Posted by SolarSystem ![]() September 29, 2015 1:28 pm | #861 |
Okay, so I watched the second episode now (well, I already watched it on Sunday, but I just couldn't really bring myself to write anything about it...).
To be honest, I'm a bit underwhelmed. Well, I have been underwhelmed for quite some time now, but the fact that it seems to stay this way almost makes me cry.
What those first two episodes come down to for me is:
1. "Where did he get the cup of tea? Answer: I'm the Doctor, just accept it!"
2. Sonic Sunglasses.
Oh boy. So this is "Doctor Who" now? Anything goes? Just because he is the Doctor anything goes...?
This is far too arbitrary for my taste. Time Lord or not, things shouldn't get arbitrary. I want this universe to make sense, and I don't want - as you've already mentioned, Liberty - Moffat to stamp his mark on almost everything we knew as canon and change it around. Sonic sunglasses, really...? What's next? The Tardis turns from a blue police box into a red phone box...?
All that being said, I almost can't believe it myself, but the scene with Clara inside the Dalek, trying to make clear to the Doctor that she is Clara and not a Dalek... actually made me cry. Looking into her face, into her eyes, seeing her desperation... wow, I think I never felt so close to her ever before. Seeing to two of them being reunited was quite wonderful.
Posted by ukaunz ![]() October 4, 2015 2:41 am | #862 |
Phew, I can hardly catch up with all the DW episodes and extra stuff since I decided to watch it, and now I hear there is going to be a DW spin-off called "Class", set in the Coal Hill School!?
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 4, 2015 7:10 am | #863 |
Yes, there is, but the idea isn't really grabbing me. I suppose it might be more appealing to children (and also I might be proved wrong and it might be fantastic!).
I didn't watch last night because I was on my own and it looked like a scary episode! I'm hoping to catch up later today.
Solar, I agree that the scene with Clara in the Dalek was moving. I did feel frustrated that she didn't think to give him a message in a way a Dalek could say (something simple like "Clara is inside", for instance). But I suppose the point was that she was so emotional, she couldn't, and the emotion was working against her - a bit of a parallel with the Doctor's compassion (even if he was faking it!).
Sonic sunglasses, I can accept, as I was never a big fan of the sonic screwdriver anyway. I suppose it's meant to be funny and cool, a bit like the guitar. I'm wondering if there's some doubt about Capaldi connecting with children/young adults due to his age, and they're trying to make him more appealling to them? If tha's the case, I don't agree that there's a problem. I think he's capable of showing a childlike side (as is Missy, to the extreme!) that chlidren can identify with, and they should rely on the acting rather than gimmicks. But I might be wrong about their intentions (guitars and shades are probably more like to appeal to the middle-aged group than the kids).
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 4, 2015 9:54 am | #864 |
Here you can see what Moffat has to say about the sonic sunglasses:
And I'm afraid that "Just to show that we can" is not good enough a reason for me.
I haven't seen the new episode yet, either, maybe I'll find the time to watch it later today.
Posted by Russell ![]() October 5, 2015 7:54 pm | #865 |
SolarSystem wrote:
Oh boy. So this is "Doctor Who" now? Anything goes? Just because he is the Doctor anything goes...?
Liberty wrote:
Solar, I agree that the scene with Clara in the Dalek was moving. I did feel frustrated that she didn't think to give him a message in a way a Dalek could say (something simple like "Clara is inside", for instance). But I suppose the point was that she was so emotional, she couldn't, and the emotion was working against her - a bit of a parallel with the Doctor's compassion (even if he was faking it!).
This, and this.
Missed last week's ep and didn't get around to it til the beginning of the weekend, so thought reserve thoughts until saw the newest one, too. And just... Wow. The second episode did make me feel better with what they did with it (despite still initial 'wth, why are you changing the history to your liking, again?' feelings), and still get a huge kick out of watching Missy! Clara was incredibly moving in the Dalek, but ha, I had the exact same thought Liberty - 'say something about where Clara is!!'
Kind of impressive having Davros and Doctor be two sides of the coin like that... but yeah, the only thing that still bugs me is the 'anything goes' like Solar mentioned. Sunglasses? A cup of tea? Seriously? And good point up there with the 'mercy' thing.
