Posted by La Jolie December 14, 2014 10:34 pm | #381 |
SusiGo wrote:
Yes, the comments are a bit this year.
A bit what, Susi? A Bit Not Good?
Posted by SusiGo December 14, 2014 10:37 pm | #382 |
Oops, a bit thin, I wanted to say. Late in the evening.
Posted by NotYourHousekeeperDear December 14, 2014 10:55 pm | #383 |
Sorry- meant to comment earlier but had a hard time logging in on the weekend!
Something Precious- This story was so romantic. I read it on a really bad day at work and it took me to another place- I love it when a fic can do that!
How Sherlock Holmes Met Greg Lestrade
What I loved about this one was the dialogue. It's not very often you read a fic and you can actually hear how the actors would say the lines. Both Sherlock and Lestrade were completely in character- the use of humour was excellent and again, very true to the show. I found this one totally believable and a gem to read. Excellent work!
Posted by mrshouse December 15, 2014 8:21 am | #384 |
Something precious
Wow, just wow... A S3-fix it, that stroke every. single. chord that did not sit well with me in HLV, really every single one. So many feels, you want to cry and smile at the same time. I liked the telling from two point of views. I actually liked that nothing sinister happended to Lily Watson but you know that she won't be in the way... Lovely idea to have her risen mainly by Harry and her girlfriend, and lovely that Sherlock did not get all aaaaawwwww about her against his character.
My favourite quote to make me laugh would be: I don't shave for Mary Watson. My favourite quote for my johnlocky heart would simply be the end...
Thank you, dear unknown author!
Posted by mrshouse December 15, 2014 8:47 am | #385 |
How Sherlock Holmes met Greg Lestrade
I must say that I enjoy very much to read the fics dealing with aspects of the show that are a bit, well, just supporting topics. Lestrade is one of my favourite supporting characters and this is a lovely story of their first meeting. Kudos to those parts in which Sherlock does his deductions, I always feel they are really hard to invent and write down. Those little nods to the series with the "God" and "Jesus Christ" made me laugh. And you, unknown author, captured very nicly how lonely Sherlock is at this time in his life. But we all know that Lestrade is not the last friend to come, don't we?
Posted by nakahara December 15, 2014 1:28 pm | #386 |
Crotchet Sherlock and John have it so nice on the mantelpiece. I so envy them.
Posted by NotYourHousekeeperDear December 16, 2014 7:31 am | #387 |
All They Needed
Aw, how lovely was this story- I found myself wishing that it really would happen (Johnlockers have to be optimisists!) . So beautifully written: This was my favourite line:
And that was the main reason why John did not think that today was perfect. He was married to a woman he no longer loved, best friend of the man he loved instead, and had never found the guts to tell at least one of them the truth.
How perfect is that!
I just have one little Britpick- which is the word 'sweaters' which should be'jumpers'- but otherwise, a perfect, romantic and lovely tale which engaged me right through. Well done!
Last edited by NotYourHousekeeperDear (December 16, 2014 7:33 am)
Posted by La Jolie December 16, 2014 8:05 am | #388 |
Loads of Johnlock fics have John and Sherlock being surprisingly proficient at all the relationship stuff all of a sudden, and it always grates. I thought it was very IC and very refreshing and also very touching how in this one, they really aren't. Sherlock literally offlines for HOURS on being told by John that he loves him? Absurd, but yes, how else would he react to such news? (I love the exchange about "who else did Mary shoot lately?", too.)
And Mycroft Holmes, matchmaker. Who would have thought he had it in him?
I love the entire scene between Sherlock and Mycroft in 221B - by far my favourite. So many good lines!
"Getting advice from Mycroft was a hateful thing in general. Getting good advice from Mycroft regarding his love life was unbearable."
And then Mycroft dragging Sherlock back to the hospital by his ear to take care of John. Hilarious.
More favourite lines.
"He had moved that chair to another room, so he would not be reminded of John's absence every day. But that had only left a John's-chair-shaped hole in the fabric of the room."
"For some reason, John was the only person in the world who could state the obvious without driving Sherlock insane. Probably because Sherlock loved the sound of his voice."
And finally, three cheers for Mrs Hudson! I'm not fond of Evil Mary, really not, but this was one of the best resolutions to an Evil Mary scenario that I've ever seen!
Well done, unknown author!
Posted by mrshouse December 16, 2014 8:20 am | #389 |
All they needed
What a heartwarming and lovely story! First I have to agree with La Jolie, the two boys being too at ease with their feelings and rise of physical desires does not always work in fan fiction. In my head canon both of them must be hellish confused about it, and that exactly was very nicely done here. Nice nods to my favorite scene from TSOT....
