London Board Meet Up (Monday 25th March 2013)

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Posted by Harriet
March 24, 2013 10:00 pm

... off I pop - to tv 

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.
Posted by Mattlocked
March 24, 2013 10:07 pm

Skulls.... must be a family problem


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by ancientsgate
March 25, 2013 12:20 am

SherlockHound wrote:

They sell something called a Watson Wrap? What is it? o.O haha. 

I don't know, but I can think of about 6 different jokes one could make of that question. Well, maybe 5. OK, 4. *snerk*

Posted by Mattlocked
March 25, 2013 7:00 am

ancientsgate wrote:

SherlockHound wrote:

They sell something called a Watson Wrap? What is it? o.O haha. 

I don't know, but I can think of about 6 different jokes one could make of that question. Well, maybe 5. OK, 4. *snerk*

  Pictures in my head.............


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by Davina
March 25, 2013 10:30 am

Sorry folks! Not going to make it today. I've got to help with my friend's horse as well today (she did mine while I was away), which means going back to he stables at 1 p.m. And again at 4.30.  Plus have an enormous amount of washing to get through.

Have a great time and hopefully I can make the next one!   

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Ivy
March 25, 2013 8:15 pm


Last edited by Ivy (March 26, 2013 11:49 am)

Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from!

Posted by ancientsgate
March 25, 2013 11:26 pm

Davina wrote:

Sorry folks! Not going to make it today....Have a great time and hopefully I can make the next one!

And I've been dying to hear a report all day about how it went, or maybe a picture or something. I'd love to hear alllll about it, when you get a few minutes. It's a full time job, y'know, living vicariously through you all.

Posted by SusiGo
March 25, 2013 11:42 pm

Yes, it was a great day, very nice people, but I nearly froze to death. Apart from that everything was wonderful. I can't post any pics at the moment but I'm sure there will be lots to come. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)

Posted by KeepersPrice
March 26, 2013 1:08 am

Fabulous fun today! We walked our legs off and froze our butts off but it was still a blast.  What an awesome, fun group.  I already miss everyone.  We met at Speedy's at 11:30 ( I ate the Watson wrap  ). We took tons of pictures then moved on to the Sherlock Holmes musuem gift shop.  After that it was a 10 mike hike (well, it felt like that) to Irene Adler's street and the little alley with the famous "punch me in the face" scene.  As you can see, we did a little re-enactment  .  Later it was the where they "bumped into each other" scene, then the skate park and finally we ended up at the Sherlock Holmes pub where I had my first fish and chips.  I'm sure there will be many more pictures to come.  But now to bed.

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.

Posted by ancientsgate
March 26, 2013 1:27 am

KeepersPrice wrote:

Fabulous fun today! We walked our legs off and froze our butts off but it was still a blast. What an awesome, fun group. I already miss everyone. We met at Speedy's at 11:30 ( I ate the Watson wrap ). We took tons of pictures then moved on to the Sherlock Holmes musuem gift shop. After that it was a 10 mike hike (well, it felt like that) to Irene Adler's street and the little alley with the famous "punch me in the face" scene. As you can see, we did a little re-enactment . Later it was the where they "bumped into each other" scene, then the skate park and finally we ended up at the Sherlock Holmes pub where I had my first fish and chips. I'm sure there will be many more pictures to come. But now to bed.

Great photo and thanks for the report! I'm so glad to hear everyone had a good time--  I see you wore your John humper, KP, lol.

Posted by Sherli Bakerst
March 26, 2013 2:24 am

Love the photo, KP!  So glad it all went well, despite the weather.  Can't wait to see more pics.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.  -- Helen Keller
Posted by besleybean
March 26, 2013 6:49 am

Looking good.

Posted by Davina
March 26, 2013 8:23 am

Aww! It sounds so great and I feel so sad I couldn't get there in the end. 

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by SusiGo
March 26, 2013 9:50 am

Yes, we really missed you. A pity we didn't have a photo like Mattlocked's which we put up in all the important places. She was there with us in the pub and at Speedy's, together with her clay Sherlock. 

My camera's battery died the moment we appeared in front of St. Barts, believe it or not. But I took some photos on my phone and I'm hoping for many more. Such a touching sight to see all the messages, some of them even written in the dirt on the windows. 


"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)

Posted by Mattlocked
March 26, 2013 10:35 am


"After all this time?" "Always."
Good bye, Lord Rickman of the Alan
Posted by KeepersPrice
March 26, 2013 10:53 am

Here's a picture of the whole gang in front of Speedy's.  Notice, even Mr. Smiley was with us.  Mattlocked, AG, and Sherli Bakerst were also with us in spirit!

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.

Posted by ancientsgate
March 26, 2013 10:57 am

KeepersPrice wrote:

Here's a picture of the whole gang in front of Speedy's. Notice, even Mr. Smiley was with us. Mattlocked, AG, and Sherli Bakerst were also with us in spirit!

Oh, what fun! And lookit Ms. Smiley there in the front, lol. I see a couple of Sherlock greatcoats, and it seems as though almost everyone ties their scarf like him, too. Lovely!

Posted by KeepersPrice
March 26, 2013 11:08 am

There's a certain very red phone booth at Bart's where people post their messages about Sherlock.  Here's one I thought was cute.

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.

Posted by Harriet
March 26, 2013 11:11 am

KeepersPrice wrote:

Here's a picture of the whole gang in front of Speedy's.  Notice, even Mr. Smiley was with us.  Mattlocked, AG, and Sherli Bakerst were also with us in spirit!

Don't know what I did, then, if not being with you in spirit

You look lovely, all!    Thanks for sharing!

Is it a bit cold?

Last edited by Harriet (March 26, 2013 11:12 am)

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.
Posted by KeepersPrice
March 26, 2013 11:19 am

Harriet wrote:

Don't know what I did, then, if not being with you in spirit

You look lovely, all!    Thanks for sharing!

Is it a bit cold?

It was deep freezer cold.  I was expecting to see penguins and polar bears!  Yes, Harriet, you were there in spirit too.  The whole Forum probably also.

And I said "dangerous" and here you are.

You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.


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