Also, a simultaneous 'stupid forehead-slapping moment' and 'superly bemused dance' at only realizing (the next morning!) what exactly Missy's 'very clever idea' at the end was. Did any of you catch that quicker than me, or realize what they hinted to us?
And third episode... (which not sure if you've watched). Also wow... getting back to what I've heard of the 'classics' in a different way, it seems, with how the old ones were often described as 'a proper creeper!' Definitely cleverly mixing elements of the story, clues, and scariness, with Capaldi still doing a great job making the Doctor 'his'. Props to neatly creative, different situation/place again, and the usage of a deaf character (leading to the lip-reading!) Although while it's great for expanding the story, these habitual two-parters may be the death of me.
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 5, 2015 8:12 pm | #866 |
I liked "Under the Lake" so much better than the first two episodes. Probably because it wasn't written by Moffat (I'm being serious here), and also probably because it reminded me of several episodes from RTD's era, "42", "The Impossible Planet" and "The Waters of Mars". It seems I like it when we have a group of people in a confined space, having to deal with something new/different/creepy/scary. There was a nice dynamic in the episode. What I don't like is that once again we get a cliffhanger that plays with the idea of someone, in this case the Doctor, being dead. Seriously? Again? Come on, cliffhangers don't always have to be about death! There are other climaxes on which to end an episode...! And of course we all know that he's not dead anyway, so... a bit lame.
Posted by ukaunz ![]() October 5, 2015 11:33 pm | #867 |
I was reading an essay by Michael Chabon about Sherlockian fan fiction, and this bit struck me as perhaps an explanation for Moffat's need to rewrite Doctor Who history (emphasis is mine):
"Through parody and pastiche, allusion and homage, retelling and reimagining the stories that were told before us and that we have come of age loving—amateurs—we proceed, seeking out the blank places in the map that our favorite writers, in their greatness and negligence, have left for us, hoping to pass on to our own readers—should we be lucky enough to find any—some of the pleasure that we ourselves have taken in the stuff we love: to get in on the game.” -- Michael Chabon, "Fan Fictions: On Sherlock Holmes", from the book Maps and Legends
So Moffat likes to find the spaces in DW history that he can expand on to make new stories. I'm not sure how I feel about it myself, since I've only been watching new DW for a couple of months at most. It seems that a lot of fans find Moffat's writing almost sacrilegious?
Last edited by ukaunz (October 5, 2015 11:34 pm)
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 6, 2015 7:55 am | #868 |
Interesting find, but the question is: Is it really only just blank places in the map he is filling out? Exchanging one thing for another isn't a blank space and yes, having sonic sunglasses now instead of a sonic screwdriver is a pretty small detail. What I have a 'problem' with is the way in which he's saying "We can do it, so that's why we're doing it". That's just not good enough a reason for me, especially not if this sort of reasoning is also visible in the show. Maybe it's just me, but I want to be able to comprehend why things are happening. And even in a fantastic show like "Doctor Who" an explanation like "I'm the Doctor, I can do it, get over it" just tastes vapid.
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 6, 2015 10:34 am | #869 |
No, Russell, I still don't know what Missy's clever idea is! (Vortex manipulator? Timelord/Dalek alliance/hybrid? Making them all fire at each other? Poking them in the eye with her pointy stick?). Do give a clue, in spoilers if necessary!
I really liked the third episode. The enclosed setting and ghost/horror theme reminded me a little of Mummy on the Orient Express (one of my favourites from last series). I thought the use of the deaf character was great: she came across very strongly, despite not speaking. It was kind of obvious from the beginning that she was gong to be used to interpret the ghosts, but that was fine. I thought the "co-ordinates" seemed vague - a bit of a jump from sword to forsaken - how would anyone know which abandoned town to look for in the whole of earth? Or did I miss something?
The Doctor was on top form. It seemed a bit soon for an "OMG the doctor is dead/dying" cliffhanger yet again, even though we know that he's not.
