Theory about Sherlock and CAM

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Posted by MarFL
April 15, 2014 12:55 am

Hello all...I'm a new user/Sherlock fan from Florida and would like to find out if anyone else has this theory about Sherlock and the shooting of CAM.

I don't think Sherlock murdered CAM.  I think he "somehow/someway" found a way to make a diffuser for John's gun and SURGICALLY buried a bullet in the hippocampus section of CAM's brain.  Personally, I'm rooting that CAM is not dead. He may be brain-dead, but I would prefer a man with a bullet lodged in his brain...and who can't remember anything.  That would solve two problems for me:
1. Sherlock would not be a murderer
2. CAM--the uber bragger about his mind palace--would not be able to use his memory to hurt people any more.

Sherlock confirmed with John that he had brought his gun. He would know the make/model and therefore, the firing attributes of the weapon.  Why does he make John take the finger flicking insult from CAM? I think he is stalling for time while subtlely building the diffuser from whatever he could pick up in Appledore. This idea of a surgical shooting that does not result in a death would tie in with the surgical shooting of Sherlock by Mary.

Thank you for letting me share. Everyone else I've told this theory to thinks I'm silly.  But I just can't bear the thought of our brilliant Sherlock being a common murderer.  How mundane.

Last edited by MarFL (April 15, 2014 9:24 pm)

Posted by SherlocklivesinOH
April 15, 2014 2:05 am

Something's up with the text color...

...but you make a good point: Sherlock's own near-death foreshadows that the same could be possible for CAM. It has been said Mary purposely shot Sherlock so as NOT to kill him (I think that's thin), and I never before thought maybe that's what he did to CAM.

I thought maybe the bullet was something weird...some tranquilizer bullet invented by Billy?

There's another thread about CAM being in cahoots with Sherlock to fake his death (since, after all, Sherlock's known to be good at that.)

Because I think CAM actually appeared to be stupid when it came to his personal, physical security: he made himself accessible to his blackmail victims physically, and some of them were known to be willing and able to kill. That applies to all FOUR of Team Holmes-Watson, actually (they're all willing to kill under some circumstances, albeit differing ones.)

So, maybe CAM had more up his sleeve for protecting himself...

Because, yeah, we can't leave Sherlock as a murderer...did you notice how the end of Season 3 put us right back to the end of Season 2?

After seeing Moriarty "bring Sherlock down" only to discover Sherlock had been playing HIM all along, I have significant confidence that Sherlock had something up his sleeve in dealing with CAM, such that his apparent murder of CAM is not what it seemed.

Last edited by SherlocklivesinOH (April 15, 2014 2:07 am)

Posted by tobeornot221b
April 15, 2014 4:16 am

So, having taken inspiration from Mary's surgical shooting would add a new dimension to Sherlock saying: "She saved my life."

John: "Have you spoken to Mycroft, Molly, uh, anyone?"
Mrs Hudson: "They don’t matter. You do."


Posted by lil
April 15, 2014 4:33 pm

I don't think Mycroft would of called Sherlock a murderer if Magnusson was alive or that Sherlock would have been punished so severely.
BC did say he thought Sherlock killed Magnusson because he beat him.

Posted by Arabella Trefoil
April 15, 2014 10:41 pm

Magnusson is dead. The rest of the series pivots on Sherlock's decision to shoot Magnussun in the head. This happened after Sherlock was shot in the heart. We now have to deal with the head/heart dichotomy. This theme is woven through all three series. And Mycroft has a lot of backstory to reveal too.

Remember Lestrade told John in the first episode "Sherlock Holmes is a great man and if we're lucky he'll be a good man." (paraphrase)

Plus I think that they will have a hard time getting that superb Danish actor back again. As it is they have to juggle several actors' other committments. Maybe Magnussen will pop up in a Mind Palace cameo, but I sincerely hope I never see Magnussen and his  body secretions again. Even Moriariarty drooling into Sherlock's mouth in the Mind Palace scene in HLV was not as revolting as Magnussen's sweaty hands and saliva spreading.  Ugh! Stay dead, please.



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