I liked very much how you showed that shooting each other causes serious harm, both physically and mentally, that was way more plausible handled than in the BBC canon.
My favorite quote would also be: "That had only left a john-chair-shaped hole in the texture of the room."
Posted by silverblaze December 16, 2014 10:49 am | #390 |
All they needed
Wow, another beautifully written fic. I'm not into evil Mary fics either but this one was so skillfully made that I still really enjoyed it. The characters were so IC, especially Sherlock with the lists of pros and cons and then him fleeing to his mind palace. Mrs. Hudson sounded exactly like in the series, I could completely imagine Moftiss writing a line like that for her. And Mary in the beginning, I could completely see Amanda acting that.
Only one tiny thing: Mycroft as a matchmaker? Really? But then Mycroft as a handy plot device is very IC indeed! And his voice was so good. I loved how you comined the superficial sarcasm with the deeper caring underneath. When I read 'trouble in paradise' I heard Mark's voice in my head.
My favorite part: the dialogues. They're so realistic, like how real people would speak. I loved how the writer showed the difference between what the characters say and what they feel inside.
Nice, really nice.
Posted by La Jolie December 16, 2014 10:56 am | #391 |
silverblaze wrote:
Only one tiny thing: Mycroft as a matchmaker? Really? But then Mycroft as a handy plot device is very IC indeed! And his voice was so good. I loved how you comined the superficial sarcasm with the deeper caring underneath. When I read 'trouble in paradise' I heard Mark's voice in my head.
I felt the same - "Really?"
But then, explicit Johnlock is not the most likely thing we'll ever see in the actual show, so once you suspend disbelief and actually find it possible to picture Sherlock and John naked on the carpet in front of the fireplace (erm - can I say that, or is it too explicit already?) , it's quite possible for Mycroft to give them their blessing, too. He WANTS his brother to be alright, after all!
And I agree that "trouble in paradise" is a great line for Mycroft/Mark!!!
Last edited by La Jolie (December 16, 2014 10:57 am)
Posted by SolarSystem December 16, 2014 11:25 am | #392 |
Dear unknown author,
thank you so very, very much for that lovely fic about Sherlock and John and how they, uhm, end up together in front of the fireplace. When I mentioned the fireplace in my prompt I thought of various scenarios (and I hoped you wouldn't give me something like we did see CAM do in HLV... ), and I love how you repeatedly returned to it. Starting with Sherlock and Mary trying to get a fire going up until, you know...
I love how in the beginning you seemed to ignore one of my deal breakers - ParentLock - only to give me something that was kind of ParentLock but at the same time wasn't ParentLock at all - or at least it didn't feel like ParentLock to me. And you actually really got me with all that talk about how Sherlock and Mary get along so well and are good friends... it was great how you then let us have a look into Sherlock's thoughts.
I could go on and on. I loved your Mycroft and could really hear his voice when I read the dialogue. And I agree with what silverblaze already mentioned, the dialogue was great, not just Mycroft's but the dialogue of all of them.
Sherlock and John and how they finally admit their feelings for one another... it felt absolutely believable and warm and heartbreaking and also funny to me.
And there a lot of sentences I loved, but let me just mention this one, because it made laugh and go "Yes! Yes! Yes!" and "Aawww..." all at the same time:
"This is unacceptable, brother", Mycroft hissed. "Your cowardice prevents John from healing properly. Get over your childish little trauma and talk to him!"
So thanks again, dear author... and let me know once the more explicit version can be read over at the Archive!
Posted by mrshouse December 16, 2014 11:39 am | #393 |
Me too, please!
Posted by mrshouse December 16, 2014 11:46 am | #394 |
La Jolie wrote:
silverblaze wrote:
Only one tiny thing: Mycroft as a matchmaker? Really? But then Mycroft as a handy plot device is very IC indeed! And his voice was so good. I loved how you comined the superficial sarcasm with the deeper caring underneath. When I read 'trouble in paradise' I heard Mark's voice in my head.
I felt the same - "Really?"
But then, explicit Johnlock is not the most likely thing we'll ever see in the actual show, so once you suspend disbelief and actually find it possible to picture Sherlock and John naked on the carpet in front of the fireplace (erm - can I say that, or is it too explicit already?) , it's quite possible for Mycroft to give them their blessing, too. He WANTS his brother to be alright, after all!
And I agree that "trouble in paradise" is a great line for Mycroft/Mark!!!