The ghosts were the right amount of scary. I've felt that some of the Moffat episodes have been about really big issues and very emotionally driven, and it was actually good to get a break from that and have a more straightforward story. Really good fun episode, and I'm looking forward to the next one!(My current guess is a hologram, given that we've already seen a hologram being used in the episode). Edit: after watching the trailer, I don't think it can be that simple. Don't laugh, but I was watching on an old TV and it looked as if the Doctor was wearing his shades, rather than having empty eyes! It seems that the Doctor has to somehow "die" and project a message. My son pointed out something I'd missed: that the translator doesn't see the runes, so there's no point in the ghosts killing him (he can't send a message). I suppose that will be important later. Also, who's in the pod? The Doctor? The baddie?
Last edited by Liberty (October 6, 2015 8:23 pm)
Posted by Russell ![]() October 8, 2015 6:55 pm | #870 |
I still enjoyed the first two episodes, but yeah, individual awesome moments aside in all of them, I know what Solar means about Under the Lake feeling a bit better. Whether that's 'Moffat' or not... ehn... He's great when doesn't feel the need to put mark on things willy-nilly all the time! (and interesting commentary about that! yes, that's what fans do, but it's the reason behind doing it...) And sigh, yes, doing another 'omg, dead!' cliffhanger when that's both typical, and we know isn't entirely true, well... Pttph... they didn't even explain anything about why he thought he was dying the last episode!
Still think Capaldi was amazing. And cleverly creepy, although yeah, the runes were a bit vague. Liberty - I like your 'spoiler' theory about what the Doctor does!
And speaking of 'dying', as far as Missy goes....Yeah, they do look like sunglasses, but no... he was definitely 'smoky' like the ghosts! A hologram? ...huh! Neat idea, but underwater? And definitely 'yes' to how it seems like something the Doctor would do, figuring he can come back from "dying" to send a message of his own. I like that. Add in the odd comments about 'who's in the pod'... hmm. I don't quite see how the translator not reading the runes means that he can't send a message, so ghosts won't kill, but... interesting.
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 8, 2015 7:39 pm | #871 |
Oh, I see, yes, about Missy - yes, I did think about that story and wondered if that's what she was referring to as a very clever idea. It's nice that they set it up like that - not that we'd have believed that she would die there anyway! She's got to come back before the end of the series, hasn't she, as she has that last will and testament to reveal. I have a feeling that's an ongoing story arc and that's (maybe) why we don't know why the doctor thought he was dying yet.
. Yes, I feel a complete fool now for thinking those were sunglasses. I also didn't know that you couldn't project holograms underwater. On the other hand ... the ghosts aren't actual corpses, but radio waves, so a sort of hologram - does the person actually need to be dead? Would suspended animation work? In which case, has the Doctor gone back and put himself in the pod in suspended animation? However, it would make more sense for an alien to be in the pod, and for it to be behind the sending of signals.
About the translator not seeing the runes. I think the Doctor was saying the runes were an "earworm" so the ghosts who had broadcast them would have to have seen the runes to do that ... and they were kiling other people who had seen the runes so that they could add strength to the broadcast. No point in killing people who hadn't seen the runes, as they couldn't send the message. My son pointed out that the translator was the only one who hadn't seen the runes, and that was why the ghosts didn't harm him in the corridor. (It was him, wasn't it? I haven't got him mixed up with the other guy?). Why knowing the words that the runes stood for wasn't enough to be an earworm, I don't know. And maybe I'm talking rubbish here anyway! I just enjoy speculating wildly and being proved wrong.
Posted by Russell ![]() October 9, 2015 5:33 am | #872 |
Liberty wrote:
She's got to come back before the end of the series, hasn't she, as she has that last will and testament to reveal. I have a feeling that's an ongoing story arc and that's (maybe) why we don't know why the doctor thought he was dying yet.
…She does? I wasn't sure if she had actually read it! (but then, why wouldn't she) But yes! Again, despite the 'wait a minute' uncertainty with the whole entire idea, I do appreciate the similarly emotional 'whoah, wait a minute' sense with having us questioning why the Doctor has been running all these years. (unfortunately not knowing enough classic history other than the fact that there was an arc at one point where he was on trial back home for meddling in something, but seemed he mostly ran off because he preferred that life)
Regarding bit about holograms and translator -
I'm not… actually sure if they work underwater. And in any case, it seemed a bit odd to be a hologram, what with the Doctor appearing to actually float through the water.
