Poll: Favorite season 4 episode?

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Posted by Vhanja
January 28, 2017 9:23 pm

Just wanted to make a quick poll - what's your favorite?

For me, it's without a doubt TLD. As a stand-alone episode, it rates as the strongest one of the series. And it's ranking quite high in the overall series for me as well. 

What do you guys think?

What is your favorite season 4 episode?

"We'll live on starlight and crime scenes" - wordstrings

Team Hudders!
Posted by ewige
January 28, 2017 10:02 pm

TLD hands down. I was literally hopping with joy after watching it, hubby thought me quite demented for all the hopping and squeeling.
It was an awesome story, beautifully told. Felt very much "Sherlock" to me. I also love episodes where we get to doubt Sherlock.

I have to admit that TFP is growing on me, however.

"The posh boy loves the dominatrix." Context matters.
Posted by Lis
January 28, 2017 10:10 pm

Definitely TLD for me too, I loved that episode and it's definitely one of my favourites. Everything about it was so good, the writing, the acting, the camera work, the SFX, the music...well you get the idea, everything haha. 

Last edited by Lis (January 29, 2017 12:22 am)


All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.

Posted by besleybean
January 28, 2017 10:15 pm

TFP for me...it is as it is.

Posted by tonnaree
January 28, 2017 11:48 pm

I agree that, judging each episode on it's own, TLD is the best.  
For me TFP would be second and TST third.

There are many things to love in TLD but one of the best for me was John talking to himself and the way Martin acted these scenes.  

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I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by ewige
January 29, 2017 12:19 am

TLD for the win argumentation below the cut.

Nuff said

"The posh boy loves the dominatrix." Context matters.
Posted by Schmiezi
January 29, 2017 7:28 am

At the moment, for me it is TFP because of it's emotional impact. But that can change and TLD can become first. I have only watched both of them thrice and I know that after several more times my perception of an episode changes.

I only know for sure that T6T is not only my least favourite of the series but maybe even my all-time low. I absolutely disliked the story centering around Mary.

I still believe that love conquers all!


"Quick, man, if you love me."
Posted by besleybean
January 29, 2017 8:23 am

For me the latest series is always my favourite and also the last episode...simply because this is the most up-to-date story we have.

Posted by Lis
January 29, 2017 10:51 am

Really? To me that seems like an odd way to choose a favourite besleybean but of course to each their own


All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.

Posted by besleybean
January 29, 2017 11:18 am

To me it's the obvious way...why would you not want to be right up-to-date with the story?

Posted by Lis
January 29, 2017 11:28 am

I want to be up to date with the story (couldn't miss an episode!) but that doesn't mean the latest episode or series has to be my favourite.


All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.

Posted by NicoleCollard
January 29, 2017 11:36 am

TLD for me. I don't choose my favourite episodes for being the last ones of their shows or trilogies. For example, I prefer "Catching fire" rather than "Mockingjay". It depends on the plot, the performances, the music... And I think TLD stands out over the other two.

Sherlock Holmes: I've disappointed you.
John Watson: That's good... that's a good deduction, yeah.
Sherlock Holmes: Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by Rache
January 29, 2017 12:31 pm

I voted for TLD.
Not a hard decision. This episode had everything. First of all, a true "Sherlock feeling". It had light and fun moments but also some of the darkest and most heartbreaking moments ever. "Oh shit" moments. We have a lot of Sherlock+John scenes. It had a superb baddie. It had plot twists. We get to doubt Sherlock. Excellent camera work and editing.

This is an episode that I would be very eager to show to a good friend, who doesn't know BBC Sherlock (after watching all other episodes of course ). I also liked TFP very much. but I'm not sure I would like to burden a friend with that, because I wouldn't be sure if he liked it. With TLD I wouldn't have doubts.

So TFP would be second and T6T third. T6T could be the weakest of the entire show for me, but I also have to remember myself that the brilliance of TLD wouldn't have worked eithout T6T.

I think TLD can't beat my all time favourite, which is ASiB. But very close to ASiB is my group of other top favourites: A Study in Pink, TRF, HLV and they are now joined by TLD.

- - -

Breathing is boring!

English isn't my first language, feel free to correct me via PM!
Posted by besleybean
January 29, 2017 1:16 pm

Possibly time for a bit of a re-cap.
I love ASIP, because it's the first.
I like TBB, but it's probably my least favourite.
I absolutely love TGG, because it's a cliffhanger and written by Mark.
I'm not over keen on ASIB.  Nothing at all wrong with the episode, just not my particular taste.
I did like HOB: classic story and another Mark episode.
I love TRF and is Steve Thompson's finest moment.
It took me a bit ot get into, but I now love TEH, another Mark episode.
Interesting TSOT is my least favourite subject, but I do like that it was written by all 3 guys and the best man's speech is one of the best I've ever heard.
I love HLV, Steven's finest moment.
I liked TST, from Mark's pen.
I preferred TLD, from Steven's pen.
I like TFP form the two of them, best of all.
TAB, actually in the sense of it being Modern+Victorian and a joint Mark-Steven project, probably is one of my faves.

Posted by ewige
January 29, 2017 1:16 pm

Our overall ep ranking is very similar, Rache!

"The posh boy loves the dominatrix." Context matters.
Posted by SolarSystem
January 29, 2017 1:58 pm

For me it's TLD, without a doubt and absolutely definitely. It was clear to me after the first viewing and it hasn't changed since and will not change in the future. Same goes for TFP and T6T, the first impressions didn't really change after viewing those episodes for a second and third and fourth time (although I admit that I have only been able to bring myself to watch T6T one more time after the first viewing, it's definitely not my episode at all).

TLD on the other hand is right up there with TRF and TGG for me.

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"

Posted by BrettHolmes
January 31, 2017 12:29 am

Every episode was solid and exciting but if I'm going to rank them I would place TFP first, given how nail-biting and intense it is, a close second would be TLD with its devious villain and clever plot. TST would be the weakest but even that was a good episode that didn't disappoint.

Last edited by BrettHolmes (January 31, 2017 12:32 am)

Posted by nakahara
January 31, 2017 2:25 pm

I loved TLD the most, because it was most solidly written + most Sherlock-y for me. But I didn´t mind two other episodes either (although TFP changed genres for the show from the detective story to supernatural horror, which was unexpected).

Last edited by nakahara (January 31, 2017 2:27 pm)


I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?


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