Do you ship Johnlock?

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Posted by chloejellybean5
March 11, 2015 11:20 pm

If you don't ship Johnlock, then who do you ship?

Do you ship Johnlock?

Could be dangerous.
Posted by Ah-chie
March 11, 2015 11:36 pm

I don't ship Johnlock.  I don't know if you can ship a married couple (I don't really know that much about shipping in general). If it is done then I guess you could say I ship John and Mary.  But I don't really think about shipping as a rule.  It isn't the focus of the show for me.

Edit: thanks to mrshouse I now realise that I don't "ship" John and Mary (I just like them as characters who happen to be a couple on the show) - so definitely no shipping for anyone on the show for me.


Last edited by Ah-chie (March 12, 2015 3:13 pm)

"The only shipping I know is shipping containers."
                                           -Benedict Cumberbatch
Posted by Schmiezi
March 12, 2015 5:20 am


I didn't plan to and I didn't from the start. BUt the thought of the two of them touches my little romantic heart, and ever since S3 I also see hints of it on TV.

I still believe that love conquers all!


"Quick, man, if you love me."
Posted by mrshouse
March 12, 2015 7:13 am

Yes, I do. 
And what Schmiezi said, I certainly didn't go and looked for it. I just felt there was something. Then I watched an interview on Youtube with Ben and Martin and I read some of those silly comments and one was like " oh, why do you sit that far apart from each other?" and it hit me like a thunderbolt. For me they are the two with the most convincing chemistry on screen. And btw there are lots of great male duos on screen I would never dream of shipping....

@Val, of course you can ship John and Mary, it's called #warstan out there.


Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.

"If you're not reading the subtext then hell mend you"  -  Steven Moffat
"Love conquers all" Benedict Cumberbatch on Sherlock's and John's relationship
"This is a show about a detective, his best friend, his wife, their baby and their dog" - Nobody. Ever.

Posted by Draconia
March 12, 2015 7:29 am

Bet on it!

I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second, that I am one of them...

Posted by Harriet
March 12, 2015 7:51 am

I didn't ship either from the beginning and needed some time to see Johnlock. My first ship, btw.
Got there from being a part-time Johnlocker to full-time 

Last edited by Harriet (March 12, 2015 8:00 am)

Eventually everyone will support Johnlock.   Independent OSAJ Affiliate

... but there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end.
Posted by gently69
March 12, 2015 7:56 am

Schmiezi wrote:


I didn't plan to and I didn't from the start. BUt the thought of the two of them touches my little romantic heart, and ever since S3 I also see hints of it on TV.

Want to sign this. Exactly the same what happened to me. And what also happened to me are some very nice people from this forum ... developing my ship.

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)

Posted by SolarSystem
March 12, 2015 8:42 am

Oh god yes, I definitely ship them.
I came to the show by watching a rerun of S2 late at night, didn't know anything about the show by the time. By the end of TRF I was crying my eyes out and found it all so heartbreakingly romantic. Of course I didn't know the name for it then and had no idea that a considerable part of the Sherlock fandom ships them... but the rest is history, as they say.  

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"

Posted by This Is The Phantom Lady
March 12, 2015 8:42 am

I do, as a 'guilty pleasure'... 

"Don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street!"

"Oh Watson. Nothing made me... I made me"
"Luuuuurve Ginger Nuts"

Tumblr[/url] I [url=]AO3
Posted by nakahara
March 12, 2015 8:58 am

Yes, I do.
Even in previous adaptations of Sherlock´s stories I felt that the placing of the third person between Sherlock and John is somehow wrong.... a naturally born shipper, I guess.


I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window there. Was there ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world? See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-coloured houses. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers, Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?

Posted by Vhanja
March 12, 2015 9:17 am

I ship them in that I personally want to see them together. But I don't think it will happen in the show (and will be thrilled to death if I am proven wrong).

"We'll live on starlight and crime scenes" - wordstrings

Team Hudders!
Posted by tykobrian
March 12, 2015 9:57 am

I'm a hardcore ACD fan but I've never thought that I'll start to ship Holmes and Watson when I decided to watch the BBC version. I'm not saying that one has to ship them when TPTB ships them. It's just that the way the story is set up- it's basically the only romance story I can swallow.

Series arc of Sherlock | Clues to #johnlock being endgame | My fav Sherlock blog
Posted by Whisky
March 12, 2015 11:42 am

I don't ship anything, meaning I don't encourage any pairing and am fine with most pairings to happen.
But I totally agree with many here that Johnlock has perfect chemistry, is very entertaining to watch and satisfying to read in fanfiction ;-) (among other pairings)
I'm just not holding up a flag for it, and I don't think I will in the future. Shipping is just not my thing.
I would be okay with (relationship-) Johnlock in the show, but I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't happen.
I think love is as much part of any friendship as it is part of a relationship, and I won't argue that John and Sherlock feel love for each other - of whatever kind. And that's enough for me 

...Also I love to stand on the shore, watching you sail that monstrous  johnlocky ship out there... it looks good, and there's always a great party going on by the looks of it ;-) That's one of the reasons I think why many ship Johnlock - the company is good. Maybe someday I'll treat myself to a daytrip ticket on HMS Johnlock to experience the buzz :-p (although I somehow fear that you don't do DAYtickets...)

Last edited by Whisky (March 12, 2015 11:48 am)


"It is what it is."

Posted by tonnaree
March 12, 2015 11:55 am

Have you looked at my signiture?

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by SolarSystem
March 12, 2015 12:15 pm

You like stuffed animals. 

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"

Posted by gently69
March 12, 2015 12:36 pm

Where is the laughing and crying smiley???

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)

Posted by SolarSystem
March 12, 2015 12:45 pm

Whisky wrote:

...Also I love to stand on the shore, watching you sail that monstrous  johnlocky ship out there... it looks good, and there's always a great party going on by the looks of it ;-) That's one of the reasons I think why many ship Johnlock - the company is good. Maybe someday I'll treat myself to a daytrip ticket on HMS Johnlock to experience the buzz :-p (although I somehow fear that you don't do DAYtickets...)

Oh, I'm sure we'd all welcome you on board, even if it were for just one day. You would just join in the fun and we wouldn't have to explain ourselves - sounds good to me! 

"Am I the current King of England?

"I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something." - David Tennant
"We did observe." - David Tennant in "Richard II"

Posted by Whisky
March 12, 2015 12:50 pm

SolarSystem wrote:

You like stuffed animals. 

rofl :D was thinking of the blue carbuncle... wondering now what's inside the teddy...

Thank you solar for hospitality ;-)

and, gently, for you:  

Last edited by Whisky (March 12, 2015 12:57 pm)


"It is what it is."

Posted by gently69
March 12, 2015 1:34 pm

Brilliant! Thanks, Whisky.

Ten:" I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Sherlock: "I heard you.”

"Temptation coursing through our veins " 
(Tony Hadley)

Posted by SusiGo
March 12, 2015 1:54 pm

Yes, I do. First very much on a fanfic basis, since series 3 in the show as well. For me there is just too much  that cannot be explained in any other way. 

Whisky, I like your post very much. Yes, it is fun to be a Johnlocker, very much so. And I think that many of the best metas and analyses come from Johnlockers. So feel free to come on board anytime and join the party. 

"To fake the death of one sibling may be regarded as a misfortune; to fake the death of both looks like carelessness." Oscar Wilde about Mycroft Holmes

"It is what it is says love." (Erich Fried)

“Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)


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