Posted by Smoggy_London_Air ![]() July 5, 2012 4:04 am | #1 |
So, judging by your physical appearance, your clothes, your accessories, and if he had the opportunity to make a good rummage through your handbag/purse (man purse, for the male members of this forum), what do you think Sherlock would deduce about you, both flattering and unflattering? You can go one at a time and discuss with everyone else or just dump everything in one post. It's up to you.
1. From my callused fingertips he would get that I'm a strings player. From the radius of the pressure marks on my neck he would be able to deduce it's a viola.
2. From the rust stains on my watch he would be able to tell that I'm a former swimmer.
Posted by SusiGo ![]() July 5, 2012 7:08 am | #2 |
Well, let me start with my study.
1. From my computer keyboard he would deduce that I'm probably German as the E and the N keys are the most worn. Both letters are among the most frequent in German.
2. He would see at one glance that I am left-handed because my mouse is placed on the left side of the desk.
3. From my shelves he would deduce that I have an eclectic taste in books reaching from Marguerite Duras via Elizabeth George to Umberto Eco.
4. The mass of dictionaries would tell him I'm a translator for English and French but there are more English one so French isn't my greatest passion.
5. From the DVD shelf - well, this is a bit awkward now - he would deduce who my favourite actors are (RDJ, Sebastian Koch, Peter O'Toole, Kenneth Branagh and that English guy with the funny name everyone's joking about).
I suppose there's much more but my translation's waiting.
Posted by Smoggy_London_Air ![]() July 5, 2012 2:31 pm | #3 |
SusiGo wrote:
Well, let me start with my study.
1. From my computer keyboard he would deduce that I'm probably German as the E and the N keys are the most worn. Both letters are among the most frequent in German.
Do you guys use a different keyboard than QWERTY? I know that the French use AZERTY, but they're a romance language so I'd imagine German would be different.
Posted by SusiGo ![]() July 5, 2012 2:41 pm | #4 |
We use QWERTZ. And of course we have keys for special German letters like ä, ö, ü (ae, oe, ue) and ß. When I had to write mails in England I was constantly looking for the right keys. Normally I'm touch-typing but not on a "foreign" keyboard.
Posted by Dramagod ![]() July 5, 2012 2:44 pm | #5 |
This is an interesting thread.
If he were to come to my flat...
He'd notice the tribal tattoo on my wrist, my long hair and my acoustic guitar and know I'm probably in a band. The acoustic means pop music, but the tattoo says rock or heavy. He'd take a glimpse of my shelf containing 600 DVDs and would know I like movies. He'd look at them more closely and realise I like all genres and that I have a helluva good taste. He'd see my six videogame consoles and would know I like playing videogames. The NES means I like retrogaming as well and that I'm not a graphics whore. My old TV, old DVD player and VHS would mean I'm not a hi-fi nut. He'd take a look at my bookshelf, notice the many books by Timothy Zahn, Terry Prathett and Orson Scott Card and realise I like fantasy and sci-fi. He would pick up the Sherlock short story collection with Jeremy Brett on the cover and he'd shout "wrong!". He'd look into my fridge and see nothing but butter, eggs and a bottle of water and realise I'm a lazy shopper and buy food only for a day or two at at time at most. He'd take a look at me, and would know I'm not starving because I'm no skinny lad. He'd take a look at my walls and notice there are no paintings or posters, then he'd look into my closet and notice tons of posters rolled up and he'd know I'm just too lazy a person to put them on walls. He'd see no touch of a woman in the room, and no drawer saved for woman's things or a second toothbrush and he'd know I'm a single man. He'd notice the photographs and greeting cards on my fridge and he'd know friends are important to me. He'd take a good look at me, he'd go "boring" and I'd hear the door close behind him.