There are a couple of fanfics actually, where Mycroft playa the part of a somehow weird cupid. Well, in a Mycroft-way. The most squishy part I read in " Albion and the woodsman" ( which I found very sweet), where there is a Mycroft who drops by every single day to visit Albion....Naaah, that's not him. And I don't like the Johnlock somehow over sweetly combined with Mystrade and the we have a happy gay foursome. Ugh.
Posted by silverblaze December 16, 2014 1:38 pm | #395 |
Ah, but that's the reason! Matchmaker!Mycroft is already in a relationship, that's why he was more emotionally developed. Sherlock simply doesn't know about it because Mycroft keeps it a secret. Too ashamed to admit that he might have these dreadful things called 'feelings' but changed nontheless. There, solved it!
Let me make it clear that I wasn't critisizing the writer. I think this was an absolutely wonderful fic, written with great skill. And it even sold to me tropes I normally don't care for.
Posted by mrshouse December 16, 2014 2:04 pm | #396 |
Nono, never assumed you did criticism there. And that's an experience that I make as well, having fun with things that usually are not your cup of tea. Or having a row with a trope you don't like yourself while writing to give someone else a nice surprise, well not to a tortuous extent. The stories are written with very much love.
Posted by La Jolie December 16, 2014 2:24 pm | #397 |
silverblaze wrote:
Matchmaker!Mycroft is already in a relationship, that's why he was more emotionally developed. Sherlock simply doesn't know about it because Mycroft keeps it a secret.
LOL, that's a brilliant explanation.
Seriously, why are we discussing Mycroft's love life?
I usually find MyAnything absolutely inconceivable.
Make that MyAnyONE. Sorry. Didn't want to sound even more disturbing that I meant to.
Last edited by La Jolie (December 16, 2014 2:29 pm)
Posted by SusiGo December 16, 2014 2:34 pm | #398 |
All they needed
Thank you for the lovely fic, unknown author, this was just what I needed today. No idea if it was deliberate but Sherlock and John making love in front of the fireplace for me definitely cast out the Magnussen demons.
And I think that Mycroft being trying to bring and keep Sherlock and John together is very much in accordance with the show. From the beginning Mycroft appreciates John being there for Sherlock and shows his trust in John again and again.
And I forgot my favourite thing - BAMF! Mrs Hudson - yeah!
Last edited by SusiGo (December 16, 2014 7:19 pm)
Posted by silverblaze December 16, 2014 2:47 pm | #399 |
La Jolie wrote:
I usually find MyAnything absolutely inconceivable.
Make that MyAnyONE. Sorry. Didn't want to sound even more disturbing that I meant to.
Heheheh. I was actually inspired to write a Mystrade story, because of this thread. I like Mystrade just because it's so absolutely inconceivable. Making it work.... not so easy though.
Posted by stoertebeker December 16, 2014 8:06 pm | #400 |
I am terribly behind with reading and reviewing. But I want at least leave a few sentences for all those wonderful fics we had in the last couple of days.
Bump in the Night
Oh my! What a ridiculous story! But I mean ridiculous in a very very positive way. What a brilliant idea for a quite tricky prompt. The story was so much fun to read with the ghostbusting girl-group and the slightly hormone-driven teenage brother, who still happened to be the most reasonable of the whole party
The characterizations were wonderful and all the little details about Sherlock's past especially the Turing reference well-conceived. I enjoyed the story a lot and would really like to read a sequel. Please, unknown author?
Nothing’s going to change?
Very exciting story. I like those storylines where Sherlock and/or John discovers their feeling towards the other one in a critical situation. The tension was very well described and the idea of John's encoded message was very good. I loved the part with the Celtic amulet, especially at the end of the story
I loved the perspective of the story. Mycroft was so well characterized and I was really mesmerised by how the story developed. When I read the first paragraph I hoped that it would be the grave of the third brother but couldn't be sure until the end. The microphone in Sherlock's coat was a very clever idea to keep Mycroft's perspective and still joining Sherlock and John in their doings.The conversation between Sherlock and Mycroft at the end and especially the last sentence of the story was very moving. Thank you, unknown author.
Something Precious
I am lost of words. This was definitly one of the best series-3-fix-it stories I read so far As other's have already mentioned, the story covered nearly every unresolved part of HLV. The emotion's of Sherlock and John are so beautiful descripted, especially Sherlock's POV The way you brought Harry into the story was wonderful and I liked her character very much. I don't see Mary as a negative person therefore I sometimes have difficulties when she is characterized in stories in a mean way. But it was plausible and believable here. The ending was wonderful, funny ("feck the nurse", "No way...") and heartwarming Many many kudos.
I will comment on the other stories as soon as I read them.
Last edited by stoertebeker (December 16, 2014 8:07 pm)