And the translator -- Ohh! Yes!That was the guy that the ghosts left alone! Totally forgot that, or noticed if he had looked at them. Maybe that'll come up again. Not so sure about the 'alien' or who's in the pod… the first ghost is totally the sinister-looking guy we see alive in the next one's trailer, so… Sure they'll weirdly twist it on us in some way!
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 9, 2015 6:20 am | #873 |
I think I'm actually quite enjoying these two-parter episodes and having a chance to try to work out what's going on in between, rather than having it all resolved on first viewing!Yes, and they did say that it doesn't seem to be the pilot who's in the pod. This isn't just a crashed spaceship sending messages home
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 10, 2015 9:10 pm | #874 |
Oh my goodness, so many things I liked about this episode! Even the slightly dodgy special effects (just like old times!). I have more to say later, but here's the burning question in my mind:
If the ghost Doctor was just a hologram, how could it open the Faraday cage? Or is that part of the "bootstrap paradox" - an indication that there was an original "death" in one timeline (like there was an original Beethoven)? I can never get my head around time travel stories, but I love the way time travel was used as part of the story in this episode, instead of just being a means of travel!
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 10, 2015 9:41 pm | #875 |
I don't really have an answer to your question, Liberty, I'm afraid. Did you google the bootstrap paradox? I did and it brought me here:
I still don't fully get it. And furthermore, I don't think it explains how the hologram was able to open the Faraday cage, I don't think that's really related to the paradox but probably... sloppy writing.
I guess I'll have to watch the episode again in order to really understand how all of it worked and to verify that the paradox stuff really made sense. I never had any problems with the paradoxes in the "Back to the Future"-films, maybe they were a bit less complicated and well, the idea there was to avoid creating paradoxes altogether. "Before the Flood" however loved creating them... and I actually enjoyed most of it.
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 10, 2015 10:05 pm | #876 |
Yes, I did google "bootstrap paradox"! Apparently, it's named after a Heinlein story, but the Beethoven tale Immediately made me think of the Michael Moorcock story "Behold the Man", where (spoiler if you haven't read it)
.practically the same thing happens, but with Jesus instead of Beethoven.
doesn't appear at the beginning. Not that I actually really do understand, as I keep going round in circles.O'Donnell's ghost
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 10, 2015 10:08 pm | #877 |
By the way: I can't shake the feeling that the writer of this episode knew that this whole paradox business is so complicated (thanks to the way the episode is written, of course), that the audience would have trouble to fully understand what's going on. So the Doctor had to tell the audience to google the term "bootstrap paradox" and wow, what a surprise, this wonderfully arranged website appears and the whole thing is explained at great length. Which is kind of neat, but which also makes me suspect that the whole paradox idea became far too complicated to be dealt with properly in 45 minutes - which in my opinion wouldn't be decent writing.
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 11, 2015 8:13 am | #878 |
I wouldn't say that really, as it is explained at the beginning of the episode (the Beethoven story), and again at the end (the Doctor programming his hologram to say something because the hologram he'd programmed had said it). I think the paradox itself is easy to understand (if difficult to get your head around, if you know what I mean!). The bit that wasn't explained is how it could happen, and I don't think the episode attempted to explain that but preferred to leave it as a paradox. I actually liked the way it was explained at the beginning, so you knew what was coming (and made it more accessible for children, I think).
Spoilers to follow!
The only explanation I can think of to satisfy myself about O'Donnell's ghost appearing so late (surely she would have been there all along, having died in the past?) is that the Doctor had to see O'Donnell die without previously seeing her ghost to "test" the words from his hologram - the hologram has to accurately "predict" it, rather than just recite the names of the people we'd already seen as ghosts. That was how he knew he had to programme the hologram and why. So it becomes another paradox - in a timeline where O'Donnell's ghost was there, the Doctor wouldn't have known what to do. So O'Donnell's ghost only appears in the present when there is a Doctor in the past that knows to programme the hologram to say her name in that order, and that can't happen until what the hologram says has been sent back from the future, i.e. it's part of the paradox.. But maybe there's a better explanation. (Or maybe it really is a minor plot hole?).
