Who else is nervous/scared about His Last Vow?

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Posted by besleybean
January 11, 2014 5:40 pm

The Internet:  for good and ill!

Posted by sj4iy
January 11, 2014 5:44 pm

besleybean wrote:

The Internet:  for good and ill!

That's basically it.  You have to take the good and the bad at the same time.  There are awesome people and there are a**holes, and it's all about navigating it to the best of one's ability.

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
Posted by silverblaze
January 11, 2014 7:04 pm

sj4iy wrote:

besleybean wrote:

The Internet:  for good and ill!

That's basically it.  You have to take the good and the bad at the same time.  There are awesome people and there are a**holes, and it's all about navigating it to the best of one's ability.

Luckily the good often outweights the ill. Some people take the show a bit too seriously I guess. 

Posted by sj4iy
January 11, 2014 7:15 pm

silverblaze wrote:

sj4iy wrote:

besleybean wrote:

The Internet:  for good and ill!

That's basically it.  You have to take the good and the bad at the same time.  There are awesome people and there are a**holes, and it's all about navigating it to the best of one's ability.

Luckily the good often outweights the ill. Some people take the show a bit too seriously I guess. 

I agree.  And really, avoiding social media for a day is pretty easy to do.

__________________________________________________________________Bigby: Will you shut up?
Colin: Well, maybe if my throat wasn’t so parched, I wouldn’t have to keep talking.
Bigby: Wait, that doesn’t make se-
Coline: Just give me a drink, please.
Posted by silverblaze
January 11, 2014 7:34 pm

Punch me in the face wrote:

Yes, same here. I love Mycroft so much. Have always had and he's been my favourite character with Sherlock since the beginning, but I love him even more after those two episodes. So I guess that's why I'm scared anything happens to him. From what I've read about tomorrow's episode, all our deductions are wrong and yet there are at least one major character dying. If that follows the canon, then there's already CAM. Then I thought of Mary but her death would then be so obvious that I told myself he couldn't be her. I guess it's a death that will really affect Sherlock. So if it's not Mary (and/or her child if there's any), it can't be John because well, they just can't kill him off with a 4th season just confirmed. So my next thought is Mycroft.

My thought exactly, Mycroft is not immune. However, on my kill list it's CAM, then Mary and then Mycroft, so I still have hope. In my fantasy, Moftiss had a little conversation.

Steven: "I've got a great idea to give the people chills."
Mark: "What is it?"
Steven: "Kill you."
Mark: "..."
Steven: "What d'ya think?"
Mark: "What about we don't do that?"

Punch me in the face wrote:

As for Mary, she seems too nice to me. She can deduce Sherlock (when she says he's fibbing) proving she is very intelligent. There's the word "liar" when Sherlock deduces her. And other stuff that had had me thinking that maybe she was not as nice as she seems. That would make an interesting plot even though I still wish I'm wrong because I like her character.

But nice characters don't have to turn completely evil to become more interesting. Maybe it's something in between. However, nice characters do have a tendency to die very quickly. 

Posted by Deilenn
January 11, 2014 8:45 pm

silverblaze wrote:

Punch me in the face wrote:

Yes, same here. I love Mycroft so much. Have always had and he's been my favourite character with Sherlock since the beginning, but I love him even more after those two episodes. So I guess that's why I'm scared anything happens to him. From what I've read about tomorrow's episode, all our deductions are wrong and yet there are at least one major character dying. If that follows the canon, then there's already CAM. Then I thought of Mary but her death would then be so obvious that I told myself he couldn't be her. I guess it's a death that will really affect Sherlock. So if it's not Mary (and/or her child if there's any), it can't be John because well, they just can't kill him off with a 4th season just confirmed. So my next thought is Mycroft.

My thought exactly, Mycroft is not immune. However, on my kill list it's CAM, then Mary and then Mycroft, so I still have hope. In my fantasy, Moftiss had a little conversation.

Steven: "I've got a great idea to give the people chills."
Mark: "What is it?"
Steven: "Kill you."
Mark: "..."
Steven: "What d'ya think?"
Mark: "What about we don't do that?"

