this dark side that he generally keeps in check but in moments of desperation he just lets go. It was there in Ten after losing Rose. Remeber "The Runaway Bride"? It's there in Nine when he first meets Rose, it's there in the human-Doctor. It's always been there, it's just brought out by desperation. Losing the Ponds did that for him. I think he's going through a healing process.
Last edited by Sparrow (May 4, 2013 8:55 am)
Posted by Sparrow ![]() May 12, 2013 7:53 am | #360 |
Did you guys see last night's episode? It was pretty cool. All my respect to Matt Smith for his acting in it.
There's one thing that bugs me in the trailer for the finale though. There was a tombstone that said "River Song" but River died in a big explosion thingy when the Doctor first meets her in the Library. And then he puts her into a computer, so why the gravestone?