TLD Headscratchers

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Posted by ewige
January 13, 2017 5:34 am

Yeah, John does a doubletake at the wording but apparently shrugs it off 

"The posh boy loves the dominatrix." Context matters.
Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 8:36 am

Lullaby wrote:

While watching the hospital scene I wondered why on Earth Mycroft left Sherlock in the CB's hospital? 


I would like to watch Mycroft trying to move Sherlock to another hospital against his will. He had no chance to do it. And Mycroft had not slightest idea there is a danger for Sherlock there. Only for CS and Sherlock was under control wit a cop by the door. 


Posted by Kae Em
January 13, 2017 10:11 am

Lullaby wrote:

While watching the hospital scene I wondered why on Earth Myscroft left Sherlock in the CB's hospital? I mean, ok, It's convinient, and they already were at the hospital, but still. Even if he thought all the story took place just in Sherlock's imagination, just to be sure his brother will be safe. He put the police officer at the door, but IMO it would be better to put Sherlock into some verified reliable hospital.  IDK, maybe it was just my reaction. But for a moment I had a feeling that it was intentional. 

And another moment. When Jonn and Greg were talking and someone brought a notebook, in that TV interview CB said that "he might even move Sherlock to his favourite room". John had known already that CB's favourite room was a morgue. I doubt he forgot about this. I expected him to rush to Sherlock just after this words, but nothing happened. 

I begin to think that Mycroft was actually in on Sherlock's plan and that's why he left him in this particular hospital and also didn't personally check in on him in the three/four weeks he was back on drugs again. After all, in the end it was thanks to Mycroft that John came to Sherlock's flat and found Mary's last message to Sherlock and made the decision to rush to the hospital to safe Sherlock.

Did Mycroft put the police officer at Sherlock's door? I think the police officer was there to make sure Sherlock didn't try and run away. After all he had threatened to kill CS in the mortuary.

As far as CS mentioning his favourite room is concerned, I think at that point John was sure Sherlock was wrong in assuming that CS was a serial killer and that CS had just found some sick joy in messing with Sherlock's mind in the mortuary. I don't think he actually saw CS as a threat at that moment and waved the remark off as part of a dark joke.


Last edited by Kae Em (January 13, 2017 10:13 am)

Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 10:40 am

John's cane - how did it appear in Sherlocks room. Of course John brought it but what is behind it? 

First  I thought that Sherlock just asked John to bring it from Baker street. But then John's question if he is so predictible does not make sense. There is nothing to predict there. 

Or brought it John on his own? But why? Sherlock had nothing wrong with legs and it already had to be in Baker street   for Sherlock to be able to input the recording appliance. 
It would be quite crazy from John to say that he would not want  to see Sherlock any more but wants to give the cane as last gift. Really to his ownership because even in Baker street technically it was John's. 

Or could it be some sort of message from John? Either thank him or " I am not able to help you, sorry, and even not able to watch you destroying yourself. Remember what helped me to get rid of the cane,  and do it."

The more I think about it the less I understand but there might be some easy explanation. 

Posted by Vhanja
January 13, 2017 10:42 am

As I see it, John brought it with him as a parting gift, but I am not quite sure what he means by it.

I also find it interesting that he kept the cane all these years.

"We'll live on starlight and crime scenes" - wordstrings

Team Hudders!
Posted by nakahara
January 13, 2017 10:45 am

Well, technically, cane is something that helps you to stand on your feet when you have problems to do it on your own.

So the message behind the cane can be benign: "This will help you to stand on your feet when you are out of the bed."

or more darker: "You are on your own now."


I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?

Posted by Kae Em
January 13, 2017 10:49 am

I also see it as a parting gift from John. The cane sort of symbolizes their friendship, the good influence Sherlock had on John by helping him overcome his war trauma (and other issues). I think it symoblizes John feeling he had to distance himself from their friendship but also him saying "thank you for everything you did for me, I haven't forgotten".