Which is all interesting, because there wasn't really any prediction of Clara's death at all. That was just the Doctor's clue and motivation to his time-travelling self. And the really, horrible, cold thing is that it does look O'Donnell has to die, and the Doctor really doesn't try to stop it, much. (He does tell her to stay in the Tardis, but doesn't warn her or anything).
I'm still confused about the hologram opening the Faraday cage as after all, it wouldn't have the same properties as the ghosts, would it? It wouldn't be able to use metal the way they could? Or maybe it could and maybe that's what the Doctor meant by the added AI.
A few things I liked: time travel as part of the story, the explanation of the paradox, Cass again, and the scene where she is being stalked by Moran dragging the axe, the setting, the Fisher King costume and voice, the slightly dodgy special effects, the dam breaking, the Doctor being in the pod (I knew it! Well, OK, I didn't really but it was one of my theories), the "new" theme tune at the beginning, the Doctor talking to the viewers, Peter Capaldi's Doctor in general, the Doctor's moving speech to the Fisher King being a ploy to manipulate him, like the speech to Davros earlier, and lots more!
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() October 11, 2015 10:02 am | #879 |
Liberty wrote:
The only explanation I can think of to satisfy myself about O'Donnell's ghost appearing so late (surely she would have been there all along, having died in the past?) is that the Doctor had to see O'Donnell die without previously seeing her ghost to "test" the words from his hologram - the hologram has to accurately "predict" it, rather than just recite the names of the people we'd already seen as ghosts. That was how he knew he had to programme the hologram and why. So it becomes another paradox - in a timeline where O'Donnell's ghost was there, the Doctor wouldn't have known what to do. So O'Donnell's ghost only appears in the present when there is a Doctor in the past that knows to programme the hologram to say her name in that order, and that can't happen until what the hologram says has been sent back from the future, i.e. it's part of the paradox.. But maybe there's a better explanation. (Or maybe it really is a minor plot hole?).
I think you're onto something here, and I also think it might be a plot hole. The actions in the past change the present, and there also is the question: Would anybody in the present even know O'Donnell if she had died in the past? It certainly is some kind of paradox. Also, why did her ghost appear at the exact moment in the present it did, and not six hours sooner or two days later...? For some reason it appeared in 'the right order', according to the Doctor's list. But why?
About the hologram entering the Faraday cage: I'm not sure, but thinking about the holographic doctor in "Star Trek Voyager" it does at least make sense that a hologram can touch and move things (and people). I'm not sure about the Faraday cage though, because it is used to block electric fields. Could a hologram even be projected into the cage?
Posted by Liberty ![]() October 11, 2015 10:51 am | #880 |
I think what happens with Clara's hologram is that it disappears when the cage closes, so no, I don't suppose a hologram can be projected in unless the door is open. I was thinking of the Doctor's hologram being able to press the buttons to open the cage, but I didn't realise that holograms could touch and move things.
I htink the people in the present would still know O'Donnell, because she would have to have existed in the present to be able to go back and die in the past. But you would expect her ghost to be waiting there since the '80s, like the undertaker's. So the only thing I can think is that her ghost only appears at the moment in the future when the loop is sealed: when the Doctor in the pod is projecting the message, AND the Doctor of the past knows what it means and is able to set it up - which he only really understands after O'Donnell dies in the past. So that's the exacty moment in the future when O'Donnell's ghost appears. But I have to admit, I'm not completely buying it myself.
It does seem that if O'Donnell's ghost had been there from the beginning, the ghost Doctor's message wouldn't have told the Doctor what to do (because he wouldn't have been able to test out the prediction), and so he wouldn't have been able to make the ghost Doctor say those things, etc. But that's another paradox, and just because it wouldn't work if O'Donnell's ghost was there in Ep1 doesn't mean that O'Donnell's ghost wouldn't appear. Or is it just something to do with not being able to meet your own ghost? I need to do a bit more thinking! Or accept it as a plot hole! (The reason I don't think it's a plothole is because they specifically draw attention to it - the Doctor says he thought O'Donnell had a chance because her ghost wasn't there in the future). But I'm interested in what all of you think.
Last edited by Liberty (October 11, 2015 11:48 am)