So, I wanted to discuss what people thought about the visual imagery in Sherlock's Mind Palace. It was so complex and beautifully layered that it just begs for deeper analysis.
I saw Molly (and to a lesser extent, Anderson) as representing the forensic side of his thinking, and Mycroft the rational side. They aren't leading him, as such...they are him. Avatars, if you will...given form to organize his thoughts in those moments. One part of him is panicking, and his more rational thoughts are telling him to get a grip and think about it. Moriarty, to me, was the stuff he keeps locked away, deep down inside. I know some people think he represents death, but it's clearly Sherlock still thinking, so that doesn't quite make sense to me. More like his primal nature, I would suppose. The very basic instincts. "Just die, it's easier" what your very core would say when the pain is too much. Hence the visualization of him going down, down the staircase as he loses consciousness, then fighting his way back up when he realizes that John is in danger.
Molly was the forensic side, dissecting every bit of information and making analyses about them. That he would make her the representation of those thoughts in those moments shows the high regard in which he holds her. Mycroft, as always, is rational, cold unfeeling logic; and, unsurprisingly, makes Sherlock feel like an inadequate child in comparison. Moriarty represents all of those subconscious thoughts and feelings, chained away and beaten to keep from ever coming out.
He starts out deducing everything about his situation, only to go down further into fear, pain and shock. The use of color (blinding white light in panic situations to blues, greens and reds representing different feelings at the time) as well as imagery (the staircase, the hallway full of doors, the padded cell) just make this an absolutely amazing sequence that probably has done more for illuminating Sherlock's character than anything before it, and probably anything to come after.
What are your thoughts?
Last edited by sj4iy (January 14, 2014 4:33 am)