Last edited by Dramagod (July 5, 2012 2:48 pm)
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 3:11 pm | #6 |
Ooh, I like this. (Even though he'd take one look at me and go BORING)
Lets see, from my hair he would be able to see that I am not a natural redhead, but that the hair dye is close enough to my real colour that it's obvious that I was recovering from another, more drastic dye job, probably black or blue. More likely blue since there's still evidence of pink streaks at the back of my neck. He'd be able to tel I have both cats and dogs from the hair on my clothes and that I'm not a professional because it's obvious I don't bother brushing it off anymore. From my tummy he could see that I am a mother, probably a cesarean because of the flop that comes with cut muscles, so stay at home mother. There is an indent in my left ring finger, but no ring, coupled with the fact I wear no other jewellery, I probably took it off to do some cleaning and never put it back on, but I've been married at least 7 years because the indent is there, when it's obviously been awhile since I've taken it off. From my fingers he could see I'm a nervous sort, cuticles mangled but I try to hide it because my nails are semi long. Perhaps just that I've been under a lot of stress the last few weeks, which he would be correct in BECAUSE HE THREW HIMSELF OFF A BUILDING!
Posted by KeepersPrice ![]() July 5, 2012 3:16 pm | #7 |
If you want to see what Sherlock deduced about this "ugly American" over the 4th of July you can read about "The Great KP Pillow Caper" on the "National Stereotype" thread (post #89); however, since that was a spoof, here's something a little more realistic.
He would take a look at my house and deduce that I live with a messy, absent-minded, classical guitar playing, music professor husband.
He would deduce from all the choral music and solo wedding and funeral music collections I have that I sing.
He would see from my books and CD's that I like detective stories (and detectives!), some Science Fiction and classical music of the Romantic Period up through modern.
He might see from pictures that I've been in a number of amateur plays and that I have a beautiful daughter who luckily doesn't look a thing like me. He might even question her "maternity"
He would see that I am conscientious and kindly animal lover because there's an elderly diabetic cat who needs an insulin shot twice a day - thereby, hampering any chance for real freedom.
From my clothes closet he would see that I have a job in a professional capacity and need to project that image at work; however, he would also see that this job does not pay me all that well because some of these clothes have been hanging around for awhile. He might also deduce from this that I hate to shop. - so very true!
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 3:23 pm | #8 |
My shoes are heeled sandals, so insecure about her height. But they are Danskos, so hip or back problems. (hip from things not settling after pregnancy). Many visible tattoos (unless we're in London, in which case, none) so a fan of art. None having any noticeable connection to each other so they must have some personal significance. Although I'd be interested to see him work out the reasons for the octopus on my shoulder/arm/neck. *snort*
No purse or handbag, so not high maintenance (although i daresay that would have been easily figured out by the abundance of cat/dog hair.) Instead a wallet with Happy Bunny on it, so...clinging to childhood things. (I do wonder) At which point my phone would ring out the Welcome to London music and he'd know I was a fan. Then, because this is me and my luck, I'd get a text, with the Adler moan at which point he'd probably start getting up and backing away slowly
Posted by Mattlocked ![]() July 5, 2012 3:35 pm | #9 |
Hm. ... from my way of clothing he would see that I don't care so much about fashion, mostly it's jeans and shirt. Maybe he would notice that fashion is not so easy for me, because I'm quite tall, so usual clothings for females are often too short.
He would also notice not much make-up. No wrist-watch. But a inside-polished wedding-ring, which of course means that I take it off quite often. But not because of my number of lovers: I'm working with clay in my freetime. What he could probably see when he takes a closer look to my fingernails. Where he also would find soil from time to time.
He would find a quite chaotic house. Cat hair, books (most from the library) and magazines everywhere. He'll find a Snape poster on my wall and Harry Potter as books and DVDs in the shelf. Together with all Alan-Rickman-movies I could get so far.
He'll find pencils and heaps of paper everywhere so he sees that I like drawing.
He'll find a dusty bike in the garage.
Also a dusty guitar and a dusty bodhran in the livingroom. Tried a bit, but didn't manage.
Looking into the kitchen he would always find joghurt, ice and cheese in the fridge and spaghetti in the cupboard.
He'll find not many Sherlock-things in the house, but regarding to that he'd have to come again later.
Last edited by Mattlocked (July 5, 2012 3:37 pm)
Posted by Molly Hooper ![]() July 5, 2012 4:31 pm | #10 |
I'll do my school uniform first because that's what I've been wearing;
He'd see my skirt was covered in white cat hair, so has a cat,
My hair is a frizz-bomb so, doesn't care about looks. But I'm always faffing with it so maybe does care but never gets round to anything,
I permanently have huge, green bags under my eyes, so doesn't sleep much.
