Liberty wrote:
Fantastic episode last night - another of my favourites! The writer, Jamie Matheson, did a great AMA on Reddit after the show.
That's cool, hadn't seen his… thanks! Also neat to hear the tough back-and-forth that is being a tv writer, especially with him starting much more complicated, and how great Steven was at making him simplify (you do only have 45 minutes, after all), and slowly making his way up to a show like DW. Absolutely wonderful, tight, quick-moving episode, with the usual twists and several awesome references.
That said…
Loved the change of scene (finally, space again! and on a historically classic/themed train, no less!) Loved all the episode/past Doctor references (did you get them?
). Loved keeping it creative, what with being in an enclosed hard-to-hide-in space, of only the victim being able to see the monster. Usual good show on Capaldi's part of the intellectual/harsher Doctor.
Only wasn't so crazy about a story quirk some episode's structure falls into, with letting the viewer have very little ideas to figure how the problem was going to be 'solved', then wham, all of the sudden the hero has an epiphany of just the right info, somehow, near the end, and it's all over. Granted, kind of cool in a twisted way to come up with the 'evil computer assembling a monster-fixing team'. Don't suppose those who died went to "Heaven"…..

And after last episode's emotional weight (we didn't really discuss Kill The Moon's twistiness with that, did we?) it was also a little bit of whiplash to have Clara (understandably, I felt) take a breather to come to terms with things, then want a last moment to end things with. And is promptly nudged by very truthful comments from Maisie/Doctor about why she really jumped back in the TARDIS, get disturbed by the Doctor's harshness again, realize oh yeah, he really does care, he's just harsh about it, then giggle and go 'oh, sorry about that, I just had an emotion, no need to discuss things, let's go see more!' Anyone else feel that was awfully quick? And right after talking otherwise with Danny! And almost like they're doing a bit of a rollercoaster with her as a point about how it affects the life of those who follow the Doctor, and leading up to a definite 'goodbye' when something worse forces her to choose again?
Last edited by Russell (October 13, 2014 6:07 am)