Yeah, this can be Mycroft as well... Though, I think the biggest trolling of Steven and Mark would be if nobody really died... Ha, I can picture that, they're reading the fans' theories and thoughts on the internet and they're laughing that we fall for it! 


The Road goes ever on and on...
Posted by dartmoordoggers
January 11, 2014 9:04 pm

I would be surprised if its Mycroft. No much fun in future scripts if Sherlock is always the cleverest man in the room. We also need Mycroft to bring out the child in Sherlock

Posted by silverblaze
January 12, 2014 10:42 am

I think if the Moftiss were J.K. Rowling, Mycroft would have to go. But they're not. All I know is that they can be unpredictable. First I thought Mary would be too obvious, but now I'm going back to that theory. I think the surprise may not lay in who is gonna die, the surprise is gonna come from somewhere else. 

8 hours to go. Can't wait. 

Posted by anjaH_alias
January 12, 2014 11:44 am

silverblaze wrote:

8 hours to go. Can't wait. 

For me 9,5 . My stream to the i-player is always overwhelmed during the "live"-airing. 5 minutes after the programm I can start to watch. So it will be a short night again.

Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 12:07 pm

God I feel like crying....!!

Posted by LoveIsAViciousMotivator
January 12, 2014 1:01 pm

Oh my! I can't stop shaking in anticipation! 

Posted by besleybean
January 12, 2014 2:44 pm

I am petrified.

Posted by tonnaree
January 12, 2014 3:05 pm

My tummy is in knots.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by SilverMoonDragonB
January 12, 2014 3:12 pm

tonnaree wrote:

My tummy is in knots.

Same here. My anxiety has been increasing steadily ever since I woke up this morning....where's my shock blanket???? 


Posted by Hera
January 12, 2014 3:27 pm

5 hours to go.

Posted by Ozma
January 12, 2014 4:22 pm


Posted by Hudders
January 12, 2014 5:17 pm

running around the house all day being totally scared, nervous, happy... I even cannot find words in german for my feelings right now...

Posted by tonnaree
January 12, 2014 5:21 pm

Have to make sure everything else I have to do today is done at least 30 minutes before air time.
Must have optimal viewing arrangements.

Proud President and Founder of the OSAJ.  
Honorary German  
"Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not".
 -Vaclav Havel 
"Life is full of wonder, Love is never wrong."   Melissa Ethridge

I ship it harder than Mrs. Hudson.
Posted by Sherli Bakerst
January 12, 2014 5:27 pm

The comparison to Harry Potter is very good.  Before the last book came out (I think it was the last--correct me if I'm wrong), everyone knew a major character was going to die but not who it was.  When the book was ultimately published, I avoided reading comments about it because I didn't want any spoilers.  At the time, I was a member of a worldwide education listserv and suddenly, two days after the book came out, a post that was about something else just happened to divulge at the very end which character had died.  I was furious.  I sent a nasty email to the writer of the post, castigating her for what she did--I mean, really, few working people have the time to read a 700-page novel in just two days!  So the whole experience of reading the novel was spoiled for me, as I just kept waiting to find out who was going to die, and when I finally got to that point, it wasn't such a shock anymore because I already knew it was going to happen.

This is why I don't like spoilers.  I find it much more fun to speculate and, after the fact, discuss how I/we went wrong (or perhaps right).  There are so many possibilities with HLV and I can't wait to find out what really happens.  I really appreciate that people on this board have made it very clear when they are discussing spoilers, so I can avoid them.

But, arrgh!!!  There is a live performance on TV that overlaps with the broadcast of HLV and, since I don't have a DVR or any way to record that performance, I am tempted to wait until after the first broadcast of HLV to watch it.  Does anyone know--I'm sure someone here does!--how long it takes before the episodes are available on iPlayer?  Because I'm very tempted to just wait and watch it there instead.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.  -- Helen Keller
Posted by Hudders
January 12, 2014 5:31 pm

tonnaree wrote:

Have to make sure everything else I have to do today is done at least 30 minutes before air time.
Must have optimal viewing arrangements.

LOL! I am the same. Prepared food for work tomorrow, prepared dinner, done all my laundry till late afternoon. 10 minutes before the episode starts everything has to be done for tomorrow so that there is no possibility to disturb me. My husband is just standing next to me shaking his head ;)


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