OMG it’s my turn!
*bounces up and down excitedly*
How Sherlock Holmes met Greg Lestrade
I totally loved this! Loved the characterisation for both of them. Sherlock as a full-blown junkie really is disturbing, but only realistic. Muddy parks and seedy public toilets. Nasty nasty nasty. Gotta love/hate “Lockie”. You can tell what a wreck he must have been to tolerate that! I also love that he tries to look neat but totally fails. In need of a dry clean indeed, not just the coat!
I love how it isn't “love at first sight” between Sherlock and Greg, but merely an arrangement for mutual gain, at first. I thought it was very clever and very IC how Sherlock sees through Greg's attempt to force him to cooperate straight away, and turns the tables on him with all those clever deductions about Greg's work situation and marital trouble, making it look as if it's really Greg who depends on Sherlock's goodwill, but then Greg turns the tables on him again by making it a condition for their cooperation that Sherlock stays clean, and there's absolutely nothing Sherlock can do against that, because Greg is simply RIGHT. Very cleverly plotted, and made me want to cheer Greg on!
We all agree that John deserves endless praise for keeping Sherlock right (including clean) all the time, but it makes me really happy to see the man who kept Sherlock alive until John ever came along get some credit, too!
And I really want to hug Greg and slap that awful wife of his. How can you possibly be married to Greg Lestrade and not realise how damn lucky you are???
I totally loved the deductions. It’s not so hard to come with unexplained ones (like the notorious lower third of the doorhandle of a Chinese restaurant), but it’s REALLY hard to write explained ones that actually stand up to their explanation, and these ALL do. Amazingly well done!
Favourite lines? Difficult, so many to choose from!
“Jesus Christ.” - “No. Sherlock Holmes.”
- LOL!
“Jesus Christ.” - “Nope. The window cleaner.”
- LOL again!
and basically everything else when Sherlock is being so wonderfully, annoyingly immodest.
“Yeah, why doesn’t that surprise me,” Lestrade sighed, rubbing his eyes. “God, I can’t believe I’m even considering this. Why am I even considering this?”
- That's just so Greg!
And my absolute favourite:
“Those things’ll kill you, y’know.”
- because this is such a lovely touch, to make that line in TEH an echo of the first thing Greg ever said to Sherlock, all those years before. Goosebumps all over!
I totally agree with Silverblaze that I don’t want it to be over – I’d love to see their relationship develop into the mutual esteem and affection that we see later on. There’s already a hint of that famous closing scene of “Casablanca” in this, with the police officer and the cynic in the long coat celebrating the beginning of their beautiful friendship, but they don’t walk off into the sunset together in this, not yet, and I’d love to read what it took to make it work. Any chance of a sequel???
So, to conclude, unknown author, thank you for a LOVELY take on a classic (I know the prompt wasn’t terribly original). I don’t mind telling you that I’ve read quite a few fics with the same scenario, and most of them have drugs and deductions, but none of them have even come close to what I really wanted to see. Well, no need to go on looking now! You’ve just given me a wonderful new piece of head canon for Christmas. Thank you again!