Terror attacks in France

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Posted by mrshouse
November 14, 2015 9:54 am

What a sad day.
I'm lost for words.
My thoughts are with everybody who has lost a beloved one during those acts of cowardice.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by Harriet
November 14, 2015 10:13 am

And with everybody who's been suffering from similar attacks for years on an almost daily base, in other places of the world.

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.
Posted by tonnaree
November 14, 2015 1:52 pm

My heart hurts.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
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 -Vaclav Havel 
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I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by Yitzock
November 14, 2015 2:45 pm

It is a scary time with these kinds of things happening.  It feels different from anything I've known before, but at the same time I know that bad things like this have been happening for decades, centuries, in many places.  But still it feels different, like something we haven't seen before, and it's particular to the time we are living in.  Reading about what was going on made me sad for all those people.  Such pointless killings.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
November 14, 2015 2:50 pm

The world scares me

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

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Posted by Solenn
November 14, 2015 4:15 pm

Feels like a never ending nightmare here ..

Jim Moriarty. Helloooo ! ~~

Posted by Whisky
November 14, 2015 5:01 pm

Shocked and sad. Again.
Praying for Paris victims, praying for all people experiencing terror.


"It is what it is."

Posted by Yitzock
November 14, 2015 5:07 pm

If these things happening are already quite disturbing to me, someone across the ocean, I can only imagine what it must be like to have that happening in your very country.  I think one of the closest things we've had is the attack at our national parliament building last year, but not as many people died there than have died just yesterday in France.

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Vhanja
November 14, 2015 7:21 pm

It is absoluteyl horrible and disgusting. I hope, as I always do, that the people behind it are caught and get what they rightly deserve.

However, what scares me almost more than these terrorist attacks are the hatred towards immigrants and muslims growing in Norway these days. I am scared of extremism, hate and fanatism. And I see it from Norwegians more than any other group these days. Muslims are dehumanized, and I feel history is about to repeat itself. It scares me to pieces that it didn't take longer than this for us to forget what history thaught us.

"We'll live on starlight and crime scenes" - wordstrings

Team Hudders!
Posted by Solenn
November 14, 2015 7:28 pm

Thanks god none of my relatives were concerned , but I'm so angry I want to cry. Can't believe some retarded welcome with joy the death of thousands of people, whether in France or anywhere else , in the name of an ideology.
There is this saying : "Down 7 times get up 8" I think that it's a duty . A duty of memory and respect for all the people killed unjustly.

Take care and be safe please

Last edited by Solenn (November 14, 2015 7:29 pm)

Jim Moriarty. Helloooo ! ~~

Posted by Yitzock
November 14, 2015 7:30 pm

I know what you mean, Vhanja.  I don't like that there will be hatred towards Muslims because of this, just like there has been from other acts of terrorism were committed by Muslims.  So many people misconstrue these things and make a hateful generalization about an entire group of people, say that all Muslims are bad and would do this, when that is far from the truth.  It's horrible.  Events like these just feed the islamophobes, unfortunately, and I don't know how they can all be taught that they're wrong, if that's even possible.

I'm glad to hear your loved ones are safe, Solenn

Last edited by Yitzock (November 14, 2015 7:33 pm)

Clueing for looks.
Posted by Davina
November 21, 2015 10:14 am

Deeply, deeply sad for Paris, Beirut, Kenya, Mali yesterday ... And now Brussels is on lock down...

Don't make people into heroes John. Heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them.
Posted by besleybean
November 21, 2015 11:48 am

I was so angry, frustrated and sad...all at the same time last week.
I just kind of accept this is the way the world is now and await the UK's turn..again.
This is the threat at the moment...there is nothing they won't do, when they feel they are doing god's work and will be rewarded in heaven.
It's an attack on civilisation as a whole.

Posted by ukaunz
July 15, 2016 12:22 am

Another black day for the world. I'm shocked and saddened by the latest attack in Nice. My thoughts are with you, people of France.


Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
July 15, 2016 3:47 am

So the fears came true

I'm so sick of this world and all that is going on recently. All of it.

I barely dare turn on the news anymore

Last edited by This Is The Phantom Lady (July 15, 2016 3:48 am)

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

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Posted by gently69
July 15, 2016 6:37 am

That makes me so angry!!!
Show me one line in the Koran, where is written, that to be a "real" Muslim means to kill as many innocent people, children, as possible... again and again.
I'm lost for words...

Last edited by gently69 (July 15, 2016 6:38 am)

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)

Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
July 15, 2016 7:13 am

I have not read the quaran (other than what we did in religion class) but I've had some discussions with moslem people, who all told me that according to the quaran it's actually haram to do that, especially if you commit suicide in the process. 

This is not religion. 

But 'Christians' haven't been much better up through history 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=http://archiveofourown.org/users/This_is_The_Phantom_Lady/pseuds/This_is_The_Phantom_Lady]AO3
Posted by besleybean
July 15, 2016 7:26 am

These terrorists are motivated by extremist religious and political ideology.
Trouble is, if you think you have been commanded to slay infidels and will be rewarded in Heaven for doing it, there is nothing you won't do.
That is why all such ideologies are dangerous and should be avoided.
The only guiding principle should be human rights, the French President was dead right on that one.
I feel for my neighbouring land. You have done  nothing to deserve this.
Maintain your pride and standards: equality, egality and Liberty...if I have that right!
This is the battle we should all be fighting, right across the world.

Posted by gently69
July 15, 2016 7:31 am

I am talking about the Here and Now!
Comments like "But 'Christians' haven't been much better up through history" don't make it better or different.

And I'm not talking about the Islamic religion. I'm talking about those sick idiots who misuse the name of it and drag whole peoples through the dirt.

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)

Posted by SusiGo
July 15, 2016 7:31 am

Strictly speaking, we still do not know who is responsible for these attacks. Which does not change anything about the terrible loss of human lives. Of course it is probable that IS or Daesh or whatever you call them are responsible. I recently read that they were suffering loss of money and that people had started turning away from them. So all these random acts of terror well might be a reaction to this. And while it is a positive sign that their success is diminishing, their reactions are horrible and completely incalculable. They probably waited until the end of the European championship when security was even higher than usual. And of course the 14th of July is highly symbolic in France. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

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