The Skull wrote:
I'm pretty sure there were five- like the five orange pips?
There was the first lady in her car, the guy standing out on the street (who apparently was standing there for several hours without anyone noticing anything strange), the blind lady who tried to describe Moriarty's voice, the kid, and then John at the pool.
Oh, duh.... right, I was forgetting poor John (ha, I know, how could I?!), since he didn't actually have a corresponding 'game'/test like the others I was running down in head. Danke. Heh... although frankly, I'm not certain rather have the 'pips' (even though they denote impending danger) or 'letters', than those 'vests'....
We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out too much hope!
Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay!
I'm working my way up the greasy pole. It's… very greasy. And… pole-shaped.