I think the props people made a mistake with the clock. They moved the minute hand but forgot to move the hour hand! If you look carefully at what people are wearing, it's clear it happens over two days*. John is wearing the same tie in scenes shown before and after the clock shots. I'm pretty sure it's meant to be the same day even though the clock shows 11:19 and then 10:42.
As for what took John so long to get home, perhaps he was held up by the press asking him questions when he tried to leave the courthouse? Surely it would have been a big story, and he would have been swamped by reporters. I actually think this should have been shown, it would have been a good way to explain him not being able to go straight home.
Then he had to find a taxi or walk all the way back to Baker Street; I don't think he would have been in any mood to deal with the Tube! Moriarty would have had someone whisk him away in a car. I don't think there would have been any paperwork to stop him leaving court, he was found not guilty so he would be free to go immediately.
* Any longer than two days and I think they would have had to show the time passing, with a montage perhaps. Instead they show the sun setting and rising indicating only two days elapsing.
Last edited by ukaunz (May 10, 2016 9:50 am)