Sorry.... I need to remember how to breathe again................................................
Anyway, I'll have to watch it again (above all because my son called me at one moment, I went to his bedroom when Sherlock was practically getting violent towards Mycroft and when I came back, Sherlock had a girlfriend, lol. Thank God I had read the canon last night or I would have been very very confused! )
When we saw a woman threatening CAM, I knew it was Mary. I said it again on here not later than a couple of hours ago, I knew something was very wrong about her and I suspecter her to be the next big villain. Well, I wasn't that far, in the end! I have to watch it again to understand clearly what was her motive, but I found it hard afterwards to feel sympathy for her, even if she's not as bad as she could have easily killed Sherlock if she wanted to, and she really seems to care about John. Yet I think he forgives her a bit too easily. Maybe that's just me. And I'll probably sound very cruel, but I just can't bring myself thinking of John becoming a dad, it's just... i don't know... too far from canon... so yeah, it's awful but I wish it's not gonna happen. (is she gonna be Moriarty's new target???)
Moriarty. Talking about him. That, on the other hand, was a really surprise! I think my mouth dropped open and stayed like that quite a long time. This was probably the last thing I was expecting!
Otherwise, to make it short, I spent the whole episode totally tense, with my hands clutching at the arm of my sofa. Especially when Sherlock got shot but above all, above all... when he shot Magnussen, and that Mycroft took off his headphones (or whatever you call that) and said "oh sherlock, what have you done?" and that "little Sherlock" is seen crying. Yes, that, Kid Sherlock, that was beautifully done, that and everything that went in his head: Mycroft, Molly, Anderson, Moriarty... that was AMAZING!!!
And Magnussen! God, I loved him as much as I hated him. That was a terrifying villain! And such a charisma!!
Can someone confirm (I'm not an English native) that Mycroft really said something among the lines of "Your loss would break my heart", because I'm not sure I heard it well, but if so... WOW!!!!!! They are my two favourite characters. I love their interaction, and then... "Merry christmas" "you hate christmas!" awwwww.............
The end... I still don't know what to think of Sherlock and John "goodbyes". Well, I know we already had a hug in the previous episode and that a second would have been too much (this is Sherlock, he's not a Care Bear!) but I don't know... It left me a bit bitter...
Well, that's all I can think of right now... In a word. WOW!
I think i'll need time to "cope"...