My shoes are pretty large but far too small for me, they're relatively new, bought small shoes on purpose to disguise huge feet!
The soles of my shoes have worn in strange places so has flat-ish feet.
I have faded ink marks over my hands with reminders about homework so probably skatty.
Typical, boring schoolgirl, next!
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 4:38 pm | #11 |
Molly Hooper wrote:
I'll do my school uniform first because that's what I've been wearing;
He'd see my skirt was covered in white cat hair, so has a cat,
My hair is a frizz-bomb so, doesn't care about looks. But I'm always faffing with it so maybe does care but never gets round to anything,
I permanently have huge, green bags under my eyes, so doesn't sleep much.
My shoes are pretty large but far too small for me, they're relatively new, bought small shoes on purpose to disguise huge feet!
The soles of my shoes have worn in strange places so has flat-ish feet.
I have faded ink marks over my hands with reminders about homework so probably skatty.
Typical, boring schoolgirl, next!
I'm sorry, but the line about the shoes had me thinking about Jen from IT Crowd when she bought those shoes that were so small that they made her feet go all funny
Posted by KeepersPrice ![]() July 5, 2012 4:47 pm | #12 |
Molly Hooper wrote:
My shoes are pretty large but far too small for me, they're relatively new, bought small shoes on purpose to disguise huge feet!
Awww Molly, I don't really believe it, but if your feet are as large as you say they are, then I bet you could get a really great part in the next Hobbit movie - perhaps Bilbo Baggins's love interest
See, there's always an up-side to everything.
Posted by Molly Hooper ![]() July 5, 2012 4:59 pm | #13 |
@KP Thanks, if my other careers don't worj out I'll keep that in mind!
@BBE OMG! I LOVE IT crowd, I'm so glad I've found some-one lese who knows abou it!!
That was the Golf episode, right?
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 5:05 pm | #14 |
Molly Hooper wrote:
@KP Thanks, if my other careers don't worj out I'll keep that in mind!
@BBE OMG! I LOVE IT crowd, I'm so glad I've found some-one lese who knows abou it!!
That was the Golf episode, right?
Have you seen the gif with Sherlock and Moriarty at the pool, where Moriarty answers his phone with "Hello IT. Have you tried turning it off and back on again"??? I squealed in all my fangirly happy )
Posted by Molly Hooper ![]() July 5, 2012 5:11 pm | #15 |
No, Get me a link PLEASE!!!
4, no 5, no FIRE!
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 6:04 pm | #16 |
Right away M'dear! And the one with the kissing by the bins? They did that to Sherlock and Watson...*snort* Hang on I'll find them both for you )
Posted by imane nikko ![]() July 5, 2012 6:10 pm | #17 |
I wish Sherlock really existed, because I'm sure he could see some things I have no idea about.
But this is what I can think of: he'd know I work indoors because I'm pale. He'd know it wasn't hand work, because my nails are too long. They're filed but unpolished, so he'd know I make some attempt to be presentable but can't be bothered to spend too much time on maintenance. No makeup, so he'd know that my job doesn't require a highly professional appearance. I don't wear much jewelry, so most days no clues there. But on the days I do wear something he'd be able to guess where I've traveled, since I like necklaces as souvenirs. From the callus on my right middle finger he'd know I'm right handed and enjoy writing longhand. On some days there are ink stains, and he'd be able to identify walnut ink (naturally) and deduce from that that I am interested in calligraphy or pen sketching. From the scars on my left hand, he'd know I've also done some kind of work or project that involves short knives or exacto blades, but that I haven't cut myself recently, so either I've lost interest or become more careful.
If he had access to where I live, of course, he'd know simply everything. :D
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 6:17 pm | #18 |
Molly Hooper wrote:
No, Get me a link PLEASE!!!
4, no 5, no FIRE!
I have it saved on my laptop, but I cannot for my life find a link to it, just the photo. How do I post one of THOSE?!
Posted by Sammy ![]() July 5, 2012 6:35 pm | #19 |
I can help you with those gifs:
Posted by BrightBlueEyes ![]() July 5, 2012 6:37 pm | #20 |
Yes! That's the one. Now...any idea where the one with the dumpsters is???