Posted by Russell ![]() June 19, 2015 6:22 pm | #781 |
SolarSystem wrote:
Russell, I agree that it was a bit like with Martha when it came to Clara trying to do both things: travelling with the Doctor and leading your 'real' life. The reasons certainly weren't the same, I think Martha's 'problem' was that she had a severe crush on the Doctor and that she felt he didn't really appreciate her enough. So it felt more like self-protection with Martha.
Yes, definitely! Although yes, also different. Clara, for all the ways the show tried to highlight too much at times, was still great for the Doctor and great seeing the effects of trying to keep a balance with the Doctor around. I just think it would be nice if they had another friend along for an adventure here or there, and not necessarily have to pair the companion up with someone or be in love with him (which is why Donna was refreshing). Wouldn't it be great if that happy fangirl scientist (Osgood) somehow got to come back?
Oh my gosh, and that special! I love all the Christmas specials, but that one really made me go 'whoah'. 'Yes' to it being a reconciliation… I was very glad to have that after the (understandable yet frustrating) 'goodbye lies' they told for the other's sake. (ha… and cool personal tie-in, too!)
That's also cool about noticing Wanda… wow! And that your five-year-old got into it? Neat… I still haven't gone back and watched a whole lot of the classic ones… I remember before the show got re-booted, seeing some reruns on with the Fourth Doctor and wondering about it, but finding it really strange. Maybe I'd appreciate it more now…
SolarSystem wrote:
And you are right, of course. Nevertheless I assume that almost every viewer has his/her Doctor who (see what I did there?) will always have a very special place in ones heart.
But of course. Oh, sure, I go through a bit of the "noo, don't leave!"/"I don't know about this new one!" but it usually only lasts a couple episodes (and fondly keeping the past one in heart). That IS a big part of the show, after all, and none of them have been 'bad', just different. Even with the first season not being nearly as strong as most the others, Eccleston did a lot to bring the Doctor back. And even though the others have since affectionately rubbed off on me, I will admit Tennent's version is the Doctor who (see what I did there?) always has a special spot for me.
Last edited by Russell (June 20, 2015 2:41 am)
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() June 20, 2015 8:51 pm | #782 |
Russell wrote:
Wouldn't it be great if that happy fangirl scientist (Osgood) somehow got to come back?
Oh, yes, definitely.
But look at this pic from behind the scenes, it was taken a few days ago. She will be there next season. And after the scarf and the bow tie she will be 'wearing' Five's question mark.
Although I can't wait to see how they will explain her being there, because technically she's dead, right?
Russell wrote:
But of course. Oh, sure, I go through a bit of the "noo, don't leave!"/"I don't know about this new one!" but it usually only lasts a couple episodes (and fondly keeping the past one in heart). That IS a big part of the show, after all, and none of them have been 'bad', just different. Even with the first season not being nearly as strong as most the others, Eccleston did a lot to bring the Doctor back. And even though the others have since affectionately rubbed off on me, I will admit Tennent's version is the Doctor who (see what I did there?) always has a special spot for me.
All I can say is that I will never not love Eccleston, because he was the one who pulled me into Doctor Who. If I hadn't liked him, I suppose I never would have watched another season after the first one. So yes, he will always have a special place in my heart... although just like you, for me David Tennant's Doctor is and will always be my Doctor. He made me cry so many times and touched my heart so profoundly...
But I agree, none of the Doctors I came to know so far are 'bad' or 'wrong', they just are different. I really had severe problems to grow accustomed to Matt, but that's only because he had the 'misfortune' to follow right after David.
Last edited by SolarSystem (June 20, 2015 9:08 pm)
Posted by SusiGo ![]() June 20, 2015 8:59 pm | #783 |
I must say, Matt has really grown on me. I cannot explain it very well but to me he has a wonderfully subdued charm. At the beginning I thought he was too much of a clown but it changed quickly. I really, really like him.
And my son was skeptical at the beginning but now he likes him, too. And he got very angry at himself for looking at a Dr Who Wiki and spoilering himself.
Last edited by SusiGo (June 20, 2015 9:00 pm)
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() June 20, 2015 9:14 pm | #784 |
What did he spoiler himself with? Or didn't he tell you?
But tell him to relax, I had already spoilered myself with lots of things when I started watching DW.
I agree with you on the clown thing when it comes to Matt. In my opinion his first season did lack a lot of heart and emotional impact because of that (although there already were a couple of moving episodes). Thankfully his Doctor didn't stay this way.
Posted by Liberty ![]() June 20, 2015 9:31 pm | #785 |
I thought Matt was fine, and I really liked Amy and Rory as companions. But Peter Capaldi is my current favourite.
Last edited by Liberty (June 20, 2015 9:32 pm)
Posted by SusiGo ![]() June 20, 2015 9:50 pm | #786 |
SolarSystem wrote:
What did he spoiler himself with? Or didn't he tell you?
But tell him to relax, I had already spoilered myself with lots of things when I started watching DW.