Posted by stoertebeker
January 13, 2017 1:18 pm

Kae Em wrote:

I also see it as a parting gift from John. The cane sort of symbolizes their friendship, the good influence Sherlock had on John by helping him overcome his war trauma (and other issues). I think it symoblizes John feeling he had to distance himself from their friendship but also him saying "thank you for everything you did for me, I haven't forgotten".

Yeah, that's how I see it too.

Another completly different headscratcher I'm wondering about: Why didn't John know Sherlock's birthday? They are friends for so many years. Even if Sherlock didn't want to tell him, I think it's strange that John never tried to find out the date (like Sherlock did with John's middle Name). Besides, Sherlock was John's best man - I don't know how this works in England but in Germany you need to give the personal data of your bestman/bridesmaid (or witness of marriage as we call them) when you offiicialy apply for marriage.


"There is a place for people like you, the desperate, the terrified. The ones with nowhere else to run."
"What place?"
"221B Baker Street."
Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
January 13, 2017 1:40 pm

About the cane... I figured it might help Sherlock walk... if he had cracked a rib or something... 

About Sherlock's Birthday... maybe Sherlock was good at keeping the secret? My friends only know my Birthday because of Facebook (and they know it's not something I'm enthusiastic about).
My former 'friends' found out 2 years into our 'friendship' so yeah... it does happen. 

But yeah, not sure how the best man god parent thing works... 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3
Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 1:48 pm

Sherlock was not enthusiastic about any celebrations so he kept is secret. But Irene knew, interesting. 

One more , not just headscratcher but I am thinking about it already for a while. Sherlock's friends took 4 hour shifts to look after him . How many people were included, how many  friends does he have? You need 6 (maybe 5 people , night can be only Ms. Hudson living there) . Then John, Molly, Lestrade, maybe Mycroft ( would definitely not included Billy) long can they do that? Or did Mycroft employed his people again ?  

Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
January 13, 2017 1:54 pm

I can't do the math.. but maybe people did double shifts? In my fanfic John was also there at night... but ehm... yeah *coughs*

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3
Posted by nakahara
January 13, 2017 1:56 pm

Preceja wrote:

Sherlock was not enthusiastic about any celebrations so he kept is secret. But Irene knew, interesting. 

Maybe John is generally not interested in such things?
Like - he is fascinated with Sherlock and his shenanigans, but does not care much about such personal stuff? While more curious and observant Sherlock and Irene simply have to know the stuff?

Or it´s just a little plot hole.


I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?

Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 2:02 pm

This Is The Phantom Lady wrote:

I can't do the math.. but maybe people did double shifts? In my fanfic John was also there at night... but ehm... yeah *coughs*

Do you mean in night with Rosie . It might be interesting . Such little revenge - you are god father, enjoy it. 

Posted by Naavy
January 13, 2017 3:00 pm

Lullaby wrote:

While watching the hospital scene I wondered why on Earth Myscroft left Sherlock in the CB's hospital? I mean, ok, It's convinient, and they already were at the hospital, but still. Even if he thought all the story took place just in Sherlock's imagination, just to be sure his brother will be safe. He put the police officer at the door, but IMO it would be better to put Sherlock into some verified reliable hospital.  IDK, maybe it was just my reaction. But for a moment I had a feeling that it was intentional. 

And another moment. When Jonn and Greg were talking and someone brought a notebook, in that TV interview CB said that "he might even move Sherlock to his favourite room". John had known already that CB's favourite room was a morgue. I doubt he forgot about this. I expected him to rush to Sherlock just after this words, but nothing happened. 

It is exactly, why I have decided, I do not like John anymore. I have no idea, how far was Sherlock going to go with his initial plan (perhaps he was ready to start a fight, and provoke John to hit him to stop - but surely not so viciously - in order to throw CS off balance, and make him confess). But in the end John was supposed to become Sherlock's protector - and he left. I believe, the walking stick meant "take it, because I will not support you anymore".
CS was happy to announce to everybody his intention of killing Sherlock, since he was sure, almost no one will understand him. But John was one of very few, who understood, and still did nothing, aa well as said nothing to Greg, or Mycroft. Only when he heard Mary's recording, he decided to help. Does it mean, without this knowledge he would let Sherlock die? No mourning can justify that.

Last edited by Naavy (January 13, 2017 3:55 pm)

Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 3:42 pm

Why can be everything  understood in so  many contrary ways? We would need a manual for it. 

Or maybe it is good. Who wants to love a character  finds something for what he should be loved, who wants to hate can hate for the same with the opposite interpretation. Great. 

I just hope that at least the main plot will be more less clear. 

Posted by Naavy
January 13, 2017 5:29 pm

"Hate" is too strong word, however, if John has an explanation - any explanation - why did he hear CS, talking about "his favorite room", and did nothing, he really should provide it.

But maybe this subject should be discussed in another topic?

Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 5:49 pm

It was meant generally, it concerns many other scenes, too. 
This one surprised me a bit , too. John is thinking about it but then decides let it be. I think he considered it just a bad joke. He was confused by everything  what happened. Events are  clear at the end but not so in the middle . And nobody believes that rich man and philantropist can be a murderer.

I would expect him tell at least Greg. But he would answer that he had a cop by the door. Sherlock was being under police investigation as John was speaking on record so he knew it, too. Is not it sufficient ? Hard  to say. 
I do not think that Mycroft would do anything. He considered Sherlock's obsession with CS another drug driven phantasy and Mycroft has respect for rich and powerful people.

Posted by Naavy
January 13, 2017 6:28 pm

Preceja wrote:

It was meant generally, it concerns many other scenes, too. 
This one surprised me a bit , too. John is thinking about it but then decides let it be. I think he considered it just a bad joke. He was confused by everything  what happened. Events are  clear at the end but not so in the middle . And nobody believes that rich man and philantropist can be a murderer.

I would expect him tell at least Greg. But he would answer that he had a cop by the door. Sherlock was being under police investigation as John was speaking on record so he knew it, too. Is not it sufficient ? Hard  to say. 
I do not think that Mycroft would do anything. He considered Sherlock's obsession with CS another drug driven phantasy and Mycroft has respect for rich and powerful people.

I believe, none of this three gentlemen should take a risk, because maybe it was only a bad joke. "Maybe" is not enough, when human life is at risk. And I suppose, both: Greg, and Mycroft, would at least check, what was going on. To pull policeman, to sit inside the room, instead by the door, would be the easiest move in the world. Recorder can be turned off - "Can we have a breake, Greg?" does not sound suspicious. But most important part of the story, is: not Greg, neither Mycroft were able to do anything, because John did no give them a chance.
I guess, Sherlock never deduced it...

Posted by Preceja
January 13, 2017 7:02 pm

It is not about the risk for the person. It is psychology. Do you believe more decent looking man who is known for his generosity or a junkie who just attempted to murder him just because he was laughing at him, the person that recently murdered another man and seems to be out of control? That it is your brother or friend is sad, it is even worse as you knew him as very bright man but now he has destroyed himself both physically and mentally.Why to move the cop inside? If it is in higher floor, nobody can go in  other way and nurses are monitoring his health conditions.

John went to the hospital , he wanted to say goodbye but checked him , everything seemed to be secured. 

I am trying to get the feeling of the moment . If Sherlock was awake I would tell him  but otherwise,I would probably feel it sufficient. Nobody ever experienced any secret door in that hospital so what could CS do?

Later Greg knew there is a big risk and still did not tell the cop break the door because simple did not expect anything that had not come through the door. 

Last edited by Preceja (January 13, 2017 7:04 pm)

Posted by Naavy
January 13, 2017 7:30 pm

Just simple questions: do you believe, if it was not Sherlock inside, but randomly picked man, and John had the same informations, would he keep silent? Or would he say everything to Greg, just in case? Would you tell? I would prefer not take the risk. And John is the doctor, he's supposed to save lives, it should be even more important for him.


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