I'm one of the last to get here and I am certaily not reading the whole thread.
But here are my thoughts:
Did not want to see the Woman.
Missed Anderson.
- I should say that I am tee total and have massive issues with alcohol. I have grave concerns over binge drinking and I strongly object to any glamourisation, promotion, laughing at or in anyway condoning drunken behaviour. So I did have problems with the Stag night(and I consider the whole premise of stag nights to be vile in the extreme)....having said that:
The Stag night was hilarious and I thought handled quite well.
I wanted to stand and cheer as Sherlock opened his mouth and expressed exactly my own views about marriage, which I consider to be a largely pointless institution.
I wanted to kiss Sherlock when he expressed his atheism!
The surprise baby is nice(tho dunno what's gonna happen here)
Sherlock composing for the couple was lovely.
Molly wanting to go after Sherlock at the end was nice, tho she knew he needed to be alone.
I loved the opening, thought it was hilariousI
Oh and nice to have Sally back, plus she seems to have learned her lesson.
Mrs Hudson was cool, though:
Loved Sherlock's reaction to people talking about sex.
Loved Sherlock dancing.
Thought the spelling out of Sherlock's and John's roles was fab.
I love this new: 'that was a surprise deduction' thing.
Love the development in relationship between John and Sherlock.
Love that the soldiers survived!
Loved Archie and Sherlock's relationship with him.
Loved the court scene
Loved all of Mycroft.
Loved the fact that Sherlock reached out to John to help him
Loved Sherlock looking at John's chair I nearly cried)
Loved the fact John had to get away from the stupid wedding arrangements.
I prefererd this episdode and found it much more accessible than the 1st.
I laughed nearly all the way through and kept missing lines because of laughing!