Just from ch 1 Study in Scarlet > Study in Pink unless otherwise stated
John: the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers, (Scandal in Belgravia Palace scene Harry shaking hands with John)
Afghan war,
opening shots and mentioned at end of study in Pink > John: struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet,
medical board determined that not a day should be lost in sending me back to England.
turning round I recognized young Stamford, who had been a dresser under me at Bart's. The sight of a friendly face in the great wilderness of London is a pleasant thing indeed to a lonely man
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Criterion Bar, > becomes Criterion takeaway cup
John: “Looking for lodgings, I answered. “Trying to solve the problem as to whether it is possible to get comfortable rooms at a reasonable price.
“That's a strange thing, remarked my companion; “you are the second man to-day that has used that expression to me.
“And who was the first? I asked.
“A fellow who is working at the chemical laboratory up at the hospital. He was bemoaning himself this morning because he could not get someone to go halves with him in some nice rooms which he had found > in series Lab scene. ...line
“Holmes is a little too scientific for my tastes—it approaches to cold-bloodedness. I could imagine his giving a friend a little pinch of the latest vegetable alkaloid, not out of malevolence, you understand, but simply out of a spirit of inquiry in order to have an accurate idea of the effects.
> Becomes Sherlock giving John potentially drug laden sugar in beverage in series Hounds of Baskerville
series Morgue scene
beating the subjects in the dissecting-rooms with a stick, it is certainly taking rather a bizarre shape.
“Beating the subjects!
“Yes, to verify how far bruises may be produced after death.
Series Lab scene
“You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.
“How on earth did you know that? I asked in astonishment.
“I get in the dumps at times, and don't open my mouth for days on end
It's just as well for two fellows to know the worst of one another before they begin to live together.
Stamford: My companion smiled an enigmatical smile. “That's just his little peculiarity, he said. Becomes > “yeah he does that all the time
Sherlock - he put his hand over his heart and bowed > Becomes Sherlock bowing after playing violin in xmas party scene in series episode Scandal in Belgravia