Davina wrote:
Perhaps spend a bit of time doing the following:
1: what was it that originally meant the two of you disliked each other? Were there specific incidents? If so, what were they? Was it an equally mutual dislike?
2: what happened to change your relationship over the last year or so? Why have you been getting on ok now, when you didn't before?
3: how did it happen that you decided to go on the trip to Ireland with this particular guy? Did it just kind of evolve or was there a particular catalyst?
4: try and analyse what it is that doesn't feel right.
5: Has a similar thing happened before? Why are you a pessimist...is it because then you can avoid being too disappointed by things, when/if they go wrong?
6: is it absolutely necessary that he is the person you go to Ireland with? Are you worried things might go awry between you when you are there, even if nothing goes wrong beforehand? Although you really want to go to Ireland are you also a bit anxious about the trip? Have ground rules for the trip been drawn out? 
All good points.
I'm not sure why we originally didn't get along. It started out that we did just fine, then some incident happened. Long story short, he's not the most caring and compassionate person. He's not mean he just...doesn't really care. If that makes sense. I have no idea why we get along now. I think because we started talking again and realized that we actually amuse one another. We have fun. His personality still irritates me so that could be part of what doesn't feel right. I don't trust him, and I've told him this. I know that I won't be unsafe with this person (he's not going to allow something to happen to me over there), so really it shouldn't matter as long as my expectations for anything besides a superficial friendship are low. We decided to go on a whim and really, I don't have any other single friends, so I either go with him or alone. I'm a pessimist about certain things because I don't want to be hurt or disappointed. I think what it boils down to is I'm not sure I'm okay with someone who thinks of friendship on such a superficial level. I mean, I don't even know if he wants to go with me or if he just wants to go. I suppose if we were both guys it wouldn't matter. As a female, those things actually matter. If I spend time with someone I want that someone--male or female--to actually want to be around me.
Last edited by Banbha (October 10, 2012 1:17 pm)