I agree with you on the clown thing when it comes to Matt. In my opinion his first season did lack a lot of heart and emotional impact because of that (although there already were a couple of moving episodes). Thankfully his Doctor didn't stay this way.
I told him not to tell me.
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() June 20, 2015 10:03 pm | #787 |
SusiGo wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
What did he spoiler himself with? Or didn't he tell you?
But tell him to relax, I had already spoilered myself with lots of things when I started watching DW.
I agree with you on the clown thing when it comes to Matt. In my opinion his first season did lack a lot of heart and emotional impact because of that (although there already were a couple of moving episodes). Thankfully his Doctor didn't stay this way.I told him not to tell me.
And that's probably a wise idea. Considering where you are right now with Eleven, there is one spoiler that I would consider to be really huge. If that's the one he came across... that would give away a lot indeed...
Posted by Russell ![]() June 25, 2015 6:51 am | #788 |
SolarSystem wrote:
And that's probably a wise idea. Considering where you are right now with Eleven, there is one spoiler that I would consider to be really huge. If that's the one he came across... that would give away a lot indeed...
Eesh, no kidding! I'm probably thinking of the exact same one as Solar… no wonder he was annoyed, if it was. I was quite 'what the heck?' for a bit, too. And definitely agree on Eleven being goofy… it really was something great to watch as he grew more depth!
And Solar… eeeee! Thanks for your previous 'spoiler' comment…
...kinda thought they might do that, but wasn't positive! (and, err, she could have been clever and somehow had one of those 'bracelets'? Or we'll be seeing her on the 'other side', or in another form?)
Last edited by Russell (June 25, 2015 6:52 am)
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() June 25, 2015 7:32 am | #789 |
Russell wrote:
SolarSystem wrote:
And that's probably a wise idea. Considering where you are right now with Eleven, there is one spoiler that I would consider to be really huge. If that's the one he came across... that would give away a lot indeed...
Eesh, no kidding! I'm probably thinking of the exact same one as Solar… no wonder he was annoyed, if it was. I was quite 'what the heck?' for a bit, too.
Are you thinking about this...?
The identity of River Song. I didn't see that one coming at all. And I think I'll have to watch all the episodes with Matt again, soon, because I have to admit that at one point I lost track. It all got a bit confusing. And I suspect that there are some logic holes in it, but I've never been very good at detecting those. But Moffat does have a certain reputation for it, doesn't he?
But be that as it may, I love how he introduced River in "Silence in the Library", I'd call that pretty brilliant.
Russell wrote:
And Solar… eeeee! Thanks for your previous 'spoiler' comment…
I really hope that didn't spoil anything for you, maybe I should have included a more specific warning...?
Posted by Russell ![]() June 25, 2015 9:04 pm | #790 |
SolarSystem wrote:
Are you thinking about this…? <snip spoiler>
Ha, but of course. That is pretty much the first one that comes to mind when someone mentions a Big Spoiler with Eleven's period. I didn't see that either and was instantly 'wtf?' and appreciatively 'whoah'. Hmm… common with these show's writers!
But yes, I thought it brilliant, too. Eesh, if I wanted to carve out some time for it, that kinda thing does make you want to re-watch all the earlier Eleven, too.
Oh, and no! You didn't spoil anything for me! I was using 'spoiler' in reference to which comment of yours my line was about. I suspected that might be something they'd throw in the new series, and thought it would be awesome, but hadn't heard or seen a pic yet. Loved it. Well….. loved it til I saw this:Well, unless he came across exactly how Amy and Rory leave or how Clara comes to be.
*throws up hands at Moffat and knowing what's real or not anymore!*
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() June 26, 2015 7:19 am | #791 |
I think I really have to watch all of Eleven's episodes again eventually. Because as much as I love Ten and everything that had to do with him, I have to admit that in terms of how things are interwoven Eleven's era has been much more complicated. I'm sure I didn't get everything.
Concerning your second spoiler:
Oh wow....! Ha! So could this mean that Osgood isn't really Osgood...? Could be, considering what we saw in "The Day of the Doctor"... That would really be so definitely Moffat!
And I mean, Osgood's 'death' happened so casually, it's hard to believe that Moffat would kill her off just like that...
Posted by Russell ![]() July 2, 2015 9:29 pm | #792 |
SolarSystem wrote:
I think I really have to watch all of Eleven's episodes again eventually. Because as much as I love Ten and everything that had to do with him, I have to admit that in terms of how things are interwoven Eleven's era has been much more complicated. I'm sure I didn't get everything.
Oh, no kidding! I adore Ten, don't get me wrong, but sad how he just fell apart towards the end of his run. And like we said, Eleven was strange and goofy at first, but as far as character growth and story arcs go, he had some awesome ones (and despite the stark difference now, I like how that grew into Twelve's persona). The very instant we got that Big Spoiler, my friend and I were sputtering a bit and going 'whoah', then yes, instantly trying to calculate/mentally remember all of that in context of his entire season. Eesh… Speaking of which….
Have you come across any of the many River Song timelines fans have tried to do? Kinda neat to see it charted in that context, throughout the season. Kind of an easy way to see everything, without watching it again… sometimes it's kinda cramped or confusing in a one-image chart though… I like this one I came across, where she just does a long run-down:
Only thing missing is Trenzalore, and some cute little bits of backstory the bonus mini-sodes sometimes give us. Ever watch many of those? Some are much more known than others, being the little specials done for Children in Need, or episode prequels. Awesome they did so many, though… didn't even discover until well into the series! The best River ones are (most) of the ones with 'Night' in title, and Rain Gods.
Last edited by Russell (July 3, 2015 2:56 am)
Posted by Liberty ![]() July 3, 2015 6:54 am | #793 |
That timeline is really helpful - thanks for posting it! I have difficulty following it because it goes back years. (I tend to watch the episodes when they're aired and don't rewatch - and I have a terrible memory!). I wonder how children manage to keep it all in their heads over the years?
I was surprised how dark they were prepared to go in a children's TV programme. I found it so sad that Amy loses her child and never gets to be a mother to her. Maybe this is more distressing to watch as a mother than as a child! (I always have it in mind when I'm thinking of the future of the Watson baby in Sherlock - this is how far Moffat will go even in a family programme).
Posted by SusiGo ![]() July 3, 2015 7:06 am | #794 |
True, this does not bode well for the Watson baby. Before I watched DW I was thinking, no, they will not do this or that, but now I am not so sure anymore.
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() July 3, 2015 7:22 am | #795 |
Thanks for that timeline, Russell, I'll definitely have a closer look at it. I really do intend to watch Eleven's episodes again, but who knows when that will happen.
I know several of those mini-sodes, some are included on the DVDs, so it's kind of hard to miss them. Although I have to admit that I've only watched the ones with Ten so far. I especially love the one with Peter Davison, although I have never seen any episodes with Five that mini-sode really brings tears into my eyes every time I'm watching it. It's so sweet.
Have you ever seen this film by Peter Davison about the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who? It's hilarious and does have lots of guest appearances in it, from David to Matt to John Barrowman!
I'm not so sure about the Watson baby though. I mean, I don't really doubt that they'd get rid of it if they wanted to, but I guess they would take lots of other things into consideration than they did on Doctor Who. DW is a very fantastic show where anything can happen and where dead people can come back to life. And yes, I know that Sherlock hasn't been dead, either, and that maybe even Moriarty is still alive. But still, it's different.
Posted by Russell ![]() July 5, 2015 4:05 am | #796 |
Russell wrote:
<snip spoiler> ….and some cute little bits of backstory the bonus mini-sodes sometimes give us. Ever watch many of those? Some are much more known than others, being the little specials done for Children in Need, or episode prequels. Awesome they did so many, though… didn't even discover until well into the series!
Figured I'd just throw that bit in there, since I had it with my spoiler comment before, but the mini-sodes aren't technically spoilers I guess unless you watch prequels far ahead of where you're at, and even fans here still catching up would get a kick out of the earlier ones, and get what we're referring to. So many fun 'behind the scenes' bits. Kind of curious/uncertain, occurred to me that they haven't seemed to keep those going with Capaldi? Darn...
And yes, the two you mentioned are top favorites! Hee… I love those. Wasn't Davison awesome? That's what I meant by the more well-known ones though… even if you didn't notice early on the neat little 'Tardisodes' and pre-quels on the dvd's, the specials like Time Crash they did for Children In Need event and the extra specials for the 50th anniversary got posted all over the Internet. Two others from Tennant's run you have to see are the "music video" for '(I'm Gonna Be) 500 Miles' the whole cast and crew did before he left, and a special Whovian thing a fan got to do with John Barrowman, back when he hosted "Tonight's The Night".
But….. waait a minute… if we were hiding Eleven's big twist in 'spoilers' since Susi joked about her son coming across but was waiting to see it for herself (although what constitutes a 'spoiler' these days depending on the show and how many seasons back you're talking about varies a lot!), but I notice she responded to Liberty's comment about the baby (which was in a spoiler with a hint to it)…. does that mean couldn't help but curiously look, or have you gotten to that point yet, then? Tell us! What did you think??
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() July 5, 2015 9:31 am | #797 |
Concerning your last question to Susi, Russell, I think she has already seen it now.
And yes, I love that "500 Miles"-video, it's wonderful. Makes you believe that working on DW must be the most wonderful job in the world. And of course "Tonight's the Night" is absolutely hilarious.
And I'm sure you also know that "Music of the Spheres"-thing they did in the Royal Albert Hall...? That always sends shivers down my spine... looking into those kid's faces... and David/Ten being so utterly adorable...
Last edited by SolarSystem (July 5, 2015 9:38 am)
Posted by SusiGo ![]() July 5, 2015 12:09 pm | #798 |
Oh, yes, I did not watch the whole programme at the Albert Hall but this was magic.
Posted by SolarSystem ![]() July 10, 2015 8:49 am | #799 |
A trailer for series 9 has been released! Looks pretty dark...
Posted by gently69 ![]() July 10, 2015 8:57 am | #800 |
Another one that doesn